Levi stared at the breakfast at the table and then at Carson who was distributing the food, Carson had came bright and early to cook both him and Levi and Yvette, a meal.He knew Levi could not cook and he was probably not that generous and caring to go out and buy Yvette a meal, so the least he could do was feed her after getting her into this mess.Levi crossed his arms and leaned on his counter.
"This is completely uncalled for, what you should be doing is helping to prepare for what we are going to tell Dad.You have a habit of saying too much, I need you to let me do the talking."
"But it's my mistake."
"And It became mine when you brought her to my house, I decided to help you so it's only right that help I help you our biggest obstacle, which is our father." Carson nodded in agreement.
"Also this is called for.The women has to eat.l, Are we going to starve her?"
"I've gone days without eating, it isn't that bad."
"You're weird."
Levi frowned and patted his back pocket for his carton of cigarettes as he opened it and took one out.
"It's too early."
"It's only my second one, and this is my house need i remind you?"
"But over the breakfast? We don't all want cancer, I don't see why can't you get into marijuana."
"Cigarettes are legal marijuana however, is not.I do enough criminal activities as is."
"Whatever.Are you going to bring her this before you smoke that?"
"Why can't you? You prepared it and you want to save her life and you probably will have to marry her.Go get acquainted."
"That isn't funny."
Levi frowned.
"It wasn't a joke."
Carson shook his head, he had a lot of trouble sleeping last night.He could not wrap his brain around this whole situation, everything moved to fast and was moving quicker then he anticipated.He thought bringing it to Levi would suddenly make his problems go away but he was starting to think this was to big of a problem for Levi to just make go away.Carson seemed to be pretty fearless, until it came to his dad.
"I just feel extremely guilty that I got her in this situation, what if she starts crying again? Or passes out? I can't deal with that.I'm already nervous about Dad."
"You have nothing to feel guilty over.You did what you had to do , any one of us would of killed her right then and there and you are giving her a chance.You aren't responsible for her and she really isn't your problem, she's a stranger."
"You just said i'll probably have to marry her-"
"It's more likely that we will agree to just kill her."
"Levi, seriously? Stop making jokes."
"It isn't a joke." Levi said seriously, Carson sucked his teeth and picked up the plate putting it in Levi right hand as Levi set down the cigarettes that was in his left.
"Try not to make her cry..And don't mention her death, or marriage, or dad or anything.Be warm and comforting."
"This isn't a fairytale, we are a dangerous family and she witnessed you doing something against the law and then you kidnapped her for it.Being warm and nice is going to make me and her uncomfortable, I will set the plate down and leave.There's not even a guarantee she will eat if, I wouldn't."
Levi walked up the stairs all the way down to the last room in his house.She might have thought this was a torture room or interrogation room but it was exactly the opposite, this was Levi favorite room of his house and one he personally built with zero windows.At times he just wanted to sit and think, in complete darkness , without an ounce of sunlight or noise.
Which is why it is sound proof.
Levi took balanced the plate on his one hand and rummaged through his pocket for the key pulling it out to open the door.He opened the door and walked into complete darkness as he stepped inside and shut the door.The lamp that Carson had brought in here was now off as Levi walked over and turned it on to fully see her face.
Levi reached out to touch her hand but instead took a long pause.
Yvette face was scrunched up and she was twitching in her sleep as if she was having a bad nightmare.She had fresh tears marks on her cheeks and she was scratching her hands to the point where she was drawing blood moving her head rapidly from side to side.
Levi stared at her as he looked around the room not really knowing what to do.He continued to stare at her a little more taking in her features.
He noticed she had a very chubby round yet defined face, big perfect teeth, and full set of plump brownish pinkish limps.On the heavier side but still attractive in Levi eyes.He never really had a type or preference, then again he never had a girlfriend either.
"Uh...Hello." Levi said poking at Yvette with only an ounce force that alone was enough as Yvette jumped up looking at him crazy then slapping the plate of food out his hand and pushing him making Levi drop the plate and stumble back.
Levi sighed lowly, very annoyed, because this was the second time she had did some type of bodily harm towards him.He looked down at the plate that shattered and the food that was on the floor before slowly making his eyes towards Yvette who had a frightened look on her face.
"I'm s-sorry.I honestly didn't mean to."
"You didn't mean to do a lot of things.I was not trying to do anything to you, just give you some food my little brother made."
"Really? I'm sorry."
"It's fine, I'll get you another plate."
"No, I-it's fine, I'm not hungry."
"You are hungry.-"
"I am not."
"You are.I know you are.My brother would not put anything into your food and he wouldn't let me so it's safe to eat.If you are that unsure, I can eat it and prove it's safe."
