"Hold still." Raina huffed, inserting the last eyelash. "Okay there. Blink a couple times. I wanna see." I did as she asked and she took a step back, looking at her creation and grinning wide. A little too wide to the point where it was scaring the life out of me. "I am a fucking genius."
She chose the wrong time to say that. Mom had walked right by the open door of Raina's room, standing in the threshold, her arms akimbo. "Language Raina! What have I told you?"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she exclaimed, urging Mom into her room. "Look at her, Mom. Look what I did."
My mom's angry expression softened when she looked at me. "Oh Sandra, you look beautiful."
"Really?" If whatever Raina did to me got Mom from monster to teddy bear in a matter of seconds then it must have been good.
Raina handed me the mirror and my heart beat loud in anticipation. A part of me didn't think having my sister do my makeup for prom would be a good idea especially since she had just started her new obsession not too long ago. But looking at myself in the mirror I almost dropped it in the surprise of what she did.
She tilted my head up. "See. Look at that highlight. You can't tell me that I messed anything up."
"Y-you didn't." I stuttered.
"So..." She trailed off, her hands locked and pressed against her mouth.
"Wow, Raina."
"Exactly the reaction I was looking for," That smile never left her face and it made me happy that I let her do this. "Now c'mon get into the dress."
Raina and my mom waited outside as I slid into my dress. I stood there looking at myself in it, falling for it for what was probably the hundredth time when my phone buzzed. I grabbed my phone, unlocking it to look at the message.
A tiny smile came to my face as I looked at the time. Leave it to him to always be early to something when he puts his mind to it. I was convinced that Kevin has been waiting for this night longer than I have. He kept planning out everything to make it perfect and I found it endearing he was going to so much trouble.
From the limo to the cottage we were all supposed to go right after, he was way too excited but I couldn't help myself from feeding off of his energy. I think his mom was happier than he was just to see him happy.
Not yet omg you're too early
You want to go to prom without your date? I want you to wait until I'm ready
I grinned at the mention of one of my favorite things when he sent me a second text.
I put my phone on the dresser, putting on my earrings and my bracelet. I took my cell phone as I looked at myself in Raina's mirror against her wall. How she got the big mirror I will never understand but I'm always in here to take pictures anyway.
My white high necked long dress was something I didn't think I would like the first time I saw it passing by for work. It took me five times of walking by it to realize how much I actually liked it and by the sixth time, I had dragged Amelia with me to see if she liked it too. She admired the silt on the thigh more than I did and told me that if I didn't get it she was going to take it from me.
I took a mirror picture and sent it to Amelia quickly. Her response was a Facetime call.
I answered it to see the bright smile on her face. The really bright smile on her face. It wasn't a good smile. It was fake. I frowned. "What happened?"
"You look great." She told me keeping the smile on her face. I could see that she was ready. She looked beautiful but the smile was what wasn't doing it for me.
"What happened?"
"I can't compliment my best friend?"
"Not when you're smiling like that. That's your fake smile. What's going on?"
She flipped the camera for me to see Hayden. Then I saw the problem. Oh. Amelia was probably a second away from a meltdown.
Amelia's dress was a dark red. It was as beautiful as my best friend was.
But Hayden was wearing a blue tie.
A bright blue tie.
I groaned. "Oh my God, Hayden."
"She told me that she was wearing bright blue, remember? You were there!" He exclaimed.
"Yes, I said that. A month ago. Then I said I was wearing dark red I even sent you the picture of a similar dress with the same colour." I heard Amelia say. I could see Hayden open his mouth to speak but Amelia cut him off. "I even said it in the caf a couple days ago. You were there."
Hayden looked at me through the back camera even though he couldn't see me. "She's pissed at me. Help."
You'd think that he'd know how to help himself out of Amelia situations by now.
I sighed. "Um, I can check if my dad has a red tie. He probably does. Amelia? Breathe, go easy on him."
"It's not my fault he has short-term memory." She muttered.
"Ames." Hayden and I both say at the same time.
She tsked, flipping the camera back so it focused on her again. "Okay, okay, I guess it's not that big of a deal."
When I assumed Hayden had left the room, she leaned into the screen. "Sis, you better find that red tie."
I laughed. "Don't worry. I will- at least Raina will or something. By the way?"
"You look amazing."
"Love you S."
"Love you more. We'll see you both in a half an hour."
