《[1] The Allure of Darkness》11
Dear Diary, I know it's been a few days since I've talked to you, well you can thank my parents for that. They've been keeping me in training for the past few days, and for some reason Klaus has gone silent; we haven't seen or heard from him since the night of my birthday party. We assume he's somewhere lurking in the shadows watching our every move, or at least that's how I feel. No one else seems to be worried about it, as usual I'm the only one feeling paranoid. Though my mom said that's just my intuition telling me to keep my eyes and ears open, and I think my mom is right.
I take a seat on the yoga rug in the middle of the Salvatore garden; Stefan told me they used to have a gardener, but apparently Damon killed her some time ago. I rolled my eyes thinking about him. He's kind of been pissing me off lately, he's taking all his time to train Matt, and hasn't even blinked in my direction.
"He doesn't even like Matt." I mumble to myself, I keep trying to concentrate, but I just couldn't.
"Well since you're not trying today, you might as well take a day off." My dad said from the opposite side of me. He's been guiding our meditation for a while helping me to strengthen my psychic abilities. He says my mind needs to be as strong as possible for the ritual. I've only connected with one other person at a time, but this time will be different.
"Are you sure dad, I mean maybe we should just try something else?" I asked, he smiled back at me.
"Yea, you're working so well, your mother and I are proud of you. You didn't hear this from me, but Damon really misses spending time with you." My dad says grinning, his hands, and arms folded on his lap. His posture straight, he slips into meditation so easily, I envy him.
"I thought you didn't like Damon." I say, my father shakes his head disagreeing.
"I like Damon, he's willing to change his ways for the woman he loves, that doesn't change the fact that he's killed a lot of innocent people. His effort to be a better person, not for himself, but for you...that's selfless. Something I've rarely seen from men like Damon Salvatore." His eyes remain closed, but the smile never leaves his lips, I sit there still dumb founded. My ears twitch slightly from the sound of the front door opening. Damon's voice filled my ears, caressing me, and beckoned me to come to him. We've spent too much time apart, usually we're fused together like a Steven Universe crystal gem.
I breath through my mouth, my irrational feelings getting the best of me, next thing I know my father reached over, and grabbed my hand.
"Let's get some food, your mother has been cooking all morning, I'm sure she's got a big ole feast waiting. I look at him skeptically as he stands, holding onto my wrist firmly, my dad gives my arm a tug upwards. Reluctantly I get up, and follow my father into the house. Sure enough the kitchen, and living room was filled with the smell of bacon, honey, and all kinds of sweet scents. My mom's back is turned to us as she flips some pancakes, she is humming some gospel song, I wonder over to the kitchen table. I could feel Damon's presence looming over me, I wanted to cry because I missed him so much. For the longest time, he's been the only one I talked to about my feelings. Of course I had Elena, but she always had her own issues going on, Bonnie was busy strengthening her own powers. That left Damon on the list of people I trust, and we've only become closer. At this point Damon is my person, my left lung, not to be cliché, but I did find it difficult to breathe lately.
Without thinking, we both reached for the pitcher of orange juice, a shiver ran down my spine so tough I almost gagged. Our eyes meet, those tundra winter blues, freezing me in my place across the table. He didn't blink, nor did he pull away. Our hands were still touching, connected by the crystal glass, the orange juice was ice cold. Not as cold as Damon's eyes though, only seconds had passed. It felt like a lifetime before he spoke, his eyes squinting at me in suspicion.
"You don't even like orange juice, especially not after brushing your teeth." Damon said, yet he didn't let go of the glass, oh this was a challenge.
"I didn't brush my teeth this morning." I said,
"Liar." Damon claimed
"What? Am not." I said
"You're way too obsessive not to follow routine...plus I can smell it." Damn said, his chin jutting out in my direction, those icy eyes dropping to my mouth. They lingered there a moment before they came back up to meet my chestnut eyes. I was livid, a smirk spreading across his mouth knowing he got to me.
"I am not obsessive, I am...punctual." I argue back, it should be noted neither one of us have actually let go of the juice.
"Being punctual would imply you're on time, and since you can never get up before 11:30 am I don't think that word applies to you Blaise. Stay in school kid." Damon said winking at me, that asshole, who does he think he is the time police?
"Calm down B, no one wants orange juice soup." Damon deadpans, I look down at the glass pitcher, and sure enough it was coming to a slight boil. I pull away, then I groan when I realize Damon did that on purpose to make me mad.
"Okay if you're both done acting like children, I have a suggestion...you two should meditate together." My mom's voice came from the kitchen, she dusted her hands off on her apron. I looked down at her feet to see she had no shoes, when Damon said to make themselves at home, I guess she took that literally.
"I don't know..." I trailed off, I fiddled with my bacon, then I looked up at Damon who had his mouth stuffed with a beignet he had cut open, and filled with jelly and sausage. I just looked at him with disappointment, he just disgraced a French pastry with American food items.
