

Two days. Two days until the appointment. I pushed asking Hunter for time off until the very last second. Well, not very last. I could ask tomorrow or the day of.

I knock on his office door, taking a deep breath to calm myself.

“Come in.”

I grab the polished handle, turning it and entering his office. He’s preparing for an upcoming case and papers are scattered all over his desk.

“What can I do for you, Skye?”

“I would like to take a personal day this Tuesday. If you don’t mind of course.”

He sets down the papers from his hand, looking at his calendar.

Please say yes. Please say yes.

“That is the first day of court. I’ll be out all day. Go ahead. Take the day for yourself.”

I let out the breath I was holding, relieved.

“Thank you, sir!”

He nods and I dismiss myself, closing the door behind me. I rotate my body, ready to go put fresh linens on the bed and towels in the bathroom. On my way into the bedroom, Peni and I clash into each other. I keep a tight grip on the linens.

“I am so sorry. Are you okay, Miss Ezra?”

She looks offended that I let words slip out of my mouth in front of her.

“Watch where you’re going, servant.”

I bite my tongue to keep a foul comment from escaping as she pushes me out of the way, walking down the hall. She stops and turns her head back, leaving me with one last comment.

“Oh and next time you want to get your friend drunk, tell her to keep her mouth shut. My brother tells me everything.”

My heart stops. I turn slowly towards her. She’s smirking.

“What are you talking about?”


She crosses her arms, pushing a majority of her weight to her right foot.

“Either you tell Hunter about your little secret, or I do.”

Her eyes scan over my body when she spits out the words ‘little secret’. Oh god. Andy told Daniel about the baby and he ratted me out to Peni. I suppress the vomit threatening to claw its way up and out of my mouth.

Peni just laughs at my reaction. She’s a cruel human being and I don’t know why Hunter is marrying her.

“You’ve got until Saturday at noon. If you don’t tell him by then, I’ll do it myself. Then he’ll finally fire you just like I’ve been telling him to do all along.

She leaves the conversation at that, descending the stairs to do evil things like sacrifice puppies. I don’t know if she really does that but she’s the kind of person who would!

I try and drag my brain out of that dark corner and into my work, but it’s pointless. Hunter’s going to know about this baby sooner than I could have wanted, and Andy is to blame.

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