Yvette stayed silent as she looked around, she looked down at the bed and she was still in her same birthday clothes.She felt dirty, not to mention sticky from all her tears.Yvette glanced at her wrist and saw they were cut up, she scratched herself again.
Ever since her birthday, the visions, the memories. and the voices became louder and louder and more vivid and she didn't seem to know why.Maybe because she was in danger it was triggering a reaction? The more she stayed here is the more she thought she was losing her mind.Every night she felt trapped in her dreams and tried to scratch her way out.
"When you were watching me-"
Levi frowned.
"I was not watching you."
"Well when you came in here and saw me, you didn't hear me say anything or do anything?"
"You were scratching in your sleep and you seemed to be crying and you were shaking."
Yvette said nothing else and Levi honestly thought nothing of it, this was becoming a traumatic experience for her so it was only right for a women not use to this to have a nightmare or two.He looked at her trying to find something to say to be sympathetic towards her situation.The situation that they put her in.
"If you are having nightmares about us killing you, don't, I would have killed you earlier if I wasn't going to kill you now-Then again I still might have to, so never mind."
Yvette eyes started to water as Levi just slowly backed up and closed the door as he went back down the stairs to Carson, who was sitting down and eating.
"She took the food?"
"I don't think she's hungry." Levi said shrugging , Carson sighed.
"What did you do?"
"What do you mean?"
"You probably made her cry,you aren't exactly a people person." Levi shrugged.
"She will be okay, she has a couple of scratches and bruises on her arm, maybe from where she fell?"
"Are you going to clean them for her?"
Levi frowned.
"What if they get infected though? And she's probably in pain? You use to clean my wounds and yours all the time, I don't know how to do it or else, I would."
"Fine! Since i have to do everything around here, I'll clean up and let her shower and after that we are going to Dad's house and we are going to tell dad because I'm really getting tired of seeing you everyday and having you guys in my house."
"You should be lucky i grace you with my presence, or else you'll be alone all the time."
"That's my goal and wash up my dishes, I don't want anything in my sink, make sure you put everything back specifically where I left."
"Ok neat freak."
Levi frowned and walked towards his bathroom that was downstairs, where all his first aide kits were.He sighed, even if Dad agreed to let Carson marry Yvette, he was only nineteen and that type of responsibility would drain his youth and having to be committed to a stranger who does like not love you.
Carson had a sensitivity that none of Levi siblings, or even himself.Due to growing up with both of his parents including his mother, who had a way of sheltering, protecting and giving him the love and respect a lot of them didn't get.Levi wanted to protect that light that only Carson had.
But right now he had no idea how.
Yvette watched as Levi drove and Carson was in the passenger seat and she was in the back, she was allowed to shower and changed into boxers, a shirt and some sweatpants.She felt nauseous and the pit of her stomach continuously growled, and she couldn't help but feel nervous as if death and danger was looming around the corner for her.
And It was just a matter of time.
Yvette was trying to be as strong as she could, because crying and yelling would probably only make them want to kill her and she was trying to prove to them they didn't need to.Yvette watched as they pulled up into a garage of a house that could be described as a mansion, as Yvette couldn't help but be star struck.
"My dad will ask you a lot of things, answer honestly.He will find out if you are lying and it's best you don't." Carson whispered as if he was already in front of his father, Levi on the other hand said nothing as he stepped out the car dressed in his suite and tie which was contrast from Carson dressed in jeans and a shirt.
Yvette looked down at her bandaged hands that Levi had cleaned up and then at Levi who held a blank expression.She really didn't understand the purpose of him giving her food, cleaning her up, if he was so adamant about killing her.It was giving her hope that they'll let her live.
"Is my mom here?" Carson asked a guard in front of the door, the guard shook his head.
"She was but she left, will be back soon.Your father is waiting for you, in his office." Carson swallowed the lump in his throat as he looked at Levi for reassurance.
"It'll be fine, remember , let me do the talking." Levi stated walking inside the house as they went on top of the spiral staircase which growing step, Carson got more nervous, Yvette eyes started to water and Levi was coming up with a way to push the blame off Carson and onto him.
"Hi, Dad."
Carson and Levi both greeted their father, Lexington Daalman.
"So show me this women, who has become a problem for both of you." Lexington mumbled sitting his chair, Levi moved out the way as Lexington tilted his head.
"A short chubby black women? How is she a problem?" Lexington said confused, she didn't seem to be a threat and she wasn't even crying.What possibly could be the reason for not just shooting her as soon as she raised some type of trouble for them.
"There's a few problems she comes with.She has seen my house,she knows Carson name and-"
"Then kill her." Yvette held her breathe as she looked at Carson with pleading eyes as she tried to back up making Levi grab her wrist and eye her.He didn't want to scare her but if she tried to pull what she did with him then nobody in this house would hesitate.
