《[1] The Allure of Darkness》08
Dear Diary, This stupid pagent is today. I've been in a foul mood since a few days ago; Damon still hasn't said anything to me. I can't tell if he's waiting for the right moment to blow up at me, or if he's forgotten that I'm his girlfriend. Well I'm not talking first that's for damn sure, if he wants to act cold, I can be colder. Caroline somehow managed to find me a dress in perfect timing, somehow these kinds of things always show her way. Ever since I had that vision yesterday, Bonnie has been giving me worried side looks. I don't blame her, who knows when I'll snap, I'm trying to put on a brave face. Even though Kathrine isn't showing her face, I know she's somewhere lurking in the shadows. Watching, and waitin. The second she pops up out of her hole, is when I'll get her. That bitch will answer to me.
"Are you still in bed? The pageant is in 7 hours, get up." Caroline ordered, It's 6 in the morning, and I was still snoozing under the covers like a normal person.
"Fuck off its 6:30." I said pulling the covers back over my head. I hate mornings.
"I have breakfast ready downstairs..." Caroline tries to coax me.
"Pancakes?" I ask, I'm a bit interested.
"With sausage, bacon, toast, coffee..." Caroline lists the breakfast items.
"Who's down there?" I ask, I peek from under my covers.
"Stefan-" Caroline says, but I cut her off.
"Fuck! He's gonna eat all the food! Why didn't you lead with that!" I shout jumping out of bed, I wrap my robe around myself, sliding into my slippers. I'm moving so fast, I forget the Kumori plushy Damon brought me is still in my hands.
I race down the stairs at normal speed, and I come to a stop. I see Stefan with a plate stacked with packes, and syrup drizzled all over the warm fluffy stack.
"Morning fat ass." I grumble, Stefan has become a close friend over time. I still don't trust him, like maybe he's hiding some deep dark secret. Though he's 171 years old, I'm sure he has something he's holding back on
"Nice pjs dork." Stefan replies not missing a beat.
I looked down at what I was wearing, the robe I pulled on was covered with red akatsuki clouds from the anime Naruto. Then I look down at my teddy bear slippers, then my eyes shift to the Kumori plushy in my hand. My lips quirk up at the corners, I shouldn't have teased him, but I couldn't help myself.
"Oh yea? You like em? You should, you brought them." I said, that wasn't a lie either, Stefan leaves his wallet lying around a lot.
"What?" He questioned me
"I said, I stole your money to pay for my living expenses." I spoke each word slowly with emphasis, as if he didn't understand what I was saying.
"I heard you jackass, why didn't you steal Damon's money?" Stefan asked, sipping orange juice from a glass.
"Because...yours is just so nice and crisp, and undisturbed. Plus Damon doesn't pay for anything, he just compels people."
Stefan gave me a thoughtful look, "Well I am not surprised at all." Stefan said stuffing a biscuit into his mouth, I sat down across from him. As I assemble my plate, our playful chatter continues, Caroline finally comes down and joins us. I'm actually in a good mood, until Damon walks in, he has a grin on his face. For some reason this pisses me off.
"Good morning." Damon says in, he pours himself a cup of orange juice, gulping it on one swallow.
I would have found that sexy if I wasn't angry, "How dare you come in here all happy. You haven't spoke to me in 3 days, in fact you've been acting like I don't fucking exsist!" I shout, my voice getting louder the angrier I got, he didn't even bother to acknowledge me at the moment. He pours himself another glass of orange juice, this time he sips it slowly as he just watches me.
The look on his pale blue eyes told me to shut my fucking mouth while he was still in a good mood. I wasn't done though, I Was going to rip him a new one while I still had energy to do so.
"I've been going through a lot these past few days.I'm trying really hard to get my magic back under control without killing innocent animals by mistake. Klaus is breathing down Bonnie and I neck about this ritual, and your bitch ass ex girlfriend murdered my parents! And all you have to say is good morning, and sip fucking orange juice!"
At this point I was on the verge of tears, Caroline, and Stefan looked shocked. I forgot I haven't told them about any of this, but Damon knew, Bonnie told him. His eyes softened at the mention of my parents. Then his mood shifted again, an annoyed facial expression on his face.
