《Loves Me Not | BxB MPREG》Chapter 10


I finish up in the tub, and I get out to dry myself. I stand in the mirror as I am drying off, and I notice that it's time for a haircut, and time to shave. I really let myself go. I grab the comb that was on the sink, and start to comb through my little afro...

The door to the bathroom opens, and in walks Isis. "Hey are you okay?" She asks, coming up behind me.

"Yeah I'm good." I say as she takes the comb from my hand.

She begins combing my hair for me, and the naps really hurt. "Boy, you got good hair." She says and I smile.

"Thanks." I blush.

"You have shrinkage though." She says, looking at me in the mirror.

"What is that?" I ask.

"It's when your hair shrinks, and once you comb or straighten it, your hair gets longer." She explains and I nod in agreement.

"So when do I meet the head dude?" I ask as we gather my things, and walk into her room.

"See if you can wear these clothes." She says throwing a Ralph Lauren bag on the bed.

I look at the back and sit in the bed. "What is this?" I ask as I pull the bag closer to me.

She places her hand on her hip. "It's clearly clothes baby boy." She says batting her eyelashes.

"You didn't have to get me this." I respond to her.

"Hush up and try it on. I'll step out." She walks over to the door and turns around quickly. "Oh there are underwear in these as well." She smiles and I smile slightly back at her.

I pull my towel off, and dry myself, quickly trying to beat the air as it touches my damp skin. I pick the bag up to inspect its insides. It was three outfits and three new pairs of underwear inside the bag. I pull out the blue polo shirt with the white logo, and the khaki shorts matched with it. I rub some lotion on myself, and slide into the black Calvin Klein underwear.

After this, I put on the outfit. I examine myself in the stand up mirror, and I look decent. Though nothing could wash the years of filth and uneasiness off of me.

Isis knocks on the door, and comes in with whom I guess was a male hooker. I turn to face the two as they enter. "This is Andreas. Andreas this is..... Honey, I haven't caught your name."

I contemplate on telling her my real name before I open my mouth. "My name is....." I stop tripping over my thoughts as they squint their eyes at me. "My name is Darrien." I lie through my teeth.

"Hmm it fits you." He says placing his finger on his lip. "Well like she said I'm Andreas and I'm gonna show you around the block."

"After you meet Daddy Mac." Isis interjects.

"That seems fine." I smile lowly.

"Well let's not waste any more time. He should be in the office." Isis says clapping her hands together.

I begin walking nervously behind Isis and Andreas. Who was this boss man? What would he have me doing? I don't want to rule anything out from this experience.


I get knocked from my thoughts as Isis slaps me softly on my cheek. "Did you just hear anything I just said?" She asks me.

I shake my head no. "My mind was elsewhere." I respond honestly.

"Well, I was just telling you to never address him as anything other than Daddy Mac, always kiss his right hand before speaking, and never ever ever look him in the eye." She says placing a hand on my shoulder. "You got that?"

I nod and we proceed to walk in the big office. Daddy Mac was sitting at the desk counting his funds as we slowly approach. We reach his desk and he doesn't look up from his cash handling. Isis clears her throat and Daddy Mac looks up at her quickly then back at his cash. "What is it Isis?" He asks, opening the top right drawer on the desk, and placing his money inside.

"I want you meet this fine little dude I met outside. His name's Darrien." She says moving out of the way to reveal me behind her.

He looks up at me and places a hand over his mouth kind of as if he's reading me. After the most awkwardest silence ever he comes motions for me to come forward to his desk. I hesitantly walk up, and he places a finger up for me to stop. "How old are you?" He asks me still looking me up and down.

"I'm nineteen." I say avoiding contact and looking down at the ground before him.

"Are you intimidated?" He asks.

"Kinda Sir. I was told to never look you in the eyes." I say as I scratch the top of my nose.

"And why would you not?" He asks amused.

"I have no idea sir." I respond nervously.

He leans back in his rolling chair, and turns to Isis. "You say you found him outside?" He says looking at me.

"Yes Daddy. I found him outside. He was down and out, so I took him in. I wanted you to examine him because he has the face and body for greatness and---"

He puts his hand up and she silences. "Do you know what they do here?" He asks me intertwining his hands together on his desk.

"I can get the idea." I answer lowly.

He chuckles at my response. "Is this what you want to do?"

"I need money."

"Look at me baby boy." He says chuckling a little.

I slowly lift my head up, and he smiles at me. "What is a handsome young man such as yourself doing out in the streets?" He smiles amused.

"I was running from someone to say the least." I sigh and look up at the ceiling. "I really could use any help." I say finally looking him in the eye and, I notice the slit over his eye connecting to his cheek. I guess that's why they say don't look him in the eye.

