《Aot x reader (book #1)》Annie



"ugh.." I open my eyes and sit up on my bed. It looks like I'm in my cell. Did Eren put me here? I rub my head as I realised that the headache is gone! I stretch my arms and get up from bed.

Where..? I thought as I look at the cell beside me. Eren is not in his cell.

I get out from the 'dungeon' as I call it since it is basically a jail. I walk through the hallway trying to see if there are people still awake as I realised it's already nighttime. As I walk, I saw light coming out of the Mess Hall. Without thinking, I walk to the door of the Mess Hall and open it, revealing the Levi Squad, Levi, Hange, Erwin, Mikasa and Armin.

Are they talking about Annie? I thought as everyone's eyes are at me.

"Y/n! You're awake!" Hange said as she walk to me and give me a hug. Me, still feeling quite sleepy, not replying the hug instead I look at her, confused.

"Hi Hange.." I said as she still not breaking the hug. Then, she take my hand and drag me to sit beside her. As we sit, she put an arm around me.

"So.. what are you guys talking about?" I ask, acting dumbfounded.

"We may had found a lead on who's the Female Titan." Erwin said.

I slightly widened my eyes. "Who is it?"

"It can't be her.. right? Right Armin?" Eren said with a hint of desperation in his voice.

"Who is 'her'?" I ask.

"It's Annie Leonhart from the 104th Training Corps.." Armin said.

"A-Annie..?!" I said and look at my lap. I raise my head. "What makes you think it's her?.." I ask.

"She responds when I said 'Suicidal Maniac' which only the 104th Training Corps knew." Armin said.


"So, it means that the Female Titan is one of the trainees.. How are you sure it is Annie Leonhart, Armin?" I ask. Omg, I could be an actress at how good I act! (•̀ᴗ•́)و

"If you look at her face, she quite looks like Annie.."

"So, it's not a concrete proof then." I said.

Armin look away as in embarrassment. Don't look away coconut! (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃

"We already put on a plan on capturing her. Whether she is the Female Titan or not." Erwin said.

"What's the plan?"


The meet had already ended. But the Levi Squad and Hange still remains. I was about to get out until Hange take my hand and put me back to my seat.

I raised a brow as I gulp my saliva. This is getting tense. "..Do you need anything?" I said almost stuttering at my words.

"So, as you guys know that I had took Y/n's blood to study it." Hange said.

"Oh yeah! I remember! So, what's the result?" Eren ask.

"It's.. different and weird. But also unique!" Hange said with lights in her eyes. Oh no. Don't tell me you want to do experiments!

"What do you mean?"

"Her blood! Normal blood only have two big type of cells, red blood cell and white blood cell. But hers,.. she have three."

"Three? You mean..?" Eren ask.

"She red blood cell, white blood cell and another cell. That another cell's colour is.. black." Hange said.


"Yeah! This new discovery got me so EXCITED!! We will make experiments along with Eren, okay Y/n!" Hange looked at me.

"U-uh.. okay..?"

"Hehehe! Okay! I'm going to be in my lab if anything happens. Bye!" She said as she race to go back to her lab. Sometimes, that woman creeps me out.

A long silence had join us as Hange leaves the chat. I sigh and ask them. "I know you want explanations. Go on. Ask away."


"How?" Oluo ask.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"How did you do that?"

"..." shit. I didn't think this through! If I explained to them, I might as well accidentally spoiled the truth! I inhale first before answering Oluo's question.

"It's..complicated actually."

"What do you mean complicated? You used the power like you already knew-"

"Yeah, well.. I don't know how I get this power." I said. "It all started when Wall Rose was breached.. that is my first time using this power." I am being honest! Please don't think I'm lying to you guys!


I raise my head and look at Eren. "We're on the same boat, bestie.." I grinned at him.


Levi got Jean and one other side character to be replacement of me and Eren. As you guys know, the king wants us. But of course, Erwin don't want to give us to the king. So, he take Jean and some other girl to act as us.

Eren, Mikasa and Armin will be the ones leading Annie to the trap. I remember wanting to help leading Annie to the trap too but Eren declined. He said it's too dangerous for me to join them. I'm like- *gasp dramatically* wtf? AhEM, MmMmiSteRrrr. (ง'̀-'́)ง(ง'̀-'́)งI'm the one who saved your fat ass from that bitch a few days ago-

So, I am now waiting at a roof with Hange and her squad. They are readying the trap for the Female Titan. Oh god.. Hange's face is so damn scary! Her face is kinda like insane and excited to take the Female Titan down. Hange, honey. Relax would ya?

That was until a sound thunder suddenly came. I gotta say, I'm still not getting used to hearing lightnings, thank you. I turn to where the sound came from and saw that Annie had transformed. She is now running towards us. Ha! You ran straight to your trap, hun.

Then, she got shoot by multiple of.. strings aight? Making her stand down as there are too many of them, so she couldn't move even a bit. But then, she started to yank her arms around until the strings are completely out of her body.

Then, came another lightning. Eren! You've joined the chatroom! Eren came out and run towards Annie. They fight, fight, fight and Eren loses! He is now laying dead against a building!

Even though I know he's going to wake up later, I wanna put a little spice heree and have a screentime here soo-

I attached my gears at Eren's titan form. I walk closer to his big ear and said. "Are you going to let her be? After all what she had done? C'mon Eren! Beat her up and give her a taste of her own medicine!" Okay, that just sounds like I hate her.. ANNIE! I DONT HATE YOU OKAY!

Eren immediately gets up from his position and.. jumping like a frog towards Annie. And me, being stupid, I'm still attached to him. So, you can say that I'm struggling over here-

"WAAAAA!" I yell as my body going up and down.


I turn my head and see Jean had come to me to help. He began yanking the gear off of Eren's titan form and pick me up bridal style to the roofs. Ey Jean. I know you're a simp and all. But don't pick me up like that again

Jean put me down, letting me stand by myself. We all watch as the Female Titan tried to climb the walls. But, thanks to Mikasa, she had fell from there. Now, Eren is at the verge of eating Annie but was stopped by Levi.

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