《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 22



It was an hour later when Hoseok burst into Jungkook's office. Luckily, Taehyung was not on his desk because Jimin asked him to do something for him.

"You know knocking is very compulsory before you enter my office", the Trueblood alpha said already annoyed.

"Well excuse me for not knocking but it is an emergency". Jungkook just gestured for Hoseok to sit on the couch.

"I think you need to remind Omega that I am his manager", the alphas started. "Why is that?", the Trueblood alpha asked back already annoyed.

"He disrespected me in front of my subordinates, saying my penis is small and all. That is very disrespectful Jungkook, I think he deserves a written warning he doesn't deserve to be hired here".

"As far as I'm concerned, you are the one who started him; even going to the length of saying his private part is loose".

"Are you taking his side?". "I'm both your boss and I don't have time to take sides. I only mention the truth and witnesses have already come out and said you started him".

"Which witnesses? I bet they are all the haters that I refused to sleep with".

"Hoseok, not everyone wants you. Even Taehyung has moved on to greener pastures, don't think so highly of yourself".

"And another thing, stop bothering the Omega, or I'm going to give you a written warning. Enough is enough".

"I can't believe you're taking that bitch's side".Jungkook growled, so loud that Hoseok's eyes widen. "When I say don't do something, you better listen to my alpha. Stay away from him".

Hoseok nodded his head while looking down, "You may leave", the Trueblood said still trying to control himself. He almost murdered the alpha for saying Taehyung is a bitch.

Hoseok left the office at the speed of light, he didn't even see Taehyung on his desk because he was scared. So scared, he might have wet his pants a little.



It's been almost 10 minutes since Hoseok left Jungkook's office, yet low growls were constantly being heard from the office.

Jimin was about to go inside Jungkook's office until his phone rang. "Mr. Jeon?", the Omega asked. "Send Taehyung in here, please", another growl left the Trueblood's lips.

Jimin bit his lips walking toward the Omega. "Taehyung, Mr. Jeon will like to see you in his office".

Taehyung's eyes became wide, but the paralegal team was also worried for him considering the loud growls they kept hearing from Jungkook.

The Omega stood up and went towards Jungkook's office. He was praying everything goes well. All he wanted was the Trueblood to shout at him at least, that he could handle.

The Omega knocked twice until he heard a very deep come in. He walked in and saw the Trueblood alpha sitting on his chair with his hands on his hair.

"Close the door and lock it", was all Jungkook said and the Omega did as asked. "Come forward", Taehyung was hesitant.

Jungkook was talking with his head down and hands around his hair. The Omega walked until he was in front of the alpha's desk.

"Come next to me", Taehyung was now scared but he did. He moved towards the alpha's chair.

The moment he stood next to Jungkook, the alpha slightly turned and looked at him making the Omega gasp.

"Sit on my lap Taehyung", the voice was deep, extremely deep. The Omega whimpered due to the alphas dominating pheromones.

"Now Taehyung", the voice was a command and the Omega sat on the alpha's left thigh facing his left. More like looking sideways, away from Jungkook.

Jungkook growled, "Sit properly. I need you to straddle me". Taehyung's eyes widen, he turned and looked at Jungkook and those eyes were not joking.


The Omega immediately did as the alpha requested. He straddled Jungkook, and immediately the hands of the alpha found their way on the omega's bare waist.

"Taehyung", the alpha called out and Taehyung almost moaned hearing the alpha call him with his deep voice. "Yes, Mr. Jeon".

The alpha gripped the omega's waist tighter. "Let me hold you like this until I calm down". The Omega didn't say anything, he just hummed enjoying it.

The two stayed in complete silence with Jungkook's hands around the omega's waist and his head resting on the Omega's chest.

"Your heart is beating fast". The Omega didn't say anything, the alpha was not wrong. "Are you scared that I will do something, like hurt you?".

The Omega shook his head, "I'm not scared, just the way my body reacts around you". The moment the words left his mouth he regretted it. The alpha didn't need to know that.

"Is that so?", a smirk made its way into the Trueblood alpha's lips.

"Is that why you have wet dreams about me?". Oh, that made Taehyung's eyes widen, trying to pull away but the alpha was not willing.

They were now face to face, the Omega breathing heavily with his face red due to embarrassment.

"I did..didn't dream about you, how could I even dare do such?", he said biting his lips seeing how close the alpha's face was to his. The alpha was moving way closer than he would like.

Jungkook's hands moved from the omega's waist and went straight to the omega's bum to squeeze it a little making Taehyung groan as he swallowed his moan.

"Are you sure it was not me, I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that has managed to make you scream my name recently"?

Taehyung didn't know what to do. The small squeeze and rubs Jungkook was giving his bum were sending him on overdrive.

"Jungkook, we are at home", he needed to remind the alpha. "Oh I'm Jungkook now? So, what about it?".

The alpha was not giving up and the Omega didn't know what to do or say because soon Jungkook's lips found his lips making Taehyung moan into the kiss.

The two kissed with so much hunger, that it was like they were starving. But then again, the Omega was indeed starving. After all, he did have a wet dream about the Trueblood alpha.


I didn't know know that I was starving until I taste you _Guess the song 😜

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