《My Secret Boyfriend》98


y/n watched as a giant protective force field went around hogwarts. her heart was pounding in her chest, a ringing in her ears and a lump in her throat.

she might die tonight...

"you okay, freddie?" she heard george ask.

"yeah," fred sighed.

"me too."

"how about you, (nickname)?" the twins turned to their younger sibling.

y/n nodded her head. "yeah," she repeated what fred said.

as she stared out at the sky, trying not to show her fear, she felt her brothers hold her tightly.

"we love you, y/n."

"i love you too."


the death eaters began trying to break the force field down. it was almost deafening how loud the spells hit against the protective orb.

but, y/n could faintly hear a voice in her head. go inside.

"i have to do something," she dismissed her brothers, taking off running. she didn't know where she needed to go, but she knew that she had to be in here.

inside a long corridor, y/n stopped to collect her breath. suddenly, footsteps from the connecting corridor caused her to quickly draw her wand and hold it up threateningly in front of her.

just then, a blond boy was stood in front of her panting. his black on black suit, shaking hands and dirty cheek.

"draco?" y/n breathed out, tears pricking her eyes.

the blond turned his head so quick y/n was surprised he didn't catch whiplash. "y/n."

the teenagers sprinted towards each other, both crying when they finally embraced. "are you alright?" y/n asked, observing his frightened face.

draco shook his head. "never mind about me. are you alright?" he asked, looking deeply into her watery eyes.

"i missed you so much," she breathed out, ignoring his question.


"i missed you too, darling," he said whispered.

"i'm so scared," she admitted.

draco swallowed. "me too. but i'm here now, we're going to be okay."

y/n nodded. "why do you look shaken up?"

"i almost just bloodied died. blaise and i. goyle blew up the room of requirement with fire. the moron fell to his death, but potter and your brother saved us."

y/n blinked at draco's words. "merlin's beard."

draco shrugged. "mental, huh?"

"definitely. i'm glad you're safe," she told him, pushing his blond hair out of his face.

"we have to get out of here, y/n."

y/n nodded. keeping her wand equipped, she and draco took off running. going through corridors, ducking spells and curses, y/n ran into percy.


"y/n! run!"


y/n almost felt it immediately. a large stun spell casted over her body, causing her to fall. "y/n!" draco shouted.

draco grabbed onto her and she began falling, her body as stiff as can be. "i-i can't move," she gasped, her throat tight.

"you're gonna be okay," draco whispered, more to himself then y/n.

"y/n! bloody hell-" percy ran over, racking his brain for the counter-spell.

"i can't breathe," y/n struggled for air.

draco felt a tear roll down his cheek as he held y/n's limp body. "you're okay, you're gonna be okay-"

"draco- the moon-"

"y/n who cares about the moon-"

"it's so beautiful, isn't it?" she struggled out.

"ah!" percy grabbed his wand, a pink light enlightening from the end.

"what is that?" draco asked, his voice cracked.

"the counter jinx. she'll be okay in a few minutes," percy explained.

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