《Fated To Marry You✔️》Chapter 3- The Elevator guy


It was a day before my engagement, my dad and mom were very busy in making our house to look beautiful and I also helped in the decorations; thank God it's my study holidays so that I can help them. Then I thought that I should buy a new saree since I don't have anything good to wear.

"Mom shall we go for shopping," I suggested.

"I can't come with you dear and you go with Riya, she will help you."

"But mom! Why Riya? Please, mom, you come with me." I pleaded.

"Rithu you know that I am busy then how can I come with you." she convinced me to go with Riya and I don't have any other option.

"Ok, mom I will go with her." I failed to argue.

Riya is my cousin she is very good at picking clothes because she's the fashionista of my family. She always used to tease me that I am an out of fashion girl and acting like a country bumpkin. It's not like I am hating her she is my cute little cousin and she's also very supportive of me and I love her unconditionally except to going shopping with her.

After 30 minutes Riya came home and suddenly opened the door while I am changing clothes.

"You idiot." I roared and without a second delay she replied, "I am not, you're the idiot".

"Why you opened the door while I am changing?" I asked her again.

"Why you didn't lock the door while you're changing bumpkin" she replied again.

I don't know what to say because she is right I forgot to close the door it's not the first time, my mom even came while I am changing and also I shouted at her. Perhaps I think I did a mistake today.

"It's OK I didn't see anything and I am also a girl so don't worry and come faster we have to go right! You know what I am having a lot of work so don't waste my time and come faster baby," she went out ordering me like a queen.


Then after changing my clothes, I put my hair braided. When I came out of my room, Riya was busy eating sweets that were prepared by my grandma for the engagement function.

"Shall we go now," she asked. I said yes, then Riya started her bike I said bye to my mom and dad. Mom gave some extra money to buy whatever I needed; then I sat behind Riya and I told her to drive carefully but she glared at me and signaled me to shut my mouth, then I kept mum until we reach the shop.

She drove me to the famous clothes shop in our city, it was big that contains about three floors only for sarees. I always go to small shops to buy since I hate putting a lot of money on clothes and accessories. But for now, I have to buy something good because my mom wanted me to look beautiful for the engagement.

We entered the shop and Riya went straight to the elevator, and I followed her since she knows every inch of this shop and a regular customer too.

After getting into the elevator, I looked down in a confusion of how I am going to pick a saree. When the elevator door was about to close it was stopped by someone, I lifted my head up and saw a man.

He was tall, wearing a blue shirt and grey pants his eyes were black that looking straight into me, with a sinless manly appearance and good physique he looked devilishly handsome, totally he intoxicated my innocent mind instantly.

Seeing a man like him my heart started to pound and an unknown feeling aroused in my heart, without my realization I was seeing him.

I can't take my eyes off him, then suddenly a thought popped into my mind that I have seen him somewhere but I don't know where it was... However, what that surprised me was he's also staring at me with the same surprise.


He is peering at me as he knows me before, then the guy next to him asked him to enter; he came inside and stood beside to me. I don't know but my heart started to beat even faster. Then Riya closed the elevator door and I didn't turn my gaze on that person's side.

But I discerned that he was still looking at me, I felt uncomfortable with his gawking, god why he's looking at me like this; stupid... I mentally scolded him but nevertheless, I am having a feeling that I have seen him somewhere.

I turned to Riya for help but she was so busy checking her Facebook, god there's no use of having this stupid cousin I thought.

When the elevator door was opened on the third floor I immediately went out without looking at him again.

Then Riya asked me to follow her, we started looking for a good saree and also within our budget. She directed me to try several saree, I am really exhausted after trying so many things then, at last, I selected two sarees a red saree with a broad golden border and a yellow saree with a black designer blouse.

After paying our bill I and Riya went to the parking lot, I was carrying the bag and she was trying to start her bike but there's some problem and it's not starting.

"Hey what happened?" I asked.

"Wait I think there's some problem," she answered and again tried to start.

At that time I felt like someone is watching us, I turned around, but to my shock, there that elevator guy was standing beside the black color Audi car, it looked more magnificent (only the car). His one hand was in the pocket and other on that car.

I was stunned to see him again.

The guy with him in the elevator was also standing beside him and they were talking by looking at me.

I turned immediately, however, I looked at him again with confusion, I have seen him somewhere, and I wanted to know why he is studying me like this. But at the same time, I felt it is wrong to a look man like this because I am going to get engaged. So I turned and I thought he's a perverted idiot.

God, please start this damn bike of Riya I have to get out of here... I prayed.

Then at last her bike has started. I sat behind her, but I have to do something to that idiot so I turned and glowered at him. But that stupid irritated me by smirking, god he's laughing!! What the hell he is. I thought and we left.

During the ride, I was reminiscing about him and questioned where I have seen him but I don't know and I should forget about this confusion.

Riya dropped me in front of my house, "Hey!! Arrive earlier tomorrow and help me," I ordered without looking her.

"Ok, I will be here in the afternoon be prepare for everything baby," she told and left.

I showed the sarees to my mom, she said it's nice and I am relieved that she liked them.

I went into my room and after placing the saree in the cupboard I laid on my bed.

Again I thought who is that guy?? And I have seen him somewhere too. It's kept bothering me.

Then suddenly the newspaper flashed before my eyes and I remembered him, I have seen him in the newspaper in my college library. He's a businessman and his name also Vikram and I am going to marry a guy named Vikram.

But why he acted that way did he know me before? God it's so confusing I thought and this only filled my mind for the whole day.

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