《The Light of Elysium》23 - Leap of Faith


I stare in the tarnished mirror and the sickening sight of the blood-encrusted 'N' carved into my breast. My anger bubbles over and I scream in frustration at the injustice of it all. Outside, the weather is equally mercurial and the wind howls around the tower.

The servant chooses that moment to enter the room with a tray of food. Venting my ire, I grab a bowl and send it crashing against one of the windows. There is a crystalline ringing, but the glass holds and my would-be breakfast slides down the wall.

Trembling, the servant scrabbles on his knees, picking up fragments of broken crockery and cleaning up the worst of the mess.

Looking down upon him, I find myself contemptuously thinking I could easily take him out and escape this dreadful place. Knuckles whitening from their grip on the back of a chair, I rein in my emotions. No Elle, this is not the way, not at the expense of another victim.

A little later, the servant returns with a fresh bowl and places it on the table. After my earlier outburst I don't deserve it.

"Thank you. I am so sorry. This place, it's just..." I start to choke up.

Head bowed, he nods and shuffles out. I sit at the table and start eating. Aware of eyes upon me I turn to the eagle. I've decided on calling him Aquila, which is Latin for eagle, but sounds better than Mr Eagle.

"So, Aquila do you want to try porridge?"

He cocks his head, which I take as a maybe. I actually laugh, because trying to feed an eagle with a spoon is quite a messy affair. I'm so glad that I have him because I would surely go mad or fall into despair without his company.


I'm not sure how much later it is because it's difficult to gauge time, when the captain comes to collect me. Aquila hisses at him, but his efforts are scoffed at.

I am led to a different part of the castle and into a room with a large bath, where two female servants bow low. One is a young girl, dressed in the normal drab garb of servants, while the other is older and has a fitted dress in a better-quality cloth.

He shoves me towards them and instructs, "Make Lord Nero's new pet presentable."

Once the captain has left, they try to undress me and initially I fight them until the woman says that we will all be punished if I don't comply. Actually, the bath is wonderful. What I truly baulk at is the pure white dress, which screams 'virgin sacrifice'.

The tight, low cut bodice displays the now healing 'N' and the skirts are so sheer that it feels like I'm not wearing anything. Now accustomed to modest Elysium fashion, I feel exposed and vulnerable.


I am a bag of nerves by the time the captain comes and escorts me to that dreaded chamber from yesterday. Really, the place looks like a fetishist's wet dream.

Nero is sat relaxed in a carved ebony chair, bathed in candlelight from a wrought iron chandelier above him. The light doesn't reach the corners of the large room, which are filled with sinister shadows.

Crooking a finger, he beckons me closer and closer, until I'm standing between his outstretched, leather-clad legs.

Reaching out his hand, he commands, "Give me your hand."

Unable to stop the slight shake, I place my hand in his. Almost reverentially, he draws the tip of his blade across my palm and brings the cut to his mouth, closing his eyes and giving a shiver of pleasure.

Holding my hand aloft, he beckons to his captain, "Come, taste my sweet."

My stomach roils in protestation when the captain tongues the wound. Desperately casting about for something else to focus on, my eyes fall upon the carvings on the chair's armrest, which depicts writhing bodies. This place is sick.

Wrapping an arm around my waist, Nero draws me in, so that I'm forced to sit on one of his legs. With his free hand, he grabs the captain by the hair and pulls his head down.

Squashed between their bodies, I squeeze my eyes shut, but cannot block my ears and the sounds of their fervent embrace. If the situation wasn't so dire, it could almost be funny.

When the pressure eases, I risk a peek, only to find two hungry, black-eyed elves staring at me. I'm doomed.

There is a hesitant knock at the door and a voice calls out, "Sire, apologies for disturbing you, but it is Avalon. The High King demands an audience."

Nero's jaw clenches. "Very well."

Standing, he places me in the chair and with just a look makes it quite clear that I'm not to move. While Nero is gone, the captain placed his arms on the chair, caging me in and leans so close that his breath skates across my skin.

"My lord rewards those most loyal to him. I look forward to helping him break you."

I shrink back, hating how helpless I feel and wishing for a miracle. He pulls away at the sound of furious footsteps approaching. Nero grabs me by the wrist and pulls me through the secret passageway to his library.

Without a word, he turns on his heels and disappears, pulling the bookshelf back in place. Nervous, I look around the room and it is empty. Although there is the same strange feeling emanating from the mirror.

