《Affairs Of The Heart》✔V E N T I D U E
I felt terrified as I sat in the living room, staring blankly at the note.
Who was watching me?
Why were they watching me?
How the hell had they gotten into my car?
Could they do that again?
Sighing heavily, I fold the note into quarters and I slide it into my back pocket for later viewing, pushing its thoughts way out of mind, I get to my feet and wipe my sweaty palms onto my jeans, grimacing at the sweat stains.
The doorbell goes off, signaling someone outside and I tuck my hair behind my ear as I make my way over to the front door. Prying it open I see a handsome brooding man who didn't look much older than 24.
He was covered in beautiful ink and had a couple piercings here and there, he sported a buzz cut and cold blue eyes that could pierce you open.
He was like your typical everyday bad boy basically.
"Hi, can I help you?" I inquire while looking him up and down, taking in the gray jumpsuit he wore. He looked like those edgy, fresh out of juvie guys.
"Are you Iris Donario?" He returns my question with a question of his own.
"Harding-Donario and yes that's me." I quirk a brow at his rudeness.
He broods some more. "Yeah well, I got the fucking trees you ordered."
And sure enough behind him were at least 3 more guys and a truck of huge ass trees.
"Come in," I mutter, opening the door wider.
He looks over his shoulder and gestures for the guys to follow him, each one as muscular and handsome as the next one.
Why was this almost like a set for a bad porno.
I walk further into the foyer, standing underneath the chandelier, then pointing at the spot where I stood, I instruct.
"The biggest tree, I want here."
They grunt and I continue, walking into the living room and pointing over to the far right corner where the floor to ceiling windows are situated. Already envisioning it all decorated with the star and all. Presents rested underneath.
A true sight to behold really.
"I want the second one right there," I tell them, placing a hand on my hip.
"And the little ones?" The blue-eyed brooder questions, rubbing the back of his neck.
Blinking I mull over it, then it hits me and I know exactly where I'll put them. Motioning for them to follow I lead them down to private Luca's study, pushing the door open I step inside.
His smell instantly hitting me and leaving me mouthwatering, eyes scanning over the room, I search for a suitable place for the tree. Trying to envision just the right place that'll bring cheer to the bland, stern room.
"Right there." I finally concur, pointing to the area beside the bookshelves.
"And well the last one can go into the uh... master bedroom. I'll show you to that later." Again why is this starting to sound like a bad porno.
Nodding their heads, oblivious to my thoughts they get to work, rolling up their sleeves and looking positively yummy.
I trust that they won't steal anything and leave them to work, walking up the stairs and into my bedroom, a smile flits my lips at the familiar room that I haven't been in for a while.
I'd been spending more time on Luca's room for obvious reasons. Doing stuff that his larger bed permitted.
Closing the door and locking it, I strip my clothes off and discard them on the floor. Entering the bathroom, I rub at my face and step into shower turning faucet on and letting the warm water cascade upon me.
I wash up with my loofa and my Dove body wash, singing a little in the shower until stopping when I almost slip and crack my skull from my 'performance'. Getting out of the shower before my skin starts to prune, I reach for a towel and put it around my torso.
During the stroll back into my room, I comb my fingers through my hair before making my way over to my closet where I then proceed to find something adequate to wear.
I settle with much thought on one of my red Christmas sweater that reads "Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal." I'd gotten it two years ago at some sale with Lila and I'd worn it perhaps a hundred times since then like now pairing it with a black lace up skirt and black knee-high boots.
I let my hair down something I rarely do and grab the sweater I'd gotten for Luca off my bed, opening my door I walk to the laundry room and quickly throw the shirt inside the washing machine so it can be washed.
Humming a soft Christmas tune to myself, I make my own way down to the foyer so I can see what the guys are doing.
And let me tell you, those men were doing a fine job.
The brooding inked baddie currently has his sleeves rolled up showing off more of his incredible ink.
Don't judge me I'm just admiring fine art.
Clearing my throat softly, a little shocked at my rather dirty thoughts I glance up at the huge tree which now sits proudly in the grand foyer just waiting to be decorated.
"Uhm...Can I get you guys something to drink?" I offer, pushing a lock of my hair behind my ear.
