《In Love with A Criminal》More than You Know


Narrator's POV

"Shadow! Open the door, please..." Mephiles tried everything to persuade the pet to come out, but nothing worked. Perhaps he'd try to slid under the door. When he did, there was no black hedgei. The window had been opened.

The curtains blew with the wind from the opened window. The black furry had climbed out the window. He had escaped his "abuser".

"Dammit!" Mephiles slammed his hand down on the windowsill.


"TAILS! TAILS! TAILS!" Shouted an over excited Sonic.

"What's wrong Sonic?" Asked the small fox.

"Look who I found!" He took the blanket from the couch, revealing a black furry.

"Shadow!" Tails sat by him.

"Yeah! Scourge will be pleased with this. He misses you Shadow." Sonic commented.

"Scourge?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll call him to come over." Sonic took the phone in his hand and dialed a number.


"Scourge! I found him! He's at my house right now. He misses you and is looking for you." Sonic told him.

"Shadow! Where is he? Is he with you?"

"Yes, he's right he-" Sonic looked around, Shadow was gone! "Um..."

"Blue..." Scourge growled. "This better not be a prank."

"No, I swear...he was right here a minute ago. Just come over and he'll be here. He's around here somewhere." Sonic said.

"I'll be there. You better be right." The green being hung up.

The blue hedgehog searched the house at least 30 times, but still couldn't find Shadow. Then it struck him. "Tails..." He ran down to the fox's lab in the basement. There stood Tails holding a gadget. "Tails! Scourge is gonna be here any minute to see Shadow, but you have him down here."



"He expects to see him up stairs now..." Sonic grabbed Shadow's arm, but his hand just squeezed air. "What the? Tails..." The blue hedgehog tapped his back.

"Okay, look. I tried scanning Shadow but it ended up splitting his emotions. This right here is the original body, but he's like a ghost because he lost his emotions, and he'll disappear if we can't gather all his emotions." Tails explained.

"So if we don't find them, he'll disappear?"

"Yes, now he's frozen and can't move or talk. We can't touch him either. He's basically a ghost." He said.

"Tails... I've told you a million times, test your gadgets on something, but a person and or hedgehog." Sonic sighed. "Well, where are his emotions?"

"They all kind of scattered..." Tails admitted.

"What?!" The doorbell rang. "Oh no! Scourge is here! What do we do?"

"Okay, the emotions can be touched and trapped, then they need to be thrown into Shadow's "ghost" so Shadow will return to normal."

"That shouldn't be a problem do to my speed."

"Well, there's one small problem..."


"There's like so many emotions."

"How many?"

"I don't know! They were too many. But, there are four main emotions, the one he uses all the time. If we can catch those, the others will come and automatically go back in Shadow's body."

"Okay, just four." There were loud knocks at the door. "Coming!"

Sonic's POV

I rushed up stairs and answered the door. "Hi Scourge..."

"Where's Shadow?" Asked Scourge.

"Um, well..." This is going to be a long explanation.

-minutes later-

"You what?!"

"Okay, I'm sorry.but it's not technically my fault, it's Tails's." I pointed at Tails.


"Come on Sonic!"

"You stupid hedgehog! And you-" He pointed at Tails. "I'll... I'll think of something else for you." There was quiet silence.


"So let's go find those four emotions!" Scourge got up.

"They should still be in the house." Tails got up. "By the way, none of their names are Shadow."

"Then what are their names?" Asked Scourge.

"There's Bashful, Fear, Naughty, and Clever."

"Why those four?" I asked.

"Well, those are the ones he uses more often." Tails answered.

"Let's split. That way we'll find them faster." Scourge suggested.

"Remember, there's more than four...but try to catch the main ones."

"Well, which one are they?"

"They'll be the ones that have different eye color. Naughty will have purple eyes. And the others, we'll find out. The rest of the emotions have Crimson eyes like Shadow. Now, let's go." Tails announced.

Scourge's POV

I went upstairs to look first. If I know one thing about Shadow, he loves second stories for some reason. Once I got there, there were about 15 emotions. They were all talking.

"Hey! Everyone! Eyes on me!" They all became quiet and looked at me, there were no different colors, wait... There's gray! "Hey you!" I pointed at him. "What your name?"

"My name is Clever. How about you?" He smirked raising his eyebrows. "Let me guess... Scourge, is it?" He smirk grew wider.

"Scourge?" A Shadow turned to me.

"He's Lovey by the way. Once he touches other Shadows, they all fall into a love spell." He said.

"You tricked me."

"Scourge!" I heard all Shadows said, but Clever. They began to get close to me. "Mine!" One jumped on me, then all started to do so.

"Have a nice day..." Cleve walked by.

"Why you... Hey! Not there! That's off limits! I'll get you! Yow! You guys are a bit grabby..." Soon I was under a pile of Shadows. Clever Shadow is pretty clever.

Tails's POV

I walked by the basement. "Hi..." I heard a Shadow say.

"Hi..." I said flying by. Whoa! Hold my horses, I backed up to him. "Wait..." He was holding onto the hand rail of the basement stairs very tightly. "Is your name Fear?" I asked him.

"How'd you know?" He looked at me. "Anyway, I'm just trying to get to the others, they're down stairs."

"Hey you won't fall, just come with me." Another Shadow showed up at the bottom of the stairs.

"No, the probability of him falling are 97% higher than usual which is almost the number of accidents that happen on staircases." He must me Smart.

"Well, his probability is that high, but if he'd just stop worrying and try it, he could decrease that chance." Ha, got him.

"That's not possible."

"Yes it is."

"No it isn't."

"Yes! "


"Fine. Let's have a contest to see who's the smartest of us." And just like that, I folded like a cheap blanket.

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