I left my room with my phone in my hand and my mom and Raina dramatically gasped. Mom did little twirling notion with her hand, silently making me do as she asked as I slowly turned in a circle.
My dad stepped out of his room when I was mid-turn. He softly smiled at me. "Look at you."
I made a face. It was rare whenever he gets soft like this. "Dad."
"You look beautiful, honey," he embraced me before leaning back. "Is boyfriend here?"
"Boyfriend is indeed here. He's outside." My dad was already making his way down the stairs mid-sentence and I snorted following his lead but stopping before I reached the floor. Raina and I watched my dad open the door and Kevin stood there flushed, a gummy worm almost entering his mouth.
A red gummy worm. My favourite.
"Hey!" I said.
Kevin glanced at me, his eyes wide as he looked me over. He put the gummy worm down when he softly smiled at me. "Wow."
"The gummy worm," I said, slowly walking over to him but Raina beat me to the ground, taking pictures on her phone.
I stayed with my dad, my hand reaching out for it. He placed it in my palm and I ripped it's head off quickly, smiling as I ate it.
"Dad, can I have a couple words with my Kevin?" I asked, trying to stop him from having one of his long conversations with him.
"You'll see him in a couple seconds, how many words do you need with the boy?"
He ignored me. "Kevin."
"Hi." He grinned, offering the bag of gunny worms to my dad.
My dad reached for one, smiling back before turning on his heels and walking into the kitchen. I could hear the shutter of the camera as Raina took pictures of Kevin and I every move as I let him in the house, closing the door behind him.
Then I remembered. "Oh snap. Raina."
"Hayden wore the wrong tie."
"The wrong-that idiot. I swear Amelia said red all the time-"
"I know right?" I agreed but Raina handed the phone to my mom who was smiling at me and Kevin as my little sister hurried into our parents' room.
I turned to Kevin and he had his Kevin smile on for me. "Hi." I pointed at his hair and he shrugged. "Mom forced me to get it cut."
"I like it."
"I know you do," he gave me a look. "I heard you two complaining about how weird it was getting the other day."
"Yeah 'cause we were right and now look at you. I can see your eyes again." I pressed a kiss to his lips. "You look handsome."
Kevin's hands locked around my waist. "You look so heart eyes."
"Heart eyes?" I repeated.
"Yeah, like wow," he pulled back, taking my hand and making me twirl before he pulled me back in. "Prom queen, here you come."
I put a hand over my face just to hear my mom yell, "Sandra, do not ruin your makeup by touching your face that often throughout the night. Your sister didn't work hard for no reason."
I instantly moved my hand off my face. "Got it."
"Okay, okay," Raina ran down with one of dad's red ties, a perfect color that matched Amelia's dress. In the matter of months that it took for me and Raina to get closer like we once were before there were many things I learned about her. For instance, she was reliable. She grabbed my phone out of Mom's hand, holding her own and running into the kitchen. She returned with dad, handing him a disposable camera. "Pictures, we're taking pictures now. Let's go."
In the middle of the dancing, Hayden stopped, groaning as he looked back at the table we were sitting before. "Man, I really want that pasta."
"Dude." I heard Kevin say over the vibrating music.
"You had mine," Amelia told him.
"And half of mine," I added.
"You just snatched my plate," Kevin grumbled.
"But banquet hall food is never this good guys," Hayden insisted. "Like never. That was the best pasta I ever had."
"Oh my God." I heard our friend, Monique say. "Is he still talking about the food?"
A voice cleared their throat, the feedback of the mike ringing through the venue. The music stopped and everyone put their hands on their ears before the sound was gone.
Lisa stood on the little stage along with Cam who was holding two crowns in his hands. I didn't hear what they were saying when Kevin wrapped his arms around my shoulders, his lips brushing against my ear. "This is it. This is where people think will be the best moment of their life until-"
"They realized they peaked in high school," Hayden muttered and Amelia let out a tiny laugh.
"...is," Lisa dramatically paused. "Kevin Reed."
"Wha-Wow." I heard Kevin say, pulling himself off me to go get his crown.
Hayden laughed, his claps loud but not as effective as everyone cheered. "Wow, he said he'll be prom king so many times that it actually happened. Trippy."
"Very," Amelia clapped, cupping her mouth to yell, "Yes Kevin!"
Kevin jogged onto the stage, taking the crown from Cam and placing it on his head, a wide smile on his face. I didn't even hear who won prom queen. I didn't care. Kevin walked towards us, pointing at the crown on his head. "This is the real deal eh? 100% plastic. Beautiful."