"I don't want to kill her." Levi spoke up, Carson and Yvette both stared at him.They knew that Levi was adamant about just killing her so why was he changing his mind?
"And why not?"
"She's innocent, she didn't do anything.I'm the one that told Carson to do the hit and I knew he wasn't ready to do hits outside of where we live.So my mistake, led to his mistake, led to him bringing her to my house.It's all because of me.I don't want an innocent women to die."
"An innocent women?! Considering how she managed to live with you two dumb asses I'm sure she is smarter then the both of you combined and was smart enough not to even tell you her name but yet you'll vouch for her."
"Yvette" Yvette whispered to Levi while Lexington was still yelling.
"Her name is Yvette.I just don't think I should kill her and I don't believe I have to." Levi stated
"Do you really wanna go the high and mighty road Leviticus?! You are twenty-seven years to fucking late! You'll kill her and You'll kill her right the fuck now!In front of your brother so you can finally show him to be the man that you obviously aren't!" Carson and Yvette both looked at Levi with fear in their eyes as Levi sighed running his hands through his jet black hair.
He was going to regret this, but he promised to help his little brother out and that's just what he would do.Also, he would not care to admit it but he didn't feel like killing Yvette either.Killing someone was usually rushed on adrenaline and anger for him, and a casualties? Was just in the moment.
Levi frowned.
"No." Levi said calmly rolling up his sleeves and taking off his suite.
"No?" Lexington repeated as Levi looked straight at him, Lexington chuckled rolling up his sleeves.
"Get out." Lexington snapped at Carson and Yvette as Carson quickly grabbed Yvette and walked her back down the stairs as you heard a loud crash.
"I can't believe i'm asking this but will he be okay?"
"I mean remember you cut my brother on the cheek and he didn't even flinch? He's pretty tough.Don't worry." Yvette nodded as they sat down in the couch and as Carson sighed rubbing his hands together.
"Can i ask you something?" Carson mumbled, Yvette nodded slowly.
"Put away how crazy and stupid it sounds but if it was the choice of marrying me and dying would you? It isn't the worst option.I am handsome and a pretty good cook."
"I don't doubt that but it's a matter of you are young and i don't know you.I mean look how we met? Marriage should be based on trust, love and understanding of two people and that just won't work because we don't know each other.And if I am being completely honestly, I don't want to get to know you."
"Honesty is a good quality, I don't really wanna marry an old women either.No offense."
Yvette frowned making Carson laugh.
"Hey! I thought we were being honest." Yvette was going to laugh but stopped when she heard the door to the office open.
Both Carson and Yvette easy going behavior for just a moment, turned into tense and uneasy tension as they watched as Levi slowly walked down the stairs.
Carson and Yvette both eyes widened as they stared at Levi.
Blood was dripping down his shirt and his nose was running blood and the side of his head looked cracked but he stared at them both with a blank face, with no emotion.
"He said he'll hear us out."
"What happened? Did-" Carson started but Levi put his hands up.
"I will be fine, I'll go get cleaned up and you will tell him your proposal." Levi walked away disappearing as Carson and Yvette both slowly walked up the staircase and into the office where everything was mainly on the floor and Lexington was cleaning his hands off.
"Now what this about a proposal?" Lexington said leaning on his table making Carson sigh.
"Dad why did you-"
"That's between me and Levi so if you don't want the same thing, I'll keep out of it if i was you." Carson quickly nodded.
"I was saying that like you know how your c-cousin married that one women who witnessed him you know commit a crime, I was saying what if I marry Yvette into the family? She already agreed to it."
No the fuck i didn't , Yvette screamed in her head.
Was this a dream? She thought, she looked around and tried to blink to wake herself.What was really going on? This couldn't be happening.All these events had to be one big nightmare, was this really going to be her life? What about Porsche? How in the hell would she explain this to Porsche who is probably tearing down everywhere to look for her.
"And she has agreed to this?" Lexington asked, Carson nodded quickly.
"I wanna hear from her." Lexington said with a smirk, leaning his head to the side to stare at Yvette who look like she could pee herself.
"Y-Yes." Yvette manger to choke out, anything to not die, she didn't have much options.
"So what do you say, Dad?"
Everyone looked at Levi who was leaning on the door with most of his shirt unbuttoned, still soaked in blood but his nose was cleaned up and the side of his head had a thick bandage on it as both of his arms leaned on both side of the door slightly looking up at his father in the eyes.
It was a moment of complete silence.
"Fine, I'll agree for her to marry into the family—Especially since she's going to be marrying Leviticus."
Mood cause this chapter took way longer then expected and it's not even that good 😌.
Very much unedited and I will probably edit later on, I'm still in my sleep state .
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
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