《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 37



The whole day Taehyung was unconscious with a blood transfusion as he was still bleeding.

The doctors didn't know what to do at this point, however, they managed to reduce the bleeding.

"Are you sure you are his mate? He can not be on blood transfusion forever, you need to figure out how to seal the bond", a frustrated doctor said.

"Maybe we need to seal the bond by being intimate", Hoseok snickered after his comment. He still hasn't grasped the situation at all.

"You are not laying your stinky fingers near him again your asshat", Jennie said still in Jaebeom's arms.


The next day Taehyung was still unconscious and his face was pale which was worrisome.

"Shouldn't he be awake now? He has been on blood transfusion the whole day and even now", the Omega's grandmother asked the doctor.

Everyone was still present including Hoseok. The omega's grandparents still did not talk or screamed at him.

"I'm sorry mam, but he is still losing blood. His body is unable to retain the blood we are transferring to him at the moment as it still comes out through the wound".

They couldn't stitch the wound or else, the wound will start rotting on its own. It needed to be sealed, and only Taehyung's mate was going to be able to seal it.

To make it worse, he was bleeding more compared to the day before, nothing was stopping how the wound was bleeding.

The Omega was having a hard time breathing, it was clear he was not going to make it.

It only registers then to Hoseok what he has done. Seeing how the Omega could barely breathe made his insides twist in a feeling he couldn't register.

"How come you can't heal, accept the mate bond and it will heal. Why are you being stubborn Taehyung. You will die if you continue".


However, the Omega couldn't hear him. He was unconscious and barely breathing at this point.

Jennie, Jimin, and the Omega's parents were already crying because of the scene in front of them.

Their wails were heartbreaking, while Hoseok was shaking from regret. He didn't mean to kill the Omega but by the way, things were, he did it.

Almost everyone was crying and kind of distrusted that they didn't notice Jungkook walking into the hospital room with Namjoon.

The Trueblood alpha gave control to his wolf as his eyes showed the alpha's rank. He made his way to his Omega growling in despair.

He kneeled in front of the Omega and digged his fangs into the Omega's neck making everyone confused and surprised.

It was pointless what he was doing based on the condition of the Omega, that is what they thought.

Plus he was not the Omega's mate. Marking the Omega will not change anything as he was already marked.

The Trueblood marked the Omega and immediately sealed the mark and within a minute, the Omega's wounds started healing shocking everyone.

"How?", was the only thing that everyone wondered. But the Trueblood didn't respond, instead, he kissed the omega's forehead knowing that he was fine now seeing how his breathing was better and the color on his face changed a little.

The Trueblood turned on his heels and looked at Hoseok with so much anger. "I told you to stay away from him and you forced yourself on him".

"I told you I will kill you if you lay a hand on him and you thought I was joking? How dare you try to mate my mate? How dare you?".

"How dare you stick your stinky fangs on the father of my child, how dare you?".

It was Jungkook's wolf that was talking. "Taehyung and I may have not fully completed the mating bond but he belongs to me and I belong to him".


"We have imprinted on each other, we have been intimate more than once and he has marked me, that is why you can't mark him".

When a wolf marks his or her lover, they themselves can not be marked even though they don't have a mate mark.

However, that scenario is for special mates like Taehyung. The mates that fully love each other as humans and as wolves.

Most of the time, it's always the wolf that fall inlove or should I say controlled by lust and the humans themselves don't. That is why it can be easy to mark a wolf that is not marked but have marked someone else.

When a wolf loves and the human also loves the same person, their bond is created through imprinting and it can not be broken unless one of them decided to bread it which will be very excruciating.

Hoseok stood there bewildered, "I don't even think you deserve death, I need you to suffer Hoseok. I want you to suffer the way my Omega has suffered", the Trueblood said looking at Hoseok with so much anger.

Many thought he would have killed the alpha by now but he didn't, instead, policemen were standing by the door.

"I want you to know how it feels to be forced into mating, how it feels to be used because where you are going, it's the place where you will wish you never touched what is mine".

Everyone was confused, but their confusion cleared up seeing the uniform the police were wearing.

It was not your normal police uniform, they were police that arrested the most notorious criminals that were not sent to an asylum.

The prison they worked in had one rule and it was no killing. Things like fighting, and rape were very common and Hoseok didn't stand a chance because the men there were cruel, so cruel.

"Mr. Jung Hoseok, your under arrest..." the police said as he started reciting the law and Hoseok started screaming refusing to be handcuffed.

"If you don't cooperate, we will sedate you and you will wake up in Prison Island".

The alpha's body became pale and tears rolled down his eyes as he started apologizing but Jungkook didn't even care. His eyes were on his Omega who was unconscious.

"Jeon please, I will never touch..." he never finished as they knocked him down, sedated him, and carried him to the car to the holding cell.

He had to stand trial but it was clear that he stood no chance. After all, he forced a mate on a lower rank and Jungkook was rich to pay the judges to send him to the cruelest prison ever.

The fact that the police from Island Prison came for him even before standing trial, he knew that he stood no chance.


Long awaited update 💋

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