"Look at you," I teased. "Prom King."
Kevin shrugged, taking the plastic crown and putting it on my head. "Look at you. My queen."
"Not corny- cute. You may not have won prom queen but you definitely do look like one tonight."
"Kevin." I drawled out with an embarrassed smile, linking my arms around his neck to hug him. He hugged me back, pressing a kiss to my temple.
I heard the click of a picture and I let go of Kevin to Amelia who was smiling at me, her phone in her hands. "My favorite annoying couple."
"Thanks, Ames." Kevin told her.
Hayden came over, slapping Kevin on the back. "Let's get it. Are we heading out soon?"
"Do not, Hayden I swear to-" Amelia shrieked as Hayden lifted her up and started charging towards the water, dropping her in with a loud laugh.
I was certain everyone else was inside the house most likely drinking the cheap beer Monique's boyfriend got. I was going to stay away from that. I laid on my back, Kevin's sunglasses on my face toward the setting sun and the said person was on my side, his hand tracing patterns on my shirt.
"So." He started.
I turned my head to look at him, he was holding his head up with his hand while his elbow was on the grass. "So."
He stayed quiet for a second before letting out a little laugh. I tapped him on the chest. "What? What's so funny?"
"Nothing. It's just wow."
"Everything. Our friends, our families, us. Just wow indeed." He grinned and the sound of laughter increased as other started making their way to the water.
"I'm gonna miss this." He stopped tracing patterns on my stomach.
"Me too," I said, my fingers grazing his jaw. We agreed to just see where our relationship would go after the summer and I was okay with that. I was just happy to be near him. "So Prom King-"
Kevin automatically groaned, covering his face with his hands. "It's your title now. Why are you hiding?"
"You can't call me Prom King, I call you Prom Queen already."
"I don't make the rules. A new nickname has been established. You got everyone calling you it now.
"Sure," Kevin moved his hand from his face. "But you're not everyone."
"S! Kevin! Hurry up!" Amelia yelled. She was on Hayden's shoulders and he was holding her up as she fought against Robin who was on Cam's shoulders.
I got up, taking my shoes and socks off. Kevin was right behind me as I quickly stripped down to my swimwear and I started running.
"S," Kevin yelled when K reached the sand. "Don't make me chase you."
"Again?" I joked, stopping my run as I held my hand out for him. He jogged over to me.
"Never really stopped actually. Since ninth grade."
That's when he shot me a ninth-grade Kevin Reed wink and I cringed. "Oh gosh- NO!" He lifted me up and I tried to kick my way out of his arms but he just laughed, pulling me into the water.
He tossed me into it and I succumb underneath without any warning, mentally thanking my dad for making me go through swimming lessons when I was nine. I glared at Kevin when I broke from the surface. I swam over to him, ready to splash the living life out of him and he pulled me into his arms, one hand on my face. And when I saw his expression, any small hint of anger faded away at the sight of his sincere face.
"Hi." He said softly.
I sighed, mad at myself for letting a little thing like that having an effect on me. "Hi Kevin."
"You mad at me?" He narrowed his eyes at me, tilting his head.
"Am I ever really mad at you?" I pointed a finger at him. "Don't answer that."
"You annoyed at me?" He asked.
"Always." I rolled my eyes, locking my arms around his neck.
He laughed. "You still love me?"
I froze, my heart beating loud in my chest. We never said that before. Oh shit.
Then Kevin continued, his smile dimming. "You don't have to answer that or anything. I love you. I just thought you should-"
I shut him up quick and I shut him up fast, kissing him hard enough to potentially knock the breath out of him. When I pulled back, I was smiling wide. "I love you too."
He pressed his forehead against my own. "Cutting me off like that? Corny."
"Telling me you love me like that? Cornier." I shot back and he laughed, pressing me closer to him.
"Can you two hurry up and join?" Cam yelled at us, making me break my gaze from Kevin's.
"Can we have one moment together?" Kevin yelled back.
"No!" Hayden and Amelia said together.
Kevin rolled his eyes, looking back at me. He held my gaze, grabbing my legs to wrap around his waist. "I meant what I said." He whispered.
"So did I," I whispered back, kissing me once more. "Now, c'mon."
Kevin crouched and I climbed onto him until I sat on his shoulders. "Let's kick their asses."
"We heard that," Hayden said.
