《Seasons (Taekook)》Chaoter 21



The Omega felt like digging a hole and hiding inside. His grandparents just witnessed or rather heard him experiencing a wet dream.

"Don't be shy about it, I think they are happier that you moved on", Jennie said trying to make the Omega feel at ease.

All the Omega could do was sigh, it made perfect sense. No one wants their parents, grandparents, family, friends, or anyone rather witness them having a wet dream.

For him, it was worse because he was screaming the alpha's name like he was there. Normally he will blame his horny wolf, but this time around it was all him.


The two cousins arrived at work, "Enjoy the rest of your day and don't have another wet dream". The moment the words left the alpha's lips, she was already running for her life at the speed of light.

To make matter worse, she spoke a little bit loud making some people laugh at the Omega. It was those cute laughs, not mocking laughs.

The omega's face was red from embarrassment. He decided to just bite his lips and wait for the lift.

"I'm surprised you still get wet dreams. Don't tell me you still think of me".

The Omega knew exactly who that was, "Just because we almost got married doesn't mean I will be hanged upon you for the rest of my life, I saw worthy people that I can have wet dreams about and also they give the best fuc*in real life", the omega said getting inside the lift.

People didn't miss the words the Omega said, they also didn't miss the words of the alpha male.

Hoseok stood there shocked, he didn't think the Omega could get over him that fast. He immediately followed him, clearly angry.

"You are probably being a chicken again, I feel sorry for whoever you're sleeping with".


"Uhm, turns out I'm not a chicken, you just don't know how to satisfy someone in bed that is why I was no responsive. Learn to fuc*", the Omega said.

Everyone was shocked and bewildered. No one expected the Omega to say such words to Hoseok. "I know how to fuc* Taehyung, you were just so stiff and couldn't even moan once. Your hole was not even satisfying honestly, it was too loose".

That kind of hurt the omega's feelings, but he was not backing down. "I wasn't aware it to loose. But then again, your dic*is so small, no wonder it was too loose for you. That is not something I can help you with. Real men know how to handle that loose hole and make me scream their name like there is tomorrow. I feel sorry for Mr. Kim, I'm sure he is just putting up a face", the Omega said.

That ticked Hoseok as he immediately grabbed Taehyung by his clothes but no one dared to stop him.

"You're going to beat me up here? Go ahead Hoseok. I'm not afraid of you".

"Just sleeping with one guy made you this loose and disrespectful".

"Sleeping with that man was the best decision I made because now I know I'm not the problem in bed. Don't expect me to respect you when you don't respect me, respect goes both ways".

Hoseok was about to hit the Omega when the lift stopped at Taehyung's floor and opened. No one managed to leave as the two were throwing hurtful to each other.

"What the hell are you doing Mr. Jung?", Jungkook asked seeing how Hoseok was holding Taehyung with a fist lifted.

"Everyone gets out of the lift", he said trying to understand the situation and use the others as witnesses.

"This bitch was insulting me, he is very disrespectful". "You called me a bitch? Who the hell are you to call me that you spineless tiny penis man? You think I can respect your bitch ass self after the way you disrespected me? dream on".


Jungkook was shocked by the omegas words, Jimin who joined couldn't help but laugh. "Taehyung?",.

"Nope, don't Taehyung me. He started me. Calling me names and embarrassing me in front of my colleagues saying my hole is too loose when we all know his penis is as tiny as a finger. So please deal with him, I'm here to work not to listen to a man who is hurt because I slept with someone else. I can't always be hanged on him, I moved on just like people do. Who does he think he is? Moon goddess? the F*".

Jungkook could see how affected the Omega was," I will deal with you later. Taehyung follow me now and all of you are dismissed ".

He emphasized the 'now' because he saw that the Omega was not going to follow.

Hoseok huffed as he left with other colleagues and Jimin immediately called Namjoon to tell him about the tea and the two married couples laughed about it.


The moment Jungkook and Taehyung arrived at the alpha's office, Jungkook pinned Taehyung to the door.

"Snap out of that anger, you can't say that to your manager like that", his eyes looking at the Omega.

"He started me, was I supposed to keep quiet. I'm tired of being ridiculed by him and his boyfriend. It was bound to happen".

The Omega was breathing heavily, still not comprehending that Jungkook was pinning him against the door like in his dreams.

"Why didn't you tell me? I'm your boss and if someone is giving you a hard time, you were supposed to tell me first"...

"Talking to him won't change anything, he will get suspended for a couple of days".

"No, he could have faced a sexual harassment case Taehyung and I was damn sure going to make him lose".

Jungkook said rubbing the omegas face with his hand. "I want you to trust me, give me the benefit of a doubt to lead you".

The Omega didn't say anything, but he was starting to breathe slowly. One of the Trueblood alpha's hands went to the omega's waist.

The omegas was wearing a black Jean with a loose formal shirt. The alpha's hand immediately came into contact with the Omega's skin making Taehyung immediately rest his head on the alpha's chest.

His heartbeat picked up again due to different reasons. Jungkook held the omegas chin with one of his hands to make him look at him,

"When he or his boyfriend mess with you, come to me and tell me. Let me be there for you". The Omega sighed and nodded his head.

Jungkook continued to rub the omegas back to calm him down, he needed him to calm down.

The two were so lost in their little world until they heard a knock and Taehyung immediately pushed Jungkook a little making the alpha groan in displeasure.

However, he pulled the Omega towards the couch and made him sit down. "Come in", and that is when Jimin walked in.

"Hey Kook, I was coming to check on Taehyung". The alpha looked at 'his' Omega and he saw the pout. "I'm okay hyung, I'm feeling better now".


On the other hand the news about how Taehyung embarrassed Hoseok spread like wildfire.

Many were happy because they knew how much the male was tormenting Taehyung. However, they never expected such a soft Omega to say such crude words, but then again, everyone has limits.


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