"What?" Damon asked, mouth still full, I rolled my eyes, why is this my life?
"Actually I think that's a great idea Maylen, since Damon pulls so much energy out of you, it could be great." My dad spoke up while sipping his steaming coffee, I don't know how he drinks it so hot, must be a dad thing.
"Or it could be a mess." I mumble.
"I think we should give it a try, matter of fact, we should right now." Damon says through gritted teeth. Oh so he's mad now? The nerve of this man, as if I were the one not calling or texting for the past 3 days.
"That's great, your mother and I have business to tend to so we'll be gone for a while." My father spoke, he took one last sip of his coffee, my mom was throwing on her coat and shoes. I looked at them suspiciously, they haven't left this house since they got here, and all of a sudden they have something to do?
"Wait a minute, where are you guys going, and who's going to eat all this food?" I asked, my mother turned to us when they're half way through the door, and the look on her face told me that I must have been crazy for questioning her like that. My eyes dropped to the floor unable to meet her fiery gaze, I could hear my fathers deep laughter.
"I know I've been dead for most of your teenage years, but I was alive long enough to teach you to watch your tone when you talk to your parents. Don't question the things we do, just know we do them because we love you." Not once did my mothers voice falter, a sharp pain struck my heart, and suddenly my eyes got a bit watery. The last time we had exchanged words like this...they ended up dying. When I looked up at her, my mothers eyes were already looking at me, and we stared at each other. I knew what those words meant, but I wouldn't dare believe it till I saw it with my own eyes.
When they finally left, I turned to Damon, who was still eating. I rolled my eyes, he could be such a pig sometimes, but I still loved him.
"I'd rather practice in my room, all my stuff is in there." I mumbled, Damon paused his chewing, and with a reluctant head nod he got up from his seat. By the time we made it through the threshold I was ready to burst into sadness.
"You're supposed to be my person, and then you just stopped being my person for the last 3 days, and I can't breathe because you're my left lung." I pouted, my bottom lip poked out, head hung, and looked like an emotional wreck. I tried so hard to joke through that statement, but it wasn't working. Tears started to flow down my cheeks, I didn't realize how upset I actually was until now.
"I just didn't think you needed me, you got your parents back, and you seemed happy. I should have known you better than that; you'd rather smile through the pain than let other people worry about you. You have so much responsibility all of a sudden, and I should have been there for you...I'm sorry." Damon spoke so softly, barely above a whisper, but I heard him. His icy fingers grab onto my face, the cold feeling I welcome more than anything else. He brings my face to his, Damon's cold lips kissing my salty tears, and I cry even harder.
"Gosh I missed your dramatic ass so much." Damon breathed out, the cool spearmint smell of his breath filling my nostrils. I wrap my arms around his waist, my fingers sneaking under the bottom of his black tee. My small hands slid up his back as far as they could reach, Damon is much taller than me, standing at 6'2. His skin felt smooth, not one blemish, or scar. Damon hums at the sensation of my nails dragging across his back, as I slowly bring them to the front of him. My hands go up higher to feel his chest, his body has gotten somewhat lean in the three days we haven't been talking. Maybe it's because he hasn't been feeding on me, and the thought of him putting his teeth into a woman that wasn't me, made me feel jealous. I pushed back from the wall, pushing Damon back slightly, but not too far away. I pulled my top off over my head, not caring about my hair, it was kind of just an afro at this point. I haven't actually styled it in quite some time, Damon steps back a bit to get a better look at me. His shirt was already off, and his jeans undone as they hang off his hips for dear life. I kick my shoes off knocking me down a few more inches in height, I close the gap between Damon and I. My arms wrap around his neck, I rise up on my tiptoes to try to reach him better.
Our lips lock slowly, savoring the flavor of each other, all the lip oil I had applied that morning is now gone. Sucking my lips into his mouth, Damon damn near devours me, he puts his arms around my waist, and picks me up. My legs wrap around him, then he dumps me onto my soft dark sheets. I push all the extra pillows off to the floor along with my comforter, Damon pulls back trying to make quick work of my leggings. He rolled his eyes realizing spandex is no easy feat, I giggled watching him struggle. His baby blue eyes snapped at me, I felt hot, and my stomach was flipping.
Once my leggings were finally off, Damon trailed kisses from my ankle, up my thighs, he slowed up when he got to my tummy, and planted soft kisses between my breasts. My lips part open to let out a soft moan, his tongue licked from the base of my neck to the top, at the same time my vein pulsed. I pull his face into the crook of my neck, his lips latch onto the sensitive spot sucking the flesh into his mouth. His hands slip under me, my back arches upward pressing my breast into his bare chest, and his hand cradles the back of my head.
I wanted him to bite me, it's been too long. As if he read my thoughts, Damon's sharp fangs elongated from his gums. I reached up to feel the veins that have risen under the skin beneath his eyes, his breathing was heavy, and uneven.
