《Aot x reader (book #1)》Secret



I'm sitting on a tree branch while waiting for the next order. I swing my legs childishly until I felt someone sitting beside me. I turn to see Eren.




Why awkwardness!(ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

"Why did they hide the fact that they actually want to capture the female titan from us? Did they not trust us?" Oluo ask.

"There must be a reason behind it. Don't just go straight to conclusion, Oluo." Eld said.

"Yeah.. maybe because there's a traitor from one of us? I don't know." I said as I shrug my shoulder.

"Hm.. that would be understandable.."

We turn our head towards the sound. Well, it seems like the signal flare had already been fired. Signalling to retreat.

"Okay guys. Let's go back!" Gunther said as we stand up and get ready to go back.

We shoot our gears from tree to tree to get out of the forest. Then, we will call out our horses to continue going back to Wall Maria.

As we fly from tree to tree, Eld opened a story, talking about Petra and Oluo, who had peed themselves in their first expedition. Omg.. (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

"Eld! Don't ashamed us in front of them!"

"Wait.. so is it true that you've pee-"

"Shut up Eren!"

"Pfft!" I hold back my laughter.

"What are laughing about hah?!" Oluo angrily asked me. But I can't stop giggling.

"So.. does the pee fall-"

"Okay, stop that. That is disgusting." I said as my smile still remain on my face.

"Uwahhh! I can't wait to go back!" Petra said.

"Yeah.. I feel like flopping on my bed and sleep all day long."

"Yeah me too."

As they all talk, I felt an instinct in me saying someone is coming. And I know instantly, that someone is.. I look back and saw a glimpse of someone coming with their hood covering their face. They are still far enough for someone to realise. Annie.. I thought as I stare at the person.

I turn back my head to my squad. "Um.. Eld. Can I be at the back?"


"Huh? No way! Like what Captain Levi said, you and Eren are our main priority! So we can't afford having you or Eren injured or anything." Eld scolded.

I pout as I continue shooting my gear. I'll just go straight to the back when she starts to attack.. I thought.

The sound of another ODM gear shooting behind us become near. Now, my squad had realised the person. They instantly thought the person to be Captain Levi.

Gunther fly to the back, wanting to greet the person. "Captain!"

As he greeted, the person take out their blade wanting to slice Gunther. But before they could, I immediately fly to the back as I bite my thumb hard enough until it draws blood. With the blood that flows out, I slap my hand in the air, wanting the blood to stain at the person.

"Wha- why did you do that to Captain Levi, Y/n?!" Oluo ask angrily.

As I'm sure the blood got on the person, I chant a word.

As I said the sentence, the blood on Annie's uniform become a thread. The thread are tying her up causing her to can't move, so she fall down. She is now sticking at a tree, thanks to her gear still sticking at it.

"Red blood-? Y/n, you should explain to us."

"Now is not the time, Eren. We should focus on leaving this forest as quickly as possible!"

"Why would we want to leave captain here all alone?"

"Are you really sure it's Captain Levi, Gunther? If he really is, he would just say something or didn't wear the hood on."

They fall in silent as they heard my reasoning. They started to fastened their flying, meaning the amount of gas used is increasing.

As we're far enough from Annie, we could hear a lightning. Shit.. I thought as I look at the back to check Annie. She fucking transformed!

"Holy- you're right Y/n! That is totally Captain Levi!"

"C'mon! Faster to the HQ!"

We continue to fly faster to the outside of the forest. I realised that Eld keep looking behind him as if planning something. Eld.. please don't-


"Eren, Y/n!"

"Yes Eld?" Eren said without turning his head. I keep silent because I think I what he is planning to do..

"You two go to the front while we stop this Female Titan."

"No! Don't!" I yelled with tears gathering in my eyes. But I bet they can't see it.

"It's the only way to slow the titan down! Now go!"


"Don't you trust us, Eren, Y/n..?" Petra said.

Eren is speechless hearing that sentence. It seems to caught him off guard. But .

"Yes I don't trust you guys! What if you guys fighting that titan? That titan is clever and it could think on its own! Not brainless!" I said, feeling my tears threatening to escape my eyes as I flashback to the episode where I saw them died.

"Don't worry Y/n! Your squad member are strong enough! So, go ahead!" Eld said as he fly to the back towards the Female Titan. "Lets go guys!" He said.

The other member joined him. N-no-! I was about to fly to them until Eren hold me back. I look at him with tears in my eyes.

"Let's trust them Y/n. They aren't called as the Special Operations Squad without a reason." Eren smiled reassuringly at me. I know you look cute and all, Eren. But I aint buying it.

I pull my hand away from him and fly to the back towards my squad members who are now fighting with the Female Titan. They had already cut her eyes, making her blind. They are now cutting her arm parts, that is holding her nape, multiple times so that her hands will not covering her nape.

They successfully make her hands go down. They're about to go for the nape. But before they could, one of the Female Titan's eye had regenerated. "NOO!" I yelled. I quickly bite my hand, like how Eren bite his hand, and splash the blood onto the Female Titan. Making everyone shocked.

"Is she going to-"

The Female Titans body immediately clothed by fire. She screamed in agony as she felt the fire licked her body. We should run now. The titans will come later

"Guys! Let's go! She is throwing her tantrums again!" I yelled at my squad saying that we should go now.

"Pfft- tantrums?"

"Now is actually not a good time to joke around, y'know?"

I turn my body 360 degrees and fly back to Eren who is at the front. He is standing at a tree branch with a shocked face. Hehe..I know I'm powerful I thought.


As we were sure we're far enough from the Female Titan, we stopped for a while to rest and call for our horses.

"Thanks Y/n.. You saved us..!"

"You're welcome.. I never trusted that titan anyways.."

Gunther whistled loudly to call for his horse. Not long after, his horse came. The others also starts to whistle for their horses to came while I am laying down against a tree. After using quite many of my blood, I came to be quite pale and tired.

"Shit.." I cursed as I felt a pang of pain in my head.

I saw a shadow in front of me. I look up and see Eren's hand. He offered me his hand to get up.



"Can I ride your horse with you? I'm.. kinda have a headache here.."

"Hm? O-oh, um..Okay." A little blush crept on his face but I ignore it cuz my head is hurting.

Eren got on his horse. He look down and help me get on his horse. Everyone also got on their own horses.

As we are riding our horses, I put my head on Eren's shoulder because of the headache. I could feel him tense because of my sudden action, but he come to calm from it.

"So.. about what just happened.. are you going to explain- Oh. She's asleep?" Oluo asked.

"No.. my head hurts." I said as I turn my head to Oluo with my head still at Eren's shoulder.

"What is that 'Red blood' thingy?" Gunther ask.

"I'll explain later. But.. just promise me something."

"What is it?"

"Keep it a "

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