《Affairs Of The Heart》✔D O D I C I
🌹Iris' Pov
Hastily parking my car in the parking lot at Lila's clinic, getting out and stalking in without a word to the receptionist —which was probably a bad idea—.
I push the door open to her office—as I said bad idea—to find Lila, one hand deep in a woman's vagina.
"Oh my God. I am so incredibly sorry." I whirl around quickly to face the wall while apologizing profusely.
If it was possible my face would be the shade of a fire truck, right now. Thankfully it is not possible.
A little laugh bubbles from both people in the room behind me as I stand awkwardly. "Oh, it's fine, sweetheart. I'm very comfortable with my body." The woman chirps all easy-breezy.
Good for you, I wanted to say. Doesn't make it less awkward for me.
"What's with the sudden visit?" Lila inquires after she's also finished her laugh and I've blindly dropped into her chair, keeping my eyes fixated on the door.
Oh, I'd almost forgot why I came.
"Um, well, Luca and I...we did it," I confess, fidgeting with my fingers while I stare at the wall. "And by it I mean...sex." I cringe.
You'd think I was a teenager and not a 24 year old woman.
"Oh my god." Lila gasps. "Oh. I'm, I- I can't believe it." She stutters before letting out a 'hmm.' and clearing her throat.
"Hmm? What?" I cross my arms, ready to be defensive.
"Nothing. It's just you lost you're virginity to him and I thought you said you were saving it for someone special and not some guy who uses women like toilet paper."
"I was. I, well, It's not like I planned to do it...it just kind of happened. In the moment."
"Okay." She drawls dropping it but I can feel deep down like she hasn't wholeheartedly dropped it.
What was that okay suppose to mean anyway?
"Did you cum?" The lady suddenly inquires breaking me from my thoughts.
Oh God yes, many many times.
"Yeah, I did." I smile a little then with a shake of my head I realize kind of how weird this is.
It was silent for a while well not all that silent but I don't want to talk about the squelching sounds or the sound of the woman whining or moaning her discomfort or whatever that was. I'd just rather not.
"I think, I found it." Lila suddenly declares triumphantly. "The lost ring pop."
Despite myself, I take a peek over my shoulder in curiosity, watching in shock as Lila pulls it out and my jaw drops, the woman on the table indeed had a fucking ring pop inside her vagina.
Are you kidding me?
"Man, I hate my boyfriend right now." She, the woman on the table mumbles with a sigh, sitting up straight.
"Next time you two want to experiment, try things that won't possibly get lost inside you." Lila smiles softly, completely not at all troubled as she tosses the candy into the trash along with her gloves. "Also can you tell Janice, I'm taking a five minute break."
The woman laughs, nods and sends a wink to Lila. Lady on the table pulls down her gown and hops off the examination table, strolling from the room unfazed as if its every fucking day you just pull a ring pop from a vagina.
"Ok, tell me the details." Lila wiggles her brows, looking at me over her shoulder as she washes her hands at a tiny sink.
And Lila. Wasn't even affected me however I was still very disturbed.
Shaking my head, I grimace before blinking. "Well, I went home from going out with you last night a little tipsy and.... then we had sex." I cough, turning the chair away from the wall.
Lila's office was about the size of my bedroom not too big but good enough for her own private practice. It had light pink walls per my suggestion with charts about all things vagina on the walls. It smelt clinical like antiseptic and latex you know like all places of decent medical background are and I suppose that's why Lila always smelt so clinical.
She had a tiny sink to wash her hands at the other side of the room and the bed which the patient hopped up on so she could you know do her thing. She had a few cabinets over the sink which I wasn't sure held what.
Her office also had a desk in the corner right by the window, on the desk was a Mac desktop and a bunch of neatly arranged items, she had a cardholder filled with what I suppose where her business cards and a tiny photo of her as a child. That was all.
Lila raises a brow and rolls her eyes with a scoff. "You so failed descriptive writing in English. What the hell was that more details you sexy slut, get me wet."
Rolling my eyes at her dramatic manner, I open my mouth to tell her 'the details' and 'get her wet' when a text message makes my phone vibrate in my pocket. Holding a finger up, I slip the device from my pocket and look at the screen.
Hi, Estevon. I'd actually love to grab
lunch with you.
I guess, I mean you don't have to.
I'm at 31st Street East Avenue.
"Who's that?" Lila questions inquisitively as she looks over my shoulder and reads my messages.