"Whatcha' got, sweetness?" One of the men with captivating grey eyes and shoulder-length brunette hair questions, licking his lips.
"Water, juice, soda, alcohol basically most desired liquids," I say shrugging my shoulders nonchalantly.
A scowl paints across his face. "Water, just water." The brooding inked baddie answers for them all.
"Water it is," I mumble softly before turning on my heel and heading towards the kitchen.
Once I'm in the kitchen I open the refrigerator and grab 4 bottles of chilled water.
Looking over my shoulder I see Rosie standing in the archway. "Hey, Rosie." I chirp, placing the bottles of water on the counter and closing the refrigerator.
"Buona giornata, Iris. I see you're setting up for the Christmas holidays." She beams sending me a sweet, motherly smile.
"Yeah I am actually, I just wanted to you know bring some Christmas cheer to the house."
"Oh, It's been so long since I've seen a Christmas tree in this house," Rosie says in her gentle voice, looking off into space.
"If you don't mind me asking, Rosie. Why doesn't Luca celebrate the holidays?" I question, turning to face her, eyes complete trained on her.
I watch as her face contorts and she sighs heavily. "Mio caro, unfortunately, that is not my story to tell."
Ugh, I hate that line.
"It's fine, Rosie, I understand." Though I couldn't wipe the troubled expression off my face. "Um, Rosie, I threw a sweater for Luca in the washing machine, could you-?"
She nods and smiles, passing me a tray which I take gratefully, walking out of the kitchen with the bottles of water, I hand the cooling liquids to the hardworking men who'd successfully set up 3 out of four trees.
"Where's the uh....master bedroom?" A man who could pass for a boy with shockingly blue hair and two shining piercings in his lip asks after he's gulped down half of his water.
"Upstairs, come on," I answer, placing the tray on the table in the foyer and going up the stairs whilst holding on to the banister.
Hearing the footsteps of the men following close behind me, I look over my shoulder for a quick minute to see the men gawking at the sheer beauty of the house. Pursuing my lips I hold in a quick giggle at their adorableness and lead them into Luca and I's bedroom.
I push the door open and step inside, glancing over at the sweater which is folded nicely on the bed. Walking over to the area where the TV and white suede couches are situated.
"The last tree goes here." I smile.
The brooding inked baddie nods and the other men follow, walking off behind him to get the tree.
I sit quietly on my bed, scrolling through my Instagram feed while also momentarily watching the guys dressed in grey jumpsuits set up my tree, they work just as quietly well partly quiet.
Once finished with setting up they all glance over at me as to make the fact known.
"Job's done. Have a happy holiday." The inked baddie, clearly the leader of their little group, grunts placing both hands in his pockets and turning on his heel, the others also wish me a merry Christmas and shuffle out the door. The inked baddies about to do the same.
"Hey, hey wait...The least I can do is tip you guys." I speak up, stalling him as I grab my purse off the bed and fish out 400 dollars, handing all 4 bills to him.
"Make sure you split that for all your buddies, okay." Glancing at the name tag ironed onto the brooding inked baddie's uniform, I give him a broad smile. "Happy holidays, Cal."
Huffing, he rolls his eyes and leaves, plopping down on the bed I close my eyes, hearing as the door closes.
The feeling of a hand softly grazing my cheek causes me to stir from the sleep I hadn't know I'd descended into, jolting awake, my eyes snap themselves open to find hazel staring down at me.
"Svegliati tesoro." Luca mumbles in his native language.
"You are aware, I don't understand anything you say to me in Italian," I reply my voice groggy as hell.
"Mmhmm, perhaps I'll have to teach it to you soon enough." He chuckles, watching as I sit up rubbing at my eyes tiredly.
"Perhaps," I mutter with a yawn, swinging my legs off the side of the bed. "When did you get home?" I ask as I stretch, flashing a bit of skin.
Luca's lips quirk up into a smile, licking his lips unconsciously or maybe purposefully, I quickly cover myself up, flushing at his blatant ogling.
"Ten minutes ago." He grins, bringing his eyes up to meet mine as he starts unbuttoning his black dress shirt. At the last button he casually yet so gracefully effortless shrugs it off letting it fall to the floor.
Who was blatantly ogling now?
