《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 24



Jungkook woke up four hours later to find Taehyung still passed out. The alpha was afraid to wake the Omega, I mean what if he was still in his submissive Omega nature.

He looked at the time and saw that it was around half six, meaning that Taehyung should be home by now or else his grandparents will be worried.

"Pup?", Jungkook said softly as he moved the omegas hair away from his face, to get clear view of his favorite person.

"Taehyung, come on pup, wake up", the alpha said rubbing soothing circles on the omega's waist.

The Omega finally woke after so many struggles and whining but his eyes widen seeing his boss so close.

He was about to move away when he felt arms around him, his face decided to heat up. He was embarrassed and remembering everything made it worse.

"You don't need to be embarrassed, I wanted you as much as you wanted me", the alpha spoke on the omega's neck. Give it a couple of pecks.

"Now wake up, dress, so that I can drop you off at home. I don't want your grandparents to worry. Rather call them you're running late".

The Omega didn't argue, he texted his grandmother who delivered the message to his grandfather.

Once they have dressed, the two left Jungkook's office making their way to Jungkook's car.

The two walked like colleagues, no one was holding someone else's hands, they were professional.

However, what they didn't see was a certain intern seeing them together. The intern also saw how Jungkook opened the door for the Omega in the front seat.

He didn't miss the subtle touches from Jungkook as he helped the Omega inside the car.

"I can't believe he is sleeping with the boss to get a job, omegas are indeed whores", the alpha male said.



The next day Taehyung came to the office and received the most judgemental looks that made him want to dig a hole and hide.

"What the hell is wrong with everyone?", Jennie asked confused and the Omega shrugged it since he didn't know.

"I guess everyone finally found out what a whore you are for seducing your boss to get a position", Jin said loudly for everyone to hear looking at Taehyung.

The Omega didn't say anything, Jennie was about to speak but Taehyung told her not to. "I guess the rumors are right, what a hoe you are".

"Says the man who is pregnant with another man's child. I guess we are alike".

Everyone who was snickering suddenly stopped and looked at Jin who was beyond shocked.

"You thought your secret was safe, please dream on. Y'all can attack me all you want, but I don't mind fighting back"

Once the Omega said that he stepped into the lift with Jennie and no one dared to join as they were ashamed.

"Next time you want to ridicule me about something you don't have evidence of, make sure you don't have secrets".

The lift then closed and left but what Jin didn't know was that Hoseok was behind him.

"Are you cheating on me?", the alpha growl making Jin sigh. "So you believe him instead of me, your boyfriend?".

Hoseok was skeptical but he sighed hugging the Omega who sighed knowing he dodged a bullet.


It was lunchtime when Taehyung walked toward his friends only to receive a cold shoulder from them.

"We don't sit with sluts that sleep with their boss to get to the top" it was Mark's words.

"Hoes like you don't even deserve to sit with the like of us", it was Chanyeol.


"You are not worth being in our group", was Baekhyun.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think what you are doing is fair to us", was Taehyun

"I'm sorry, but I agree with Taehyun", it was Soobin.

The Omega didn't argue, he went to sit at his desk and ate listening to a podcast.

The worse thing about all this was that Jungkook was not around, he went on a business trip for three weeks meaning he was only coming back on the week they will be presenting.

Jimin wanted to tell Jungkook about the situation but Namjoon stopped him. If Taehyung indeed is sleeping with Jungkook, then he should face backlash now than later on.

Jimin was sad seeing the Omega alone, but this was not something Taehyung couldn't handle. He had experienced worse than this.


A week went by and Taehyung felt like he was in hell. Everyone except for Jimin, Jennie, Jaebum, Jackson, Namjoon, and the paralegal team he worked with were mean to him.

"Look at him trying to seduce Mr. Jeon. I'm surprised he fell for his trap, he is not even that pretty".

"I hate people that sleep their way to the top, I mean he doesn't even deserve to be here. No wonder Mr. Jung dumped him, he saw that he was a hoe", another comment.

Every day those were the comments directed to him but he didn't care or acted like he didn't.

It was after lunch when he was walking and Chanyeol stretched his leg making the Omega trip on it and fall.

"That is what you get for being a hoe", he snarled as he stood up ready to leave.

"So it was you who spread the rumors about me sleeping with Mr. Jeon. I'm not surprised though since the one you targeted declined to sleep with you"

"Excuse me, no one dares do refuse to sleep with me. I am gorgeous".

"Gorgeous, yes you are but are you worth it? You see Chanyeol, I don't throw myself at men but they come to me".

"If you think I seduced Mr. Jeon to get an internship here then clearly you don't know the man you work for. He can sleep with you and maybe you can satisfy him the way he wants but he will never jeopardize his company for just sex, learn about your boss". The Omega said and left making everyone start thinking about it.

Jungkook was not an easy man, everyone knew that. They were not even sure if he was indeed sleeping with Taehyung but one thing for sure was that he was not a man who can be controlled by sex.


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