I pulled his jeans down as far as I could with my feet, my arms were a bit too short to actually reach down there, I settled for his shaft laying between my thighs.. Every few seconds his tip would slip over my little bud, Damon would pull away from my neck every so often, let the wound heal, and then bite into me again. The stinging sensation of the bite mixed with the friction of our tips rubbing together was enough to make me split at the seams. Any blood that would spill, Damon would lap it up with his tongue like the greedy whore he was.
"You keep this up, and I won't have energy to do anything else." I groaned, while I was enjoying this pain, and pleasure ordeal, I was getting bored already. Damon scoffed pulling all the way up, he stands to step out of his jeans and underwear. I bet if it were up to him, he'd walk around naked for the rest of his life. I've never met a man who was more comfortable in their natural skin than Damon. He comes to lay next to me on the bed, I blink slowly, and when I realize what he's suggesting I shake my head. Damon wiggles his eyebrows at me cheesing like a bastard, I've been dreading this our whole relationship, but knowing him he's been patiently laying in wait like a snake in the grass.
"Oh no, Damon no." I said trying to scoot back, his hand automatically came around the back of me, his long fingers grabbing a hand full of my ass keeping me in place.
"I don't think you're in any position to tell me no young lady." Damon teases, but I know I couldn't refuse him for too long. I shook my head back and forth so hard, it felt like the room was spinning a bit.
"Com'on hop on top, I won't hurt you too bad, unless you want me too?" Damon jokes grinning at me, I rolled my eyes, what an idiot.
"Or I might hurt you, I mean...I'm heavy." I whisper the last part, I felt slightly embarrassed, I know it was silly. Damon loves me, and I shouldn't worry about my body, but it's a reflexive reaction.
Suddenly Damon broke into a fit of laughter, I paused my pity party to watch him laugh like a mad man.
"Um excuse me, I don't remember telling a joke?" I said, I can't believe we're having this conversation naked. I could hear Luna scratching at the door, it's like she always knew when I was in emotional distress.
"I'm aware of your size Blaise, and I'm definitely not worried about you hurting me, you couldn't break these hips even if you tried." Damon pulled me forward making me lose balance, I ended up on top of him, my thighs straddling his waist. His ice cold hands grab onto my hips, my hands holding myself up on his chest, I was about to complain when he over spoke me.
"Look at how good you look right now, look at how fucking beautiful you are. And you're all mine, and I'm all yours, say it. Say I'm all yours." Damon breathed out, his eyes looking more like a melted cube, than a frozen lake. I bit my lip, reaching behind me to grab his length in my palm, Damon moaned lowly. His hands sliding down to my butt, grabbing on to as much of my ass as he could. He slid into me effortlessly, our mouths popped open, groaning, and hissing in sync. At first I moved slowly, I've never been on top before, thankfully Damon let me figure it out for myself. I pulled all the way up to his tip, and slammed down, not hard. I looked at myself in the mirror again, I liked the way my butt looked while bouncing, then a memory from a few months ago when I was dancing, and twerking in the mirror to some song. My ass was fat, jiggly, and beautiful, and Damon absolutely loves that.
I pulled all the way up again, I looked down at Damon, he was just watching me. If it was a show he wanted, then it's a show he'll get, I slam down hard enough this time that the bed creaked under the impact. Damon's eyelids popped open, he sat up some.
"You're mine." I say, I was almost convinced, Damon smirked a little, he knew exactly what was going on in my head. I needed to get into character.
"What was that, speak up...I can't hear you." Damon taunted.
I grabbed a handful of his dark silky hair, it had grown so much, I liked it when it was long and shaggy like this. He growled as I pulled his head back by his hair, his eyes looked angry, but there was a smile on his face. That bastard.
"I said you're mine, and even in the afterlife you're mine, no one will ever have you again." I said, my teeth clenched, I threw his head back in the pillow, and dropped down on his shaft harder than last time. If he wasn't going to break, I'd have a hell of a time trying.
"Fuck you." Damon hissed, his hand came down hard onto my ass, the cracking noise of his open palm assault bounced off the walls in my room.
The room was filled with wet, slapping noises. We had come once together , and I three more times after that. I was breathing so hard, it felt like I just ran a mile, and that was exhilarating. Damon had changed the sheets, and cleaned me up right after. After I changed into some comfortable shorts, and tee we both crashed into bed. Luna had finally been met after she cried, and whined the whole time. She made her way up the bed and curled up on Damon's stomach, then I turned to him snuggling under his arm.
"Damn your stamina, next time I'll just take a nap when I'm sad." I mumble. I could feel Damon's chest rumbling, saying something, and then I felt his wet lips press to my forehead. My eyelids feel heavy, I tried to fight off sleep, but I was so tired I passed out.
a/n: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, please vote and leave comments thank youu
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