《In Love with A Criminal》Why are You Crying?


Narrator's POV

Scourge had been so lost and depressed since his love had disappeared in thin air. The only things he'd been doing since his loss were therapy and anger management. He also took deep depression classes. His life was like walking on a wire, he balanced everything out so he wouldn't fall.

Although sometimes when he'd think of Shadow, he'd start to lean to one side of the wire more than the other, but he managed to gain his balance back.

Now, he was in his anger management class, lesson #6: Releasing Anger through Actions.

"Now class, let's see what we've got. Who would like to go first?" Asked the instructor. Scourge raised his hand. "Alright Scourge. Get up here." Scourge went in front of the class. "Alright. This exercise helps you release negative energy through movement. Okay, close your eyes."

Scourge closed his eyes and took in a deep breath.

"Now, think deeply into something that angers you. Something that gets you so mad, that you feel like throwing a chair across the room." The instructor indicated.

Scourge opened his now angered eyes. He clenched his firsts and grit his teeth.

"Now...release it." The instructor whispered.

The green furry growled then punched the dummy the instructor put in front of him many times.

"Aaaaaaaaah!" He screamed angrily as he punched the dummy hard.

His wire had snapped, and he was falling. Shadow had filled his mind again.

Punching wasn't enough. He took the dummy by the head, ripping it off, taking the stuffing out of it. He dropped it and kicked it several times across the room. Tears poured from his eyes. He threw the dummy across the room to the door. "Argh!" He swung his fist.

A loud crash was heard. He looked up, and the glass from the door had broken. He blinked a couple of times before realizing what had happened. He sighed and shook his fist, freeing small pieces of glass that were stuck in it. He looked back at the jaw dropped students.


"Thank you..." He straightened his jacket. He opened the door and closed it, causing the glass at the top of the door to fall and shatter. Scourge looked through the now opened surface from the door, "Um... I'll pay for that." He said before walking away.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked down the hall to the exit.

Now, he had tied his wire together and was back on it.

Scourge's POV

Tears poured from my eyes. I hurried over to my car, quickly unlocking it and getting in; slamming the door shut. I laid my head on the wheel and let my tears fall on the leather seats. My breathing grew violent and fast. Anger shot through me. "Son of a-"

Narrator's POV

A car horn went off for a while. Then it went off repeatedly, multiple times. The car alarm went off and so did the blinkers. The car jumped and shook. Inside sat a screaming green hedgehog. He punched the wheel several times, sending the horn off. Hot tears ruined his blue eyes, his muzzle grew red with anger.

The green hedgehog had gone mental. He was angered, confused, sad, and depressed.

His screaming soon stopped and his head was dropped on the wheel. Tears streamed down his face, soft cries were coming from him...

No one could hear his screams or cries...

Silver's POV

I looked at Scourge asleep on the back seat through the mirror on the windshield. Poor guy, he had lost the love of his life and was suffering for it. I feel so, so sorry for him. Only if there were something I could do, something. I can't travel back in time, otherwise I'd be breaking the rules.

He had called me to drive him home, because he was so...so upset...so broken. He was like a piece of paper, once it gets ripped, there's no way to revert it to its original. You can tape it or glue it, but it won't look the same, and it will eventually fall apart again. His heart is broken forever...


"Silver..." I heard his voice.

"Yes Scourge?" I asked looking at him through the mirror.

"You can't brake something's that already been broken..." He stated, looking out the window.

I sighed. "I know..." I took a right turn to his house.

Narrator's POV

The green hedgei laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling in the dark. He had a hand on his chest, the other was behind his head. One leg was stretched out onto the bed, the other was bend, butting his knee to the air.

He heard something... His ears rose up, and listened again. Was he imagining things? Great, he has anger issues, and now he's losing his mind too?

There it was again. He sat up and looked at his door. He got up and walked over to it. Opening the door, the sound started getting louder and clearer. He wondered through the hallway, looking into the rooms. There was no one...

The sound had cleared into soft cries. He kept walking closer, the cries had gotten a bit louder. He found himself out on the streets, walking in the dark.

He walked into the dark forest. The cries echoed through the trees. He began to approach the source of them. He came across someone.

"Why are you crying?" Asked the green hedgehog. The crying stopped.

"I... I'm not crying..." A soft male voice lied. He sniffed. The voice began laughing quietly, the laughs slowly developed into cries. "I'm...lost and can't find...my way out of these woods." Cried the small voice.

Scourge looked down at the male with no expression. "Get your sorry ass together Shadow and grow up."

Icy blue eyes shot opened. He looked around. He was alone in his bed, the morning sunshine broke its way through a window.

It was just a dream... It wasn't...real...

Thought the green being. He looked over at his clock. It was 10:23 in the morning. He sighed and looked at the ceiling, his eyes shut again.

"If you love me, let me go." He stated.

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