My ability to form words becomes ineffective as soon as Luca seemingly paying me no mind pulls his pants and silk boxers down, exposing his member.
Swallowing hard I still can't help but gawk but can you blame me it never ceases to amaze me with its impressiveness.
"You have no idea what I want to do to you, amore, when you look at me like that." His eyes haven darkened in lust and the rising urge of wanting to jump him couldn't be helped. "Unfortunately our friends are coming over in half an hour." He sighs.
Fuck, at the moment I was really regretting inviting our friends over.
Om my heel I turn with a heavy sigh of frustration much like his, deciding it to be the best possible course of action if I didn't want to have our friends find us having at it, I leave the room but before I'm completely out the door I don't miss the look Luca sends me. It's one that sends the most thrilling shudder through me.
Oh dear.
Going down the stairs and strolling into the living room, all the decorations lie situated under the huge tree in perfectly lined rows of shopping bags. On the coffee table, drinks and snacks are also lined out while soft Christmas music plays from the stereo creating a festive vibe. It was nice.
I sit on the couch with a hum and wait for Luca to finish getting dressed and come downstairs, brushing my finger over the diamond of my ring, I think about the card.
The card, oh damn where had it gone? Smacking my forehead with my open palm I realize I had forgotten it in my pocket and had loaded it into the laundry which by now had been collected by Rosie and had definitely been put to wash.
Dammit, Iris.
Now what to do. Forget about it and not tell Luca.
Coincidentally my thoughts are broken by him. "Iris!" He calls disturbing the somewhat quiet house.
With a huge sigh, I get off the couch and head up the stairs, back into our bedroom.
"What is it?" I inquire standing in the archway, a brow cocked as I stare at the half-dressed man.
"I hate it." He narrows his eyes at the sweater in his hands, he looks at the sweater as if it's an enemy and not an inanimate object. "Where the hell did you get it, a bargain bin?"
Such a fucking drama queen this one.
"No, a vintage store." I scowl crossing my arms.
"Great." He seethes voice laced with venomous sarcasm, he looked as if he was about to have a mega temper tantrum. "It's touched other people's skin. How disgusting."
"Shut up. It's a good sweater, I personally think you'll look handsome in it," I voice rather amused by his behavior.
With a scoff, he glares hard at the sweater then he looks at me. "Firstly, there was never a doubt I'd look good in it because it's me and secondly, I will never let you pick my clothes ever again, mia cara." He all but huffs.
"Oh hush, you big baby." I grin, my cheeks hurting from how wide my smile is.
"But-" He frowns, jutting out those soft pink lips at me.
I tsk, folding my arms over my chest. "Put the shirt on, Mr. Donario."
He sighs. "As you wish, Mrs. Donario." My heart squeezes at his words and my smile grows impossibly wide.
I watch as he dresses in a white button down still disgusted that the fabric that had been washed had touched someone else's skin before his and then the Christmas sweater, black skinny jeans and black nikes. He looks good like sex on legs.
"See, you look sexy," I state, stepping closer to him.
He wraps an arm around my waist and draws me flush into his chest. "You think I look sexy? Personally, amore, I think I look sexier naked with you on top of me, naked as well." He whispers, nipping at my ear.
The sound of the doorbell and three short raps at the door interrupt us and I groan, immediately regretting that I'd invited people over.
Fucking cockblockers.
I reluctantly detach myself from Luca, almost stomping out the room in frustration.
Luca smiles down at me and braids my fingers with his, my breath hitching as the damn butterflies escape their cage and flutter around wildly in my stomach.
Luca and I walk out of our bedroom, going the stairs to see Nikolai and Ezra standing in the foyer chatting animatedly with Rosie.
"How are the grandkids, Rosie?" Nikolai asks a handsome smile on his face.
"Oh they're great, little Sophia and Sandro started fifth grade this year." She beams proudly.
"That's amazing." Nikolai grins.
My eyes flicker to Ezra noticing her lack of speech and her dazed dreamy look as she stares at an oblivious Nikolai, her eyes taking in his every move and every word. If I didn't know any different, I'd say Ezra had a crush on a certain Prince.
"Luca, Iris," Ezra finally notices our presence in the room, she elbows Nikolai.
"Ciao, Ezra." Luca greets her with a handsome smile.
