《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 38



A few days later, Hoseok was sentenced to life in prison as it was attempted murder and forced to mate an Omega which was a very serious crime.

On the other hand, the Omega finally became conscious and he couldn't leave Jungkook's side at all.

In the last few days, he had been in his Omega submissive nature and he was not really in the right mind.

Jungkook was forced to stay with him almost twenty-four hours per day.

It was hard on the Trueblood, just leaving the Omega's side made the Omega cry like someone was about to kill him.

The Omega's grandparents asked the Trueblood to stay with the Omega. They didn't want him to be uncomfortable in their house knowing the Omega will never let him go at his state.

The fact that he was even pregnant, made the matter even worse. That is why he was extremely sensitive, to begin with.


"Love?", Jungkook called on the Omega who looked at him with puppy eyes. "You look better today? Are you feeling better?".

The Omega nodded his head, "I need to go bath". Taehyung said making Jungkook stand up.

"Let's go then, maybe we can bath together", the Trueblood suggested and Taehyung's face became red.

"What? You don't want to bathe with me?", Jungkook asked seeing his omegas face all red.

Now that he thinks of it, Taehyung has been weird since he woke up making him confused.

"Will it not be uncomfortable for you?", that made Jungkook raise his eyebrow considering that they have been bathing together for the past couple of days.

Then it clicked to him, Taehyung was no longer clingy and he couldn't help but feel a little sad. He hated to admit it but he loved the clingy Omega too much.


"Love, tell me how are you feeling", the Trueblood said moving towards Taehyung who was very shy at the moment.

"I feel okay, why?", his cheeks were red. He was blushing hard, Jungkook already had this effect on him.

"That's good to hear, go take a bath pup and I will take it after you". The Omega looked at him like he wanted to say something.

"You're no longer joining me?", he looked kind of disappointed. "Do you want me to join you? Honestly speaking, I want to join you but I don't want to make you uncomfortable".

"I won't be uncomfortable", the Omega said. Jungkook smiled and immediately pulled the Omega to the bathroom.


The two males didn't just take a bath, they did other things that left Taehyung blushing hard.

"What happened to Hoseok?". That made Jungkook release a low growl, "In prison where he belongs".

The Omega sighed loudly, "Pup, can you feel our bond?". The Omega nodded his head, "I felt it first thing in the morning".

Jungkook smiled and kissed his forehead, "Then did Hoseok not succeed in marking me?".

The Trueblood alpha shook his head. Jungkook started telling the Omega what happened and the Omega was shocked.

"I didn't know I was pregnant", his eyes sparkled with tears of happiness.

"I had my suspicions, my wolf confirmed it when Hoseok attacked you".

The Omega immediately sat on the Trueblood's lap, "We are going to be parents".

The Omega said with a big smile and Jungkook hugged him so tight, smiling like a fool.


It was a Saturday morning, Jungkook and Taehyung were preparing to go have lunch with the Omega's grandparents and Jennie.

The grandparents invited Jungkook after finding out that the Omega was no longer in his submissive nature.


With that said, Jungkook knew that it was also time for his Omega to go stay with his grandparents.

He couldn't just make the Omega stay with him without getting married. He knew that it will be very disrespectful to the omegas family.

The fact that the Omega was pregnant was making the whole situation hard because his Omega will want him by his side more than ever.

"Tae?", the Omega who was fixing his hair looking in the mirro hummed as an indication that he was listening. "Let's get married".


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