

Right before I go to bed, I sneak down to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. As I’m filling the glass, I hear footsteps. Opal isn’t very good at being discreet and quiet is she?

“You are dressed up. Did you have a fun night?”

Even worse. It’s Hunter.

“Yes, thank you.”

“Will you be ready for tomorrow or will you be fighting off a hangover?”

I would be offended if I didn’t have to request days off in the past from hangovers.

“No. I didn’t have a single drop of alcohol tonight.”

Because your child is growing inside of me.

“In that case, I already have Larry making breakfast so your services will not be needed until ten. Enjoy your extra sleep, Skye.”

He swivels to exit the room. He didn’t take anything. Or check on anything. But me of course.


Hunter stops, turning his head to look over his shoulder.


“I hate to ask you this, but I can’t do it on my own.”

Hunter raises an eyebrow and I set down my glass, turning my back to him.

“Would you unzip my dress for me? I can’t reach and I don’t want to sleep in a dress all night.”

Without hesitation, Hunter appears behind me, taking the zipper in his fingers. It moves down the track slowly, not snagging on any of the fabric. I hate to think of how good he is at unzipping dresses.

When the zipper dips below my shoulder blades, I grab onto the top, holding it up. I can feel his eyes burning into my skin, examining every part of me. I feel exposed, but not at the same time. He’s seen me in less clothing before. He’s seen me completely undressed before. He just doesn’t remember.

“There. Anything else?”

I take my water glass, spilling the remnants down the drain before loading it into the dishwasher.

“No, thank you. Have a nice night, sir.”

He nods before walking out of the room, visibly tense.

Looks like the whole unzipping was equally awkward for him.

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