"Good." Kevin retorted, holding onto my legs. He looked up at me beaming. "Ready, S?"
I grinned down at him. "Yeah."
- In Serial65 Chapters
Bizarre Fate: An Urban Crime Xianxia (Stand Cultivation)
Luca is a seventeen-year-old delinquent who just needs one roll lucky roll of the dice to strike it big to drag his family outta Southside hell and into the life of a highroller. He can’t trust anyone in the Brass Kings, especially not that asshole lieutenant that’s been breathing down his neck for the better part of a year. Without more power, wealth, or allies, he’ll just be another street rat. Only he’s been saddled with an ability little better than a coin flip in a city with immortals and sects that rule above all. He’ll push past it all–and join those at the top. Hope you guys enjoy this fiction, it's a mix of Urban Fantasy and Xianxia, and I'm excited to launch it.I drew inspiration from Jade City, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, the Godfather, Tokyo Revengers, and the Cradle.
8 322 - In Serial19 Chapters
The Apex Guardian
An orphaned man, born with nothing, learns of the death of his father, one of the most powerful men alive who has left everything to his son, Asher. The catch? If you kill someone before they have the chance to inherit things from the dead, it's yours, no criminal charges.
8 104 - In Serial78 Chapters
I was bored so I made a Secret Organization
Earth year 2196, the world changed at the year 2110 when the first ability user was discovered in India. The government calls those ability users 'Esper'. Since then, at age of 12, children will be tested if they have power or not. The esper population increased every year until 40% of the population has been proved as Esper. Akasa Naomi, a young Esper was bored in this world with abilities user. She decided to make her own Secret Organization in order to relieve her boredom. What will happen to Naomi in her adventure to build a Secret Organization. Will it get destroyed or will it caused a change to the world? ************This story has slow romance, it focused on the MC Akasa Naomi and her daily life as the secret organization's leader. She will plan and do anything she wanted to do. A lot of short battle and plan at least until the late arc because the enemy is not introduced yet. So the pace will be slow or fast depending on the arc. Also, english is not my first language, so the grammar is still rocky. I am still learning about it so expect a wrong grammar (most of it are tenses) here and there************ Disclaimer :I commissioned the character on the cover!!Commissioned from @justdit_id (Instagram)
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The lone survivor of a terrible tragedy, sixteen-year-old Ashling Shields is living like she’s already dead. But when a chance encounter with an irresistibly wicked teen rock star goes awry, she’s pulled into a world of fallen angels and seductive vampires. A world of dark pleasures, enchantments and secrets deep in the midnight forest. Ashling must unravel the mystery of her past before the dark force hunting her catches up. It's a second chance to follow her dreams... if her nightmares don't kill her first.
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Forbidden Magic
Bell, a girl who wants to learn forbidden magic and use it for her loved one to bring back to life.
8 61 - In Serial56 Chapters
The Invisible Best Friends
Meet Alyssa Bent, she's a nerd. But not your typical one. She likes to read, but her world doesn't totally revolve around books. She's not shy nor does she stutter when someone tries to corner her. She can stand up to anyone provided it doesn't involve attention. Attention is the only thing that scares her, and like always, there's a reason behind it. Maintaining a balance of grades and producing comebacks with sarcasm dripping from each word isn't the only talent she possesses. Enter Aaron Pelt, the most popular boy at Gradient High. Girls fawn over him. Well, who wouldn't? He's the star soccer player, after all. With the looks no less than a model, he has no problem maintaining his status on the social ladder. He maintains a cool aura around him all the time. They both go to Gradient High, a school that is divided into two social groups: the popular ones and the nerds. The popular ones are the wealthy snobs and the nerds are the ones who practically are their slaves.At Gradient High, these two groups can never get along! Like Ever! But who knew that the most popular guy and the nerd would actually be best friends?That's right! Alyssa and Aaron have been best friends since their diaper days. But at school, they are forced not to acknowledge each other's presence because if they did, Aaron's reputation might suffer and Alyssa may be subjected to something she hates the most: attention.While Aaron may not know, the reason why Alyssa hates attention might be even more than she lets him believe. A reason that might even force her to throw away her future dream.So will Aaron be able to break through the walls and push her out even when he has the pressure of popularity and the school status weighing him down?Get ready to expect the unexpected. You might want to change your definition of clichè after reading......#1 Humour- 08.01.16(Cover by: -infinities)*NOT EDITED SO KINDLY BEAR WITH ME!
8 192