"I've been trying to find a way to reverse your stupid decision to help Klaus. Unfortunately for me, he's just as stubborn as you are; sometimes you should shut your mouth, and think before you act." Damon snapped, he didn't raise his voice at me, he never did. I didn't know how to feel about that statement. On one hand he was right, it was stupid to dive in feet first, I never should have made that deal with Klaus without thinking. On the other hand, what Damon didn't know was that if I didn't agree to help with the ritual Klaus was going to kill Bonnie. I didn't say anything, I just slowly sank down into my chair.
"Whatever, it's not a good morning...asshat." I mumbled sitting back down, the tension was still there, but it lessened some. Caroline finally let go of the breath she didn't know she was holding. Watching Damon and Blaise fight was like watching parents fight, Damon sits down next to his grumpy girlfriend staring holes into the he side of her face.
He just wanted to take her in the way she was right now, in her robes, and bonnet. No make up, just her raw beauty. Her face was always in a resting expression that looked like she hated people, and she mostly does. It made less work for Damon, he never had to worry about having to fight for her attention. Though he hated how close she was to the youngest Gilbert, and Matt Donavan. It absolutely irritated him, he wished he could kill them both with no remorse, but Blaise would never forgive him. She was great at holding grudges, as Damon watched her, he lifted his hand to place it on her thigh.
Her facial expression didn't change, it didn't matter, her eyes gave her away. Her pupils dilated, her once light brown eyes were now a deep chocolate color,the way she clenched her jaw to keep herself from smiling told Damon everything.
"What do you want for your birthday, my little marmocchia (brat)? '' Damon asked, squeezing her thigh tighter, grasping as much of it in his hand as he could. Damon had pretty long fingers, it's not like they weren't big enough, I just had a lot of thigh meat.
"A bazooka gun?" I ask, my eyebrow quirks up, I turn to him slightly. He's already looking at me, though I didn't realize he was so damn close to me. I looked around the room, Stefan had walked off in a different room. He was talking to Elena, and Caroline was busy arguing about flower arrangements on the phone. I was totally alone with him, he damn near coiled around me like a python snake. His eyelids lowered, blue eyes looking oceanic, a wave I'd ride forever.
"A new boyfriend?" I asked as I almost choked on my toast as his hand slipped into my pajama shorts. He slips his long slender fingers into my panties, his hand rubs circles around my wetness.
"You're mine, you ain't going nowhere." He whispered in my ear, his lips pressed against my cheek. Damon usually kisses my ears, but right now they were safely tucked under my bonnet.
His hands are still in my shorts, his long slender fingers sliding around slowly between my moistened lips. I let out a soft moan unable to ignore him any longer, Damon pressed his face into the crook of my neck. He inhaled a deep breath, taking in all my scent, he always says I smell like a warm cupcake.
"How long has it been since you fed?" He asks me, his tone no longer cold, but rather soft and warm, I can feel his fangs drag over my soft flesh.
"A while..." My words came out as a whisper. Damon quite literally had me in a chokehold, his large pale hand wrapped around my neck, he squeezed tightly. Not enough to cut my breathing off, but enough to make it slightly uncomfortable. If I was an ordinary human, he would have never done any of this. Now that I'm just like him, he's been more rough with me, not too much. Damon is more experienced than I am, and he would never do anything he didn't think I'd like.
Damon takes his arm, pulling up his sleeve, offering it to me. I licked my lips instantly, salivating, I bit into him a bit roughly, I was so eager to taste his blood. It was so sweet, and warm, I didn't want to stop. It was all so blissful; the way Damon held me in his arms, his long fingers still circling around my clit. Damon's fingers were slipping around my wet folds. I felt like I was on the verge of an orgasam, my eyes rolling in the back of my head.
While I let his blood fill my mouth. My vision was blurry, and there was a ringing in my ears, I felt as light as a feather. Damon released a moan from his mouth, blood sharing is quite an intimate thing, he's never done it before with anyone else. Blaise could see Damon's thoughts from the past few days, to her surprise, all the images in his head were of her. There were so many, they flickered by so fast, the very last thought was of a few moments ago. The light was shining on me from one of the giant floor to ceiling windows; my skin looks smooth, and clear. My lips in its natural pouty shape, my stomach, and thighs looked a bit smaller than usual. I've never seen myself like this before. Stefan and Caroline were still sitting there. For some reason they looked a bit blurred, if it wasn't for Stefan's thick eyebrows, and Caroline's bright blonde hair I wouldn't have recognized them.
