《ayayay, jinjoo-lokal》; what am i
Yujin loncat dari duduknya. Trus panik kudu gimana,
"Ah anjir, pokoknya mereka ngga boleh ke daerah sini!" sungut Yujin.
"Tapi tetep aja, pala lu timbul?????????" Yena ngernyitin keningnya,
"Yaudah kaga ngapa, yang penting Minju ngga liat kesini!"
"Yaudah, diem dah sini"
Salahin Yena karena waktu itu keceplosan soal basecamp. Jadi Yuri yang niatnya mau ngapel sama Yena bakalan dateng ke rooftop.
Eh Yuri malah ngajak Minju—
Ya berakhir lah dengan kepanikan itu.
Yena noleh, trus senyum nyambut Yuri. "Hai, hehe"
Yuri ngeliat ke sekeliling, begitu juga Minju. Mereka berdua beneran kaget, ngga pernah terbayang dipikiran rooftop gelap itu ternyata nyembunyiin tempat pewe parah.
"Gue ga tau ternyata rooftop sekolah bisa lo ubah jadi gini?" tanya Minju, Yena nyengir doang.
Ini bikinin Yujin anying, gua bisa apa —Isaac Yena.
"Biasa, gabut" jawab Yena. Minju ngangguk doang.
"Duduk ngapa, gua cuma punya susu coklat gapapa ya?" kata Yena, Yuri sama Minju ketawa.
"Bocah gendeng minumnya susu cokelat" ledek Yuri,
"Bosen kalo mabok terus, udah diem atau gua cium?"
Minju ngerlingin matanya. Ngeliat dua insan pacaran emang bikin emosi doang.
Pandangan Minju terhenti waktu ngeliat sepucuk kepala ngebelakangin dia duduk di sofa deket pembatas.
"Yen, itu siapa?" tunjuk Minju, Yena ngedip berkali-kali.
"Oh, anu. Itu temen gua" jawab Yena,
"Dia ngga suka diganggu" lanjut Yena, Minju ngerutin alisnya.
"YA KAN, BRO?" teriak Yena,
"Eh Ju! Mau kemana?!" Yena ngalangin Minju
"Gue familiar sama suara ini, minggir" suruh Minju.
Yena panik makin-makin. Bisa modar ntar kalo Minju ngeliat Yujin. Bisa ngga dibayarin makan seminggu sama Yujin ntar.
"Siape sih, bukan kali. Suara cowo kan sama semua" elak Yena,
"Suara lo cempreng? Udah si minggir? Gue cuma mau mastiin?"
Akhirnya Minju ngedorong Yena, dan masuk ke bilik itu.
"Lo yang kemaren ngasi jaket kan?!"
"Eh! Liat siniii!" Minju jambak rambut Yujin, trus Yujin akhirnya nyerah.
"Jangan dijambaakkk!" keluh Yujin,
"Sumpah. Kita pernah ketemu kan sebelumnya?!" cecar Minju, Yujin buang nafasnya.
"Jangan teriak bisa kaga?" jata Yujin sok kalem. Padahal udah jedag jedug hatinya, skinship sama Minju. Walaupun berupa jambakan.
Yang dijambak rambut, yang rontok hati. Itulah Yujin.
"Lo sok sok-an banget nyembunyiin identitas" kata Minju nyomot kuaci dari tangan Yujin,
"Iya boleh, Minju"
Minju ketawa, "Iya gue ulangin. Tama, minta kuaci ya"
Yujin senyum.
"Panggil Yujin aja, jangan Tama" kata Yujin,
"Kenapa? Gue lebih suka Tama"
Yujin berdehem. Coba apa, bisa diulangi? Minju suka nyebut Yujin dengan panggilan Tama ya?
"Lo emang cupu dan culun, Jin. Tapi gue ngga masalah temenan sama lo" celetuk Minju,
Jari-jari tangan Yujin berhenti gerak, trus Yujin senyum kecil.
"Gua ngga mungkin jadi bagian dari kehidupan kalian kalian, karena gua bukan siapa-siapa"
Minju ngehela nafas, "Ternyata. Selain culun dan cupu, lo juga pesimis. Yah, baguslah. Pertahanin ya?"
Abis itu Minju berdiri dari sofa ninggalin Yujin.
Minju berhentiin langkahnya, trus berbalik ke Yujin.
"Gue ganti tipikal cowo gue. Gue ngga suka bajingan mulai dari sekarang"
maap maap gajadi dabel, bikos ngga ada yang nyadar dari story ini😗
salam dari nyonya kwon😗
- In Serial40 Chapters
The Patchwork Realms
Athos is a good dog. He likes frisbee, bacon, and his family (SmolFriend, Mom, and Dad). He's not so keen on falling through an interdimensional portal to a fantasy world where floating boxes tell you that you've just been given status as the 'Supreme Exemplar' of your species, a powerful package of abilities that includes human-level intelligence. Sure, being smart is nice but less so when it comes with the need to survive in a land made from bits of different dimensions stitched together like patches in a quilt. A thousand species, a thousand lands, sorcery and super science rubbing elbows, wars and intrigue everywhere...it's exhausting for a good dog who just wants to go home! Note that this is a work in progress with lots of fiddly numbers so I will occasionally need to go back and fix errors, and this might affect events of earlier chapters. I'll try to keep this to a minimum and will post a note whenever it happens. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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I'm A Professional Gamer, So How Did I Become King?
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Rise of the Undead king
Oooh queen of tombstones, let his name never be carved. Oooh king of passage may his presence always illude you. My prayers go out to you and your child, I offer you my soul and ask you as a mere woman let this one never die. So it began, my journey to become a king of undead. Will the gods be watching? ----------------------------------------------------Hey, this is my first attempt to writing a story and is initially practice.With this story I'm not yet entirely sure where to go, maybe someone else will be the zombie king. Eventually I do wish to split this story into two. I just hope who ever reads it, will enjoy some of it. Have a good day all of you. Ps. That's my cat Noesje on the picture.
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The Undead Multiwalker
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The Brutal Life Of A Delinquent
Once upon a time, in a city, was born a boy.This boy grew up to be a delinquent. Without mercy, he would beat up anyone who annoyed him.Men... Women... Children... Animals... Nature... Technology... None were safe from his wrath.His school has students with record-breaking good behavior because they are too scared of this delinquent.This delinquent was living a pretty good life from his viewpoint. But when an infamous Mafia arrives at his city and stirs up trouble at his school, what will he do?There's only one obvious answer....................... Beat every single mafia member to a bloody pulp that can never walk again.Join this Delinquent in his rampage against crime In...... The Brutal Life Of A Delinquent.(All Pics/gifs/vids/etc belong to their respective owners)This story might be... Brutal
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