I walk towards it and hold out a tentative hand. The surface of the mirror responds, rippling like liquid metal and distorting my reflection. I don't dare to touch it and watch as the colours in the shimmering surface shift and swirl.


A sensation, like electricity runs through my veins. A humanoid figure starts to form and it, no he, beckons me closer. Finding myself unable to move away, I drop my hand to create some space between us. Inexplicably, I find myself taking first one, then another involuntary step forward.

Finally, the shifting surface settles to display a regal figure with golden-yellow eyes that bore into mine. Power rolls off of him, buffeting around me and then everything goes black as I fall unconscious.


A faint scent of mould assails my nostrils. Disorientated, I blink and am greeted by the sight of the ceiling in my tower room. The bedsprings creak and fear flashes through me, only to subside at the sight of the old man with the golden-yellow eyes.

"You must leave this place tonight," he announces rather dramatically.

"I would love to, but how?"

He leans forward slightly and holds my gaze. "Call out Resero and it will free the lock on the door. The castle exits are all well guarded, but if you can get onto the lower battlements then you can jump into the river and ..."

I interrupt him, "Hold on a moment. Jump? Are you serious?"

"Quite serious, but have faith my dear. The jump is not deadly and help will await you."

"Who are you and why should I listen to you?"

He looks momentarily perplexed at being questioned. "My name is Cosmos." He places a hand on his chest. "I can assure you that I have your best interests at heart."

"I saw a figure in a mirror, with eyes like yours," I mention cagily.

"That is the High King of Elysium." He sighs. "I will tell you all in time Elissa, but for now we must focus on keeping you away from him."

"Can I free Aquila too?" I point to the cage where the eagle is sleeping.

Cosmos strokes his white beard thoughtfully, taking his time before responding, "Break the pixie ring and it should give you the strength that you need."

I touch the tiny coil of rope nestled around my little finger. Leaf gave it to me and I don't want to break it, but it is a necessary sacrifice.

Awaking for real this time, I leap out of bed. If there is a way out of this hellhole, I'm going to take it.

Aquila blinks at me owlishly as I hurriedly pack. Then closing my eyes, I silently chant, Please let this work, please let this work.

With a pang of sadness, I break the pixie rope and, in as confident voice as I can muster, call out Resero.

The sound of clicking echoes around the room.

Opening my eyes, I find that a seam has appeared on Aquila's cage. Inserting my fingers into the gap, I lever open a section, creating an eagle sized hole. He hops out onto the table and ruffles his wings.

Moving over to the nearest window, I open it wide and allow cool, sweet night air to flood the room. Aquila jumps up onto the window ledge, but looks back at me, seemingly reticent to leave.

"Please Aquila," I urge, "Fly free."

He bows his head, as if in acknowledgement, before launching out of the window, stretching out his huge wings and gliding off into the night. I watch for a moment feeling elated, then hurry over to the door.

I take a steadying breath before trying the handle, excitement and nerves churning in my stomach. It opens! Barefoot, so as not to make any noise, I run down the cold stone stairs to the door at the bottom.

Ear pressed against the wood, I listen for any sign of life in the corridor beyond. Hearing nothing bar the abnormally loud drumming of my heart, I try the handle. It is locked. Despondent to have gotten so close, I flop onto the lowest step, tears brimming in my eyes.

With nothing to lose, I call out Resero and am rewarded by the snick of the lock releasing. Heart in my mouth, I open the door and peek out. Relief floods my system to find the corridor empty. The main stairway to Nero's rooms is to the right, so I go left.

Just as I hoped, there is a plain wooden door at the end of the hallway, which leads to a servants stairway. I slip through and as stealthily as I can descend in near darkness. The only light afforded me is dim moonlight filtering through small, grimy windows.

Someone must be smiling upon me, because I manage to make it through the eerily quiet castle and out onto the roof of a stocky tower without being discovered.

Peering over the castellated wall, I can just make out inky, black water, some twenty feet below. Hands trembling and nausea swirling in my stomach, I pull back. Come on Elle, its jump or go back to Them.

Trying not to think too much, I climb up on the parapet, but then make the mistake of looking down. My legs turn to jelly whilst my body goes rigid and I'm unable to move. Oh my god. I can't do this.

Stepping back, I slump to the floor and suck in shaky breaths, just managing to stave off the impending panic attack. Come on Elle, Cosmos said to have faith.

I step back on to the parapet and closing my eyes, jump.



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