As I pull away the images and his thoughts start to become cloudy, and my vision slowly returns to normal. I definitely didn't see myself like this, sure I was pretty, but the version of me I saw was absolutely gorgeous.
The second my teeth left his arm, his flesh healed, I looked at Damon with my eyes wide, I felt a drop of blood trickle down my mouth. He swipes it away with a napkin on the table, Damon flashes his perfect white teeth at me. I was putty in his hand, a total mess, if he told me to jump on one foot I'd probably do it.
Damon pulls his hand out of my shorts, and puts his fingers in his mouth, he sucks my juices off his elegant fingers.
"You're so beautiful, and amazing. And I'm sorry for being a dick, I just don't ever want to lose you, especially at the hands of Klaus. I know you can fight your own battles, hybrid or not, but you don't have to do it alone anymore...do you understand crazy lady?" Damon explained, he sucked my cheek into his mouth for a second releasing it with a pop noise. I let out a giggle, then I just sigh knowing he was right.
"Yes, I understand, and I'm sorry for being a spoiled brat." I say, a fake frown on my lips, Damon rolls his eyes.
"You're not sorry, you are never sorry. That's why you turned up the water works on me, cheater." Damon got up from the breakfast table, I let out a whinny noise, I was enjoying our moment together. Caroline walked in with Bonnie, a giant garnet bag in her hands.
"Don't worry about Kathrine right now, we'll handle her when the time comes. For now, enjoy this...be a normal teenager for a day, you deserve it." He put his finger under my chin bringing my face upward to his, I stared into his icy blue eyes without blinking.
"I love you, don't forget that." Damon looked me right in my eyes, his voice loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. I was a bit confused but I overlooked it, "Love you too papa bear." Damon smirked arrogantly and sped off out of the house, when I turned to everyone else. Caroline and Bonnie were unzipping bags full of makeup,make up brushes, and hair products. Then my eyes moved towards the kitchen, and Jeremy was standing there, a weird look on his face. I was about to say something when Caroline started barking orders.
"Alright Blaise you shower first, because you take the longest, it's 7:30am so we're running right on schedule, Elena said she was gonna meet us there." I rolled my eyes, deciding not to ruin my good mood by arguing with Caroline.
I was finally done with my shower, for my make up I decided to go with a natural look. That only took me a good 45 minutes, the real task was going to be my hair. I had no idea what the dress looked like, all Caroline said was that Damon took care of it. I heard Jeremy approach before walks in with a large garment bag, I quickly pulled my towel up tighter around my body. Thankfully Damon likes the large body towels, or I'd be screwed. I did my best to cover my breast all the way, I didn't bother looking at Jeremy.
"Damon must have left, that can be the only reason you feel comfortable waltzing into my room like this." I reply bitterly, it actually did annoy the hell out me he felt the need to be so damn rude.
"I'm not scared of Damon, Caroline and Bonnie are both busy getting ready, so I brought it up here for you. I was just trying to be nice." Jeremy sat the bag down gently on the bed, he stood off to the side, his lips fixed in a straight line. His eyebrow creased, hands in his pockets, Jeremy's head was hung. I rolled my eyes, I didn't want to but I was gonna have to play the bad guy.
"The only reason you're not scared of Damon is because of me. And if you were really trying to be nice, then you would have knocked." I pulled my bonnet off, my weave falling from under the satin effortlessly. He doesn't say anything, he's just looking at me with this look in his eye. He was angry, but he was angry for the wrong reasons.
"If you got something to say Gilbert, say it or get out." I snap at him, if I'm gonna take it there I'm not going to half ass it. It's honestly something I've been meaning to say for a long time.
"Yeah, I do have something to say, choosing Damon was a mistake. He doesn't care about anyone. Don't you see the way he looks at you? Like you're his property, you don't belong to him Blaise-" Jeremy tried to reason, but I wasn't hearing it, I already knew where this was headed.