"This guy I met who, uh, spilled my coffee." I shrug after reading the text, pocketing my phone. "No big deal."
Lila shakes her head and grins. "Yeah and he's also inviting you to lunch like a date. That's a big deal considering you did just have sex with your husband last night. Girl, you're a two-timing hoe."
"I said it's no big deal," I mutter, rubbing between my eyes.
She grins mischievously before cocking a brow. "So does that mean I can fuck Luca?"
"No." I blurt out way too quickly, eyes narrowed as a strange feeling takes over my body.
Jealousy? Nah...
She smiles knowingly, "Ok." Grabbing her clipboard she calls in another patient through her intercom thingy.
Was I two-timing? No of course not. It's just lunch, it's not like I'm going to sleep with the guy. It's just a friendly lunch get together thing. No harm, no foul. Right?
"Soo, are you and Luca gonna go serious?" She taps her chin, brow cocked as she reviews a patient chart.
I roll my eyes and shake my head. "No, it was just one really, really good time."
She mumbles softly under her breath, so soft I almost don't hear the "Don't I know it."
"What?" I furrow my brows, snapping my eyes to her.
"Nothing I was just thinking since you guys are married and now having sex you have to at least christen the whole house." She teases, an easy smile on her face. "And I mean sex in the hot tub, on the table...inside the swimming pool."
"Oh my god, no. Please shut up," I mumble covering my face with my hands, as heat pricks my ears.
There will be no christening of anything.
Laughing, Lila tsks at me and turns her desktop on, a picture of both of us in our high school uniform, pimpled faced—thank heavens for puberty— and posing underneath the cherry blossom tree popping up on screen, it was senior year of high school only a few days before prom, I think.
God, I remember that day like it was just yesterday.
Travis Gregley, her boyfriend was captain of the football team, a total airhead if you ask me. They were the total 'it' couple, so adorable, but that very day they broke up leaving Lila heartbroken and shattered, so shattered she refused to speak to me.
After a while, she came around and I told my boyfriend I couldn't go with him, so, on prom night Lila and I stayed at home in our pj's eating ice cream and binge-watching Disney movies.
That was actually probably one of my best memories of us ever.
"Uh, Lila I have to go," I say standing up to leave the room as a small woman shuffles in shyly.
I was not about to see yet another woman's peach. No, thank you.
"M'kay bye, fill me in on your not date date later." She yells as I roll my eyes.
Walking past the receptionist, I smile goodbye and stroll towards the parking lot, my hands in the pockets of my hoodie.
"Hey, beautiful." A flashy hot red Dodge pulls up beside me, bending my head I peer into the car.
"Damn, are you like psychic or something." I laugh with a small smile playing on my face as I see the familiar man.
"Shit, don't let the government hear you, babe. You'll blow my cover." He ducks down and looks around mockingly.
"Har har. You're so not funny." I shake my head with a quirked lip.
"Ah damn. I was hoping to impress you with my humor." He snaps his fingers with a playful frown. "So are you getting in, precioso or what?" He opens the car door for me.
"So, you're a therapist?" Estevon cocks a brow, sipping his Espresso.
"Yup and I own the place," I mention feeling pretty damn proud.
"And you're a big fan of soccer, goddamn you're the perfect woman." He whistles low.
I hate that word. Perfect. I was not perfect.
I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "I am not perfect, okay. I've been to jail, I've cheated on a few tests and once I even stole a pen from the bank."
"That's adorable, Iris." He chuckles and flicks my nose. "However you do know those pens are free?"
They are? Well, that does nothing for my nonexistent street rep.
"Well, I'm married," I mutter, averting my eyes as my finger finds the ring.
Shrugging he gives me a charming smile. "Even better a challenge. I love a good challenge." He wiggles his brows.
"I swear it feels like I've seen you before." He suddenly ponders thoughtfully, tapping his chin. "But how could I forget such a beautiful face such as yours."
"Easy Casanova." I laugh, a smile flitting onto my face. "Perhaps we've met in another life." I propose.
"Perhaps, we have precioso."
I internally sigh, why can't I be single and attracted to this guy. I mean I am attracted to him, just not all that much.
He is sweet and good and everything Luca isn't. He's boyishly cute whilst Luca is a sexy Adonis, he is adorably nice while Luca is a fucking demon. He just doesn't get my heart racing like that asshole did, sadly.
