《Twice Bitten ✔》Chapter 5


In Gym, we were told to switch positions, which I thought was crazy. How did Mrs. H think we were going to catch the guys when most of them looked like they were on steroids?! All the girls were complaining, but they quickly shut up when Mrs. H said that we had to a hundred push up and laps around the field. Maybe Mrs. H really is crazy. A loud vibration filled the gym, and we turned around to find Katie entangled with Lucas.

"Get off of me!" Katie gasped.

I felt terrible for her, Lucas is 10 times her size. Dylan turned towards me

"Maybe you should just fall back into my arms." He suggested.

"Nope. There's no way in hell that I'm going to risk doing a hundred push-ups and laps; I'd be out there all day."

"But I'll be too heavy for you. I could fall on you like Lucas did Katie; you'd be a flat pancake!" Dylan protested.

"I'll survive," I said, holding my arms out.

When Dylan realized I wasn't going to listen to him, he fell back into my arms and nearly took the breath from my lungs. I was surprised I held him up as long as I did, but he started to slip, and we both started to fall. It was like we were in slow motion.

As we were falling, I saw Dylan moving around me, but I couldn't see what he was doing. When we hit the ground, I noticed Dylan's arm wrapped around me, and the other one was stretched out, stopping the impact from being so hard.

"Good thing you have good reflexes," I said, looking up at him.

"Good thing you're strong. I'm surprised you held me as long as you did." He said, smiling down at me.


When our eyes met, I couldn't help but get lost in his liquid green eyes. Ms. Harrison booming voice broke me out of my hypnotic thoughts.

"Katie you and Lucas should learn something from Vanessa and Dylan. They work so perfectly together, and they do so without arguing." She said glaring at Katie and Lucas. "Ms. Black and Mr. Alverez, you may take a break on the bleachers." She said and turned back to her office. Dylan and I stood up and walked to the bleachers.

As we sat down, I could feel Katie glaring at me. I sighed.

"What?" Dylan asked.

"I can feel Katie giving me the evil eye."

Dylan laughed and flashed me a sexy smile.

"Should I tell her to take a picture?"

"If she won't I will. You look pretty cute right now."

I laughed. "I'm sweaty and gross, not cute."

Dylan shrugged. "Agree to disagree."

I was going to tell him that he was delusional until Katie walked over to us.

"Yo' Black!" Katie called out to me.

"What," I answered in a bored tone.

"So you think you're 'Miss Perfect' now, huh?"

Where the hell did that even come from? I instantly felt my blood boil. Between her and Bianca I was getting fed up. The air around me seemed to shift as I stalked towards her. I felt an unusual flush of power course through me as I stood in front of her.

"Look I don't have time for your shit, so I suggest you turn the hell around and continue the exercise." I glared at her, daring her to disobey me.

Katie paled and held her hands up in surrender. Satisfied I smiled sweetly at her and returned to my seat up on the bleachers. Dylan looked shocked before a massive grin formed on his face


"Why did she look like she saw a ghost?"

"Honestly, I have no idea," I said feeling confused.

What the hell just happened?

"I just know she really pissed me off."

"Noted. Don't piss the Princess off."

I laughed and felt my face heat up when Dylan grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him.

"You are unbelievably sexy, you know that?"

When I looked up at his eyes, I saw admiration in them although I couldn't figure out why. The bell rang, and we headed out of the gym until Mrs. H called me over. I smiled when Dylan sweetly followed behind me.

"Vanessa, were you still interested in the TA internship Program?" Ms.H asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, definitely! It was something that I really wanted to see if I was good at."

"Okay, good. Initially, those who wanted to work as a TA had until Friday to submit the form and then the principal and a select few teachers would pick five students to take part in the program. However, the Board of Education called for a sudden meeting tomorrow. "

"So how will this work?" I asked.

"You'll be excused from your classes and receive a schedule for the classes you'll be teaching for the day. Technically you're supposed to be supervised by the teacher over the class so we'll try and call in a substitute to help guide you. Since it's last-minute it might take a bit for us to get someone on the spot so you might be on your own for at least one class if not two. Do you think that you would be comfortable with that?"

"I'm sure I can manage."

"Are there any more forms? I'd like to help Vanessa out." Dylan asked.

Ms. H smiled and handed him a form "Go on and fill it out."

Dylan speedily filled out the form and then we were on our way out,

When we got to the parking lot, Dylan started cursing.

"I can't fucking believe them." He muttered darkly.


"My brothers, they took my car," he said through clenched teeth.

Looks like Dylan doesn't play around when it comes to his car. I should definitely make a mental note of that.

"Well you're coming over to my place anyway, so you'll be alright," I said, opening the car.

"But what if they scratch my baby?" Dylan whines.

Awww he looks so fucking cute.

"I am not cute!" Dylan glared at me.

Oops. I stuck my tongue out at him. Not my fault he was a cutie.

When we got to my house, we were both starving, so I asked Dylan if he wanted me to warm something for us.

"Sure." He nodded, looking around the house.

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