《Disappearance》Chapter 17


Today is the day we get the test done and I'm not gone lie I'm nervous as hell cause I don't know what to expect like if she's ours do we get to take her or do they take her.

"Baby you don't hear me calling you". Marlowe asked causing me to look over at her.

"Nah what did you need". I ask walking over to her.

"What time did they say we had to be there". She asked looking up at me.

"At 1:30 it's 12:30 right now but since we requested to go to the other hospital we need to leave now to make it in time". I said kissing her forehead.

"Alright let me go get my bag". She said and I nodded picking up this babydoll I bought Haisley.

"That's for Haisley". She asked as we walked out of the door.

"Yeah I thought maybe she'd like it". I said as we got in the car.

"It's cute". She said looking at it as I started the car up and pulled off.

Pulling into the parking lot I cut the car off and get out walking around opening Marlowe's door. Grabbing my hand we both walk inside.

I look around and see our lawyer but not just our lawyer I see Dr. Luis and his wife who was holding a little girl and a man in a suit so I'm assuming he's their lawyer.

Before I even know what was happening Marlowe was running towards them about to hit Dr. Luis before I grabbed her up.

"You're fucking sick and both of you should be ashamed of yourselves". She said breathing heavily.

"Calm down". I said kissing the side of her forehead.

"I would appreciate if you didn't act that way in front of our daughter". The lady said causing me to mugging her.


"That's my daughter y'all are kidnappers come on now". Marlowe said with her face scrunched up.

I couldn't stop staring at the little girl I mean she was beautiful.

"Since you all are here early we can go ahead and get the test started so everyone follow me". The Dr said and we all followed behind him.

Walking into the room there weren't many chairs so I sat down and then pulled Marlowe onto my lap.

"So I'm going to start with you guys first now I'm going to swab your mouth and then you're going to hold it in your cheek for one minute". He said walking over to me and Marlowe with this long q-tip.

He did me first and while the q-tip was sitting on the side of my cheek he did Marlowe.

"Alright I'm going to take this".He sad taking it out of my mouth and putting it in a tube writing my name on it.

After everybody got done getting tested he had someone come in and take the test to the lab.

"So usually it would take two weeks to get this information back because we have so many but since this is an expedited process it'll be done in a week". He said and as he was talking I was staring at Dr. Louis and his wife and he looked nervous but not his wife.

"Alright thank you". Our lawyer said and we stood up walking out.

As we made our way in the waiting room there were two cops and a lady with a badge and file in her hand between them.

"Greta glad you came on such short notice". Our lawyer said walking over and shaking the lady's hand.

"It's no problem just glad I can help so where is she". She asked and just as she asked that the dr and his wife walked in.


"What is going on here". Their lawyer asked walking up.

"By order of the court Kennedy has to go to the orphanage until the results come back". Our lawyer said.

"Were's the court order". He asked and our lawyer took it out of his jacket pocket handing it to him.

He read over it as everybody watched him.

"I'm sorry Dr. Louis she has to go with this lady". He said looking back at them.

"No my baby isn't going with them". The lady said holding onto the little girl tightly and when I looked at her she was already staring at me.

"Ma'am hand the baby over or we are going to have to use force and that might cause harm to the child". One of the officers said as they walked over to her.

She sighed before letting the little girl go but the girl started crying and screaming reaching for her.

I walk over handing the little girl the doll and she looked at me taking it but she still cried.

"Alright we will see you guys in a week". The social worker said before leaving.

Shaking my head I grab Marlowe's hand and walk out to the car.

Helping her in I get in myself and start the car up pulling off.

"She's ours I can feel it". Marlowe said causing me to look over at her.

"I know". I said and the rest of the ride was silent.

I'm ready for the results to come back...

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