《My Secret Boyfriend》99


hey guys, i'm now on winter break which means i'll try my best to finish this book for the next two weeks. i've been struggling a bit mentally, feeling drained and all that good shit. i just want to say thank you for not abandoning this book, but please try to remain kind in my comments. i know you all want updates but it's very hard for writers to find motivation sometimes. and as we're approaching the last chapters, i want to personally thank you all so much.

draco felt his lip quiver as y/n opened her eyes gently. the last time he saw her like this was when she was in the hospital, scars all over her body from what potter did to her.

"y/n- love," draco pulled her in tightly.

"ow, what happened?" she asked, her voice coarse and shaky.

"some lunatic hit you with a spell. bloody hell, y/n. i thought i lost you... again," draco said. he wiped away his tears as percy hugged y/n.

"you can't get rid of me that easily," she joked.

"we need to get you two into the great hall," percy interrupted.

"i need to find harry-"

"no, y/n. you need to get into the great hall," percy snapped. he and draco helped y/n up, forcing her into where madam pomfrey and others were helping injured students.

"i'm fine! i need to-"


y/n recognized that shaking voice.

"mum?" y/n turned around.

molly had tears in her eyes.

"what happened?" she asked.

molly couldn't answer, instead she brought y/n over to where george was hunched over. arthur was holding back his own sobs.

"wha-" y/n looked down. fred appeared to be unconscious as he laid on the floor.


"freddie-" y/n croaked. she knelt down to where george was, the ginger having tear-stained cheeks as his lip shook.

"he's gone, y/n."

y/n didn't know what to do.

"no- no no no, this is one of your jokes- it has to be-"

"y/n-" arthur touched her shoulder. draco bent down to where she was on her knees.

"stop! he's okay- he has to be. he promised he would be okay," y/n sobbed.

"freddie..." she cried. george wrapped an arm around her, hugging her tightly as they both bawled.

y/n hadn't seen george cry since he was eight, having broken his arm after a rough landing from a family game of quidditch. the tears didn't last long, though, because fred made sure to break his arm too so georgie wouldn't be alone.

y/n never forgot that memory. how fred would never second guess sacrificing himself to make other people happy, so they wouldn't have to suffer; not alone, at least.

draco hugged y/n tightly as she fell into him. he didn't say much, just let the family grieve in their own way.

"mum?" ron spoke up. george grabbed ron into a big embrace, surprising the teen slightly.

"why's everyone got a frown?" he asked.

george ushered to fred's lifeless body.

"fred..." ron gasped.

y/n picked her head up from draco's chest, wanting to hug her twin. "he can't-"

"he is," y/n interrupted.


what felt as if a century went by turned out to be only twenty minutes. y/n heard rumbling, as she assumed the rest of the people in the great hall did. they all shuffled out of the hall, only to be met with voldemort and the death eaters.

"who's that? in hagrid's arms?" ginny asked.


"i've killed harry potter!" voldemort came shrieking throughout the courtyard.

"no! no!" ginny screamed.

"silence!" voldemort shouted.

"stupid girl... you cry for that?" he scoffed. voldemort continued his speech about how worthless harry potter is.

"harry potter is dead! now... time to declare yourselves."

"draco..." a rough voice spoke from where the death eaters stood.

draco gripped y/n's hand. he knew exactly who that is.

"draco, don't be stupid," lucius malfoy said.

draco looked at y/n. "don't."

"come, draco." narcissa spoke up, draco's silver eyes looking pained. yet, y/n understood something in those beautiful eyes. trust me.

he let go of y/n's hand, walking across the crowd shamefully. "he saved your life," ron spat.

voldemort grabbed draco and brought him into an awkward hug that made y/n cringe. "well done, draco. who will be next, hm? come now, don't be shy."

neville stepped forward.

"neville-" y/n spoke up.

neville brushed her off, a look of determination spread across his face.

voldemort and his death eaters began picking on neville, however, what shocked y/n the most was when neville straightened up and began his speech.

"it doesn't matter that harry is gone. people die every day. friends, family. yes, we lost harry tonight. but he's still with us, here-" neville pointed to his heart.

"and so is fred and remus and tonks and... all of them. they didn't die in vain. but you will. and you and you and you will. and so will you, because you're wrong. harry's heart did beat for us, all of us. this isn't over..."

y/n couldn't feel any prouder of her best friend. the boy who was once chasing his lost toad, stuck on a chandelier, and many other things was now standing up to the most dark wizard of all time.

suddenly, a loud gasp came from the crowd as harry jumped out of hagrid's arms. "potter!" draco shouted, tossing him his wand.

draco quickly ran over, grabbing onto y/n (who was stuck in shock). "draco- harry- what?"

"well done, malfoy!" ron grinned.

draco gave ron a nod, both boys smiling at each other.

"confringo!" harry casted.

people began rushing back inside the great hall as the death eaters backed away.

"we've got to kill the snake!" harry yelled to hermione, ron, and y/n.

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