Estevon pokes my side making me giggle, sticking my tongue out at him I open my mouth to say something when a notification vibrates my phone that lays face down on the table.
"Excuse me," I apologize and pick my phone up.
Can't, busy.
Home? I'm sorry,
I'm not aware of this place.
Toodles xoxo.😘
I place my phone down face first again and smile at the man in front of me, leaning forward with my elbows on the table.
"So what do you do?" I smile in question.
"Hmm, well, I'm like the Vice President at Vedere Corporations. Don't know if you heard of it?" He answers with a little shrug.
Fucking hell, another businessman. Great.
"Firstly, who the hell doesn't know about Vedere Corp, they lead in developing the world's best pharmaceuticals."
My dad works for business men, so I know business.
"You'd be surprised how many people don't know anything about pharmaceutical companies. I would be one of said people if my family didn't own it." He snorts.
"Oh, family business. I get it. Soooo, you're not originally from New York then, since Vedere Corp is based in Miami, right?" I question with a raised brow.
"Good eye. You're correct, I'm here to see a friend." Estevon nods looking a little impressed.
"Oh, you'll be going back to Miami so then?" I muse.
"Yeah, you know, got to be an adult and take care business." He frowns at this.
"And being an adult sucks?" I ask with a giggle.
"Duh, you have to learn to pay taxes and book your own doctor appointments." He whines with a pout.
"Oh, you poor thing."
"I know right."
Estevon's phone rings and we quit our laughing, giving me this time an apologizing look before pulling it out of his pocket, he answers his phone.
"Oy.....yeah, Luca...Uh huh, you don't say... I'll see you soon." Estevon speaks into the phone, glancing away from me.
You've got to be kidding me. Really life!
I must have been a really shitty person in my other life cause karma seems to have it out for me.
"So I'm not trying to pry or anything but what does your husband do for a living?" He turns back to me with a smile after he's ended the call and pocketed his phone.
"Um, he's an entrepreneur," I reply clearing my throat.
And you also fucking know him.
"Look Estevon I have to go." I nibble on my lower lip, staggering to my feet before he can reply.
Grabbing my phone from the table, I stroll briskly from the table, leaving behind a very, very confused Estevon. Picking up my pace, I push the door open, stumbling out on to the streets of New York.
What are the odds that my date and my husband know each other? That's some next level type of stuff.
I'm stopped as a hand grabs a hold of my wrist, snapping my gaze upwards I'm greeted with a worried Estevon.
"Hey, what's wrong? Was it what I asked?" He inquires sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "About your husband?"
I keep my eyes on the sidewalk before glancing up at him for a brief second into his sparkling evergreen eyes.
"Estevon, it's not what you said, it's just I'm married and it was wrong of me to lead you on like that, my husband may be a huge asshole but I made those vows and even if he won't stick to them I will because I won't sink to his level, my morals just won't let me."
"I understand, I completely understand. How about this...just friends then?" He lets go of my wrist and sinks his hands into his pockets, eyes trained on me with a gleam of hope.
I smile softly. "Of course."
He was a nice guy and I liked him, if we could be friends that would be amazing.
He smiles back at me and draws me into a friendly hug which I of course, reciprocate.
Pulling back I wave goodbye as he does the same and turn on my heel walking down the street, a feeling of content warming despite the growing cold.
The ring of my phone makes me stop at a graffitied wall and I slip the device from my pocket, answering it without a glance at the caller's ID.
Big mistake.
"Iris!" Luca snarls into my phone.
"What the hell?" I grind out calmly, my teeth clenched and my calm demeanor evaporating.
"Cazzo, where are you? Your car is parked at a clinic on 31st street and you're not here." He seethes, sounding very, very pissed.
"And why the hell would it matter to you?" I sass feeling my own anger rise.
"Iris Emery Donario, I would advise you to not get me even more furious than I already am. I'm now driving past Central Park you better be at my house when I get there." He grits out through obviously clenched teeth.
How dare he speak to me as if I'm a child.
"Oh, I'm sorry Daddy, last time I checked I was a grown adult, and you don't own me, sweetheart. Never have, never will." I argue, a hand on my hip. "Plus it's Harding, you fucker."
"Oh my precious amore, you're so cute. You say I don't own you but that's not what you were saying last night as you were screaming my fucking name, over and over again. Plus sweetheart, check your neck, my copyright is all over that shit." He states and I can just hear the victorious smirk in his voice.
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