He nods his head, and looks down at his desk for a while lightly tapping his fingers. "It would be dangerous for you to work out on one of my corners, but you would make a loottt of money." He mumbles to himself. "I could put you in one of my clubs, but you may get stalked.... Or killed." He mumbles again. "Isis where do you want him?" He asks her and I look over to see the surprise on her face.


"I think he would fit in good as a attendee at Little Dell's with me." She explains to Daddy Mac.

"Okay.... So be it." He says rubbing his hands together. "You walk him through everything. What ever you decide let me know, and I'll determine if I get a cut or not." He demands to her, and we both bod and exit the room.

Once we reach the hallways she wipes her forehead covered with sweat. "I think he likes you." She nudges me laughing.

"What make you think that?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

"Because you got to look him in the eyes at the first meeting, you didn't have to kiss his hand, and you never were instructed to call him Daddy Mac. You're in good graces, also he rarely ever gives complements."

I slightly blush. Daddy Mac isn't ugly to tell the truth. "Is that good or bad?" I ask kinda fangirling.

"Good boy..." We walk back into her room and we both sit on the bed. "So, at Little Dell's I'll have you just taking orders, cleaning up the strippers money, and cleaning tables . If you want you can strip."

My eyes grow wide at her comment. "So it's a strip club." I ask rubbing the back of my neck.


"I need the money, so I'm down."

"Good." She nods and jumps off of the bed. "I like you Darrien we are gonna get along fine. I can't say you won't butt heads with people, but I'm not holding you here against your will. Whenever you're ready to leave just let me know."

I close my eyes and tilt my head sideways to think. "Okay..." I say after a brief moment to myself.

Someone knocks on the door, and Isis gets up to answer it. "Come on in Andre." Isis says moving out of the way.

"So you got to meet Boss man how did it go with Isis's step brother..." Andreas asks me and my eyes grow wide at the reveal.

"He's your step brother?" I ask her and she nods.

"Thanks a lot." She mumbles to Andreas and punches him in the arm.

"My bad. I thought you would have told him by now." He explains.

"Don't look too into it kid." She says to me and I decide not yo question her life.

"I won't... So when are we going to go view the sights?" I ask Andreas.

"Are you ready now?" He asks as he stands up, brushing off his jogging pants.

"As I'll ever be." I shrug and stand up from the bed as well.

We walk through the many hallways, and the long corridors of doors, and staircases. We reach the bottom of the building and all the hookers and ho's are walking around getting ready for their day. I walk past this one hooker who looked to be about fifteen and we just locked eyes. He would be someone I would remember. Once we reach outside the sun blinded me, as I've been the this building all day.

"Soak up the sun while you can. It gets pretty cold up this way." Andreas laughs. "Come on."

We start walking down the alley out of eyeshot, and we reach the main road. He showed me a couple of food joints, a couple of grocery stores, some clothing stores, and more. I was having a good time relaxing. Andreas and I had little in common. He came from a home of Method Addicts. His uncle molested him for most of his teenage life until he turned 17, and he ran away not before he ended up killing his uncle with rat poison which is why he ended up in the whore business.

He was a cool person though. I didn't mind having him around. We walked to one corner in particular. "This is where it all goes down." He says stepping back with his arms raising to the air.

I look around and the corner seems to be in an upscale part of the city. "This is where whores whore?" I ask curiously still looking around at the area.

"Yes..." He chuckles "And we don't like to be called whores. It's too formal. How's about the business people..." He says staring at me with a straight face.

I pause to look at him crazy. We both bust out laughing. "Good one." I manage to speak.

"No No we are whores but our cash gives us credibility." He shrugs.

"On a good night how much would you make out here?" I ask, leaning on a wall nearby.

He walks over and leans on the same wall looking at me. "On a good night an average whore would make about $1,200 if you're good at what you do. On a bad night, you're lucky to make $650" He says looking in the direction of the cars traveling past.

"Sound good." I say scrathing my leg.

"I'm getting bit by mosquitoes. Can we go?" I ask him.

He nods and we trail our way back to the Whore house.

By the time we get back the downstairs is cleared out, and everyone is doing their respective duties.

"This was fun but now it's time for me to get back to work." Andreas says pulling me in for a hug. "I'll see you around." He says turning and going into his room.

He totally left me alone in this big ass place. I walk up the stairs, and follow my memory back to Isis's room. Once I get to her door I knock, and jiggle the handle. I open the door, and she's in her bed knocked out. I go over to the opposite side of her bed, and I sit down at the end. I start to fiddle with my finger in deep thought. I don't know what to do. This seems promising and all but it's not something I want to do with the rest if my life.

I exhale a yawn signaling that I need a nap, and I lay next to Isis for some shut eye. I guess when she wakes up the night will begin...

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