《Reverse Falls Dipcifica One-shots》Pacifica Almost Getting A Nosebleed!



The bell rang! Finally I can get out of Science! But I still don't want to go to English. I have a C-....

I walked with my friends, Brittney and Sena. We started to talk about random stuff while we were walking out of the classroom.

When we finally walked out the classroom, I scan my eyes everywhere to find a certain someone. Brittney started to talk to her friend that needs to get inside Science for the next period. As I scanned my eyes I finally found...him....Dipper.

Dipper was wearing a black jacket and he was wearing jeans! Jeans?! He hardly wears them!!! And his hair...it's gelled?! What?! He never gels his hair!!! He looks hot though...

"Oh shit..." I said.

"What's wrong....Oh...OH~!" Sena said with a smirk on her face. She understands me so well. "He gelled his hair!"

"I know right!" I exclaimed. "Frick, I'm about to get a nosebleed."

We started to walk towards English. We were kind of close to the door.

"I'm about to have a nosebleed!" I exclaimed. "IM MIGHT GET A NOSEBLEED!!!" "Just stay calm," Sena said, trying to calm me down.

Dipper has Science after me so instead of him going to Science, he turned around and started to talk to his friend, WHO WAS RIGHT NEXT TO US!

"IM ABOUT TO HAVE A NOSEBLEED!" I yelled but not too loud so Dipper Can't hear. "YOULL BE OK PAZ!" Sena yelling as well. "I HAVE TO GO! BYE!!"


I wish we had the same English teacher.

I turn my head and I see Dipper walking towards Science.

Thank the lord I didn't have a nosebleed right there.

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