As soon as Luca lets go of my hand I am quickly enveloped into a tight embrace by Ezra who is practically bouncing on her feet.
"Iris, you look absolutely gorgeous." She gushes as she pulls back.
"And you look absolutely stunning, Ezra." I can't help but feel her cheer rub off on me.
"Where's Estevon?" Luca questions by my side.
Ezra sucks her teeth loudly and rolls her eyes "You know how he is, always has to be fashionably late."
Laughing softly, I intertwine my arm with Ezra's and walk into the living room where all the snacks are lined out.
"Your sweater is so adorable," I compliment, sitting on the couch and grabbing a bag of Lays.
"I actually designed it myself." She blushes, sitting beside me and crossing her legs.
"I didn't know you were a fashion designer," I say, picking a single popcorn from the bowl and popping it into my mouth.
"I'm not." She blushes once again.
I open my mouth to reply when there is a knock on the door, getting to my feet I go over to the front door opening it up.
Lila stands at the front door in the biting cold of the night with a beaming smile on her face and her best sweater on. She wears a black skirt which falls barely above her ass and her black hair is slightly curled, green eyes lighting up like Christmas lights.
She looked ready to walk a catwalk or rock a pole either way. She was definitely stealing someone's heart tonight.
"Lila, come in," I exclaim pulling her into a warm and tender hug which she reciprocates.
"Iris." She smiles her pretty smile. "I brought wine, the good stuff." We pull apart and she lifts a wine bottle into the air which I hadn't noticed.
Grinning, I walk side by side with Lila into the living room. Luca and Nikolai sit on couches cups of Eggnog in hand whilst Ezra is invested in stuffing her face with Rosie's cinnamon rolls.
As I stroll in I realize this will be the first time Luca has ever met Lila.
"Luca, Ezra, Nikolai this is Lila, my best friend, she's basically the sister I never had." I beam introducing Lila who smiles brightly next to me. "Nikolai, you remember Lila, right?" I say.
"Of course, I could never forget such a beautiful face." Nikolai winks, licking his lips as he basically eye rapes her.
"Aren't you just a Romeo?" Lila giggles, sitting on the couch next to a scowling Ezra.
"I can be whomever you please, kitten." He wiggles his brows suggestively at her.
"Is that so?" She teases, flipping her hair over her shoulder and giving him her classic sultry eyes.
"Ehm," Ezra clears her throat annoyed, her lips pursed. "I'm Ezra." Jealous was radiating off her in waves that couldn't go unnoticed.
"Lila." Lila smiles, however, I can tell it's fake however I'm not sure everyone else can tell. It's so close to genuine yet just not right there yet.
Ezra reciprocates her smile and suddenly the room is thick with tension, so thick I almost can't breathe.
God, please send me a miracle.
Another knock at the door captures all attention and thankfully the tension is forgotten and dissipates, walking out of the living room and into the foyer, over to the door I pry it open to reveal a grinning rosy faced Estevon that looks almost close to a Disney Prince.
"Iris, don't you look beautiful." Estevon greets charmingly.
Rolling my eyes playfully, I grab on to his hand and lead him into the living room.
"Look who finally showed up," Luca remarks, hands deep in his pockets.
"What can I say, it takes time to achieve this level of handsomeness." He shrugs coolly, glancing over at Lila, it was as if his eyes turned in to hearts.
"Hello, bella mia." He saunters up to her, checking her out blatantly. "The name is Estevon Danté Vedere, may I ask what your name is?"
"Lila." She speaks unamused, now this shocks me, Lila was all about guys openly flirting with her. Never had she ever turned a guy so fast especially one good looking.
Well unless those guys were good. She always had a taste for the bad boys.
"Iris, shouldn't we be decorating these trees?" Luca finally interjects, looking over at me.
Nodding, I clap my hands gathering their attention though it was already trained on me. "As you know we invited you over to help us decorate the trees and the house for Christmas not to mention a good time and a few drinks."
"Uh...Iris, you have noticed that this is a huge ass house and there's not just one tree but two-" Estevon states with incredulous eyes.
"Four." I correct.
"Even better," Estevon murmurs sarcastically, folding his arms over his chest like a child.
Grinning from ear to ear I roll my eyes, looking around the room at all their faces.
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