《The Light of Elysium》#31CreepyWords



This is part of the 31 Creepy Words Challenge - October 2016

Thanks to Amber ( ) for tagging me and also to who has organised this challenge as a fun lead up to Halloween 👻 🎃

I would like to tag the following people, their work has made me shiver (sorry if already tagged - take it as a sign of awesomeness):

- Soul Reaver- if you haven't already, enter the world of the Myers

- Russian roulette - innocent Helena's twisted fate - now published

Breath under water - unconventional heroine battling vamps, rogue witches and herself

- Winter's bite - think fairies are nice, well think again

- Blood King - who could resist a Vampire with a soul?

- Under the skin - edgy take on werewolves

- The Demon tracker - loved the first version, looking forward to the rewrite

- Blue Beard - takes you from laughter to eew in a chapter

- Carnival of feast - seriously chilling

- Red Night - imagine a sadistic vamp on your tail...Now published

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