《The Long and Winding Road { Dreamwastaken x reader ff }》Chapter 6


"Fucking freak," A male voice mocked.

Wait, he sounds familiar. I can't put my finger on it though. I took another bite of my dinosaur chicken nugget.

"DUDE! I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to-." Another male voice pleaded.

He started trying to reason with them."Y-you don't understand man."

I heard another thud.

The male voice took a deep breath, "This is all your fault you know that right?"

"It's a misunderstanding, i-it wasn't me-" The other male voice stuttered.

I heard a punch followed by a groan.

"You really wants won't admit it until the day you die, huh?" The male voice grunted then went in for another punch.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," The other male voice started begging, "Please."

One more giant thud and then sounds stopped.

I feel like I shouldn't have heard that. I feel bad now. I checked the car mirror. "Wait, is that-"

Oh shit, oh shit he's coming, I crouched down as low as I could in the passengers seat to try to hide myself. I heard footsteps get closer and closer then slowly quieter.

I peeked up and saw him leaving and going back to the school building, "No way, that couldn't be him....Fin?"

"I checked the car mirror again, I saw someone's body laying on the ground." I started to panic, my mind thought of the worst possible outcome. "Oh no they're dead aren't they." I rushed to put down my food and open the car as quick as I could. I scrambled out of the door, stumbling to the back of the car to see.....Clay, I saw Clay. I stood over his body, I started putting my hands on my head, my anxiety and fear shot through the roof. He was knocked out, unconscious, or even worse, dead.


My common sense finally kicked in, I dashed to him. I hurriedly checked his heartbeat. I put my ear on his chest to see if he was still alive, "Please, please, please, please."

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