"Then who do I belong to? You? Jeremy you couldn't handle me even if you tried, and let me tell you something else. You don't understand Damon and I's relationship because you're not supposed to, I am Damon's property, and he is mine. I'm sorry you couldn't be the one for me, but there are girls out there dying to be with you, and you won't even give them a chance-
"You mean Bonnie-
"Ha! You wish! Bonnie is not some fragile little bird, she's a witch, and a damn good one. Keep my man's name out your mouth, got it?" I asked him, my hands balled into fist so tight I could feel the muscles cramping. A few candles I used this morning violently went ablaze, it startled Jeremy a bit, he took a step back towards the door.
"Yea...I get it." He nodded his head, I watched him turn and leave. I turn back to my dresser taking in a much needed breath, I feel my nerves calm a bit, but not by much. Then I heard a soft knock at the door, a softer heartbeat, it was so faint it was almost nonexistent.
"I hope that's someone I like on the other side of that door." I call out plugging in my flatiron. A deep chuckle came from the other end, "I certainly hope I'm not on your shit list." Stefan said from the other side of the door. I quickly speed around the room to throw on some fresh clothes.
"Come on in doofus." I say sitting down in a chair in front of my vanity, Stefan still wasn't dressed, but it wasn't going to take him long. "I heard what you said to Jeremy...was that your idea of letting him down easy?" Stefan asks, he was a bit hesitant, he knew better than to anger Blaise while Damon wasn't around.
"You may speak freely, I'm not gonna kill you. I guess I could have been nicer, but if I'm being honest I didn't have the patience anymore. I've been trying to let Jeremy down gently for a while, and ever since Damon and I got together he's been even more aggressive. If I don't cut him off now Damon will, and trust me, he's not going to be as half as nice as I was." I decided to start on my hair, I can hear Caroline on the other end of the house zipping around. I roll my eyes, of course Caroline is enjoying this.
"Oh trust me, I'm privy to my brother's ways, I think you handled it the right way. Though I didn't come here to talk about Jeremy Gilbert." Stefan's tone became serious, the stress lines on his forehead present. His lips pressed together forming a line, his green eyes darkened.
"I know I haven't gotten as close to you as I could have. Nor have I taken much time to get to know you more. Most of the time I let you have your space, but you're a friend of Elena, which means you're a friend of mine. Whenever you decide to take action on Katherine, I have your back. Though she's heavily tied to Klaus and Elijah, which is dangerous, I just hope you're aware of that. Kathrine has been their little foot soldier for them as long as I can remember. Kathrine has been a major problem for a while, but we have to be careful with how we handle her, she's always got a trick up her sleeve. She'll do anything to escape death, even tying her life to someone close to you so you can't kill her." Stefan says he takes a moment to really look at Blaise, he can understand why his brother is so smitten by her.
Blaise always stood out amongst all her friends, it wasn't on purpose. She just willingly took risks, you can tell she made choices based on how she feels in the moment. She wasn't always so easy to figure out, you'd know what she was feeling if she wanted you to know. There might be an off chance where she can't hold back anymore, at that point she might actually explode on you, but it doesn't last long. Her flame is quick to extinguish when she's let all her anger out, or if she gets too fed up Blaise may just shut down on you.
"Thanks Stefan, enough of that talk, Damon said to focus on regular teenage stuff. That's what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna get ready for this stupid pagent, and play nice with the locals. Though if this was really the 1800s I'd technically be a slave, but whatever." I said taking a piece of my hair and curling it, Stefan is silent for a while. Then he smiles a bit, his eyes lifted upward towards the ceiling.
"Actually here in Mystic falls witches were seen as equals amongst other supernatural beings." Stefan said
"Is that why the townspeople burned them in the church with the vampires?" I question him, he lets out a breath.
"That's a good point, the council looks at witches and vampires as one in the same...anyway a story for another day. I'm gonna let you finish, I'll be leaving in a while to pick up Elena." Stefan stood up from his seat and he left out my door, closing it. Finally all done with my hair I pin my last curl in place, I overlook my makeup. I'm satisfied with my work, so I turn to my bed where my garment bag lay. I opened it, and before I could get a good look a card fell out.
The card was black with golden designs of stars and sparkles that shone in the bright sun coming from my window. It was really pretty, and it would catch anyone's eye, on the other side there was very beautiful handwriting.
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