《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 8


Third Person POV

It was currently Monday whereby Jungkook was having a meeting with Soobin and Taehyung. The male was trying to see their progress and it was clear the Omega was struggling a little.

"Mr. Choi, you can leave. Don't forget to send me the report by the end of today". The alpha nodded as he stood up wishing the Omega good luck.

Turned out that Jungkook decided to keep both males to be their mentor, he didn't mind at all.

"Mr. Kim", Jungkook said looking at Taehyung. "Yes Sir", the Omega answered, not allowing the alpha to continue. Their eyes met and immediately the Omega looked away.

Jungkook's eyes were very dominating, especially when he was serious. "Starting today, I will be going to court with you and I need you to learn from that. I will also give you a case and I want you to analyze it and give me feedback in the next two days".

"On top of the case, I want you to read this that will assist you in how to analyze files. Before you start with that, I want you to analyze this case okay?".

The Omega nodded his head. "How are you, are you feeling better lately?", Jungkook asked so randomly that it made Taehyung look at him confused.

"Uhm, yes Sir. I am doing well. I can not complain". Jungkook knew he was lying. He once heard him crying in the restrooms and he knew then that Hoseok did something because the male left the restrooms a few minutes earlier.

"Mr. Kim, you need to tell me everything that is bothering you so that I can help you. I am your boss". The Omega just nodded his head and Jungkook sighed, "You can go".

The Omega immediately stood up as he bowed and went to his workstation. Jungkook knew it was going to be hard to get the male to talk.



Two months went by since the Omega lawyer was suspended, and only a month was left before Kim Seokjin could come back to work.

On the other hand, Taehyung was always with Soobin or Jimin who was due in a month. The male didn't want to go home making Namjoon feel defeated.

Hoseok was challenged in torturing or harming the Omega male, that is Taehyung. Jennie also started to spending time with Taehyung since she stopped having a pile of work.

"I can not believe that you won your first case", Jennie said making Taehyung smile as they were out in a Cafe for a cake.

"I was so happy, but I can say that it was all due to Mr. Jeon. He is good at his job", the way the Omega said it was clear that he admired the male.

"He is the best lawyer we have in our company followed by Mr. Kim Namjoon. However, I heard Mr. Jeon is very strict".

Taehyung smiled, "I don't think he is strict, I think he just like order. He doesn't like people who do not follow protocols and stuff".

"Are you perhaps falling for him? Why are you looking all dreamy?".

"What? No", the Omega had wide eyes and blush on his cheeks. "I don't think I am even allowed to have a crush on him. Have you seen the male, he doesn't look like he will like people like me".

"Says who? He is also a human being".

"He is a Werewolf, but either way, I'm not his type. I will not raise my hopes that high for such a high position man. He is out of my league".

"You think so lowly of yourself bear. You are a beautiful Omega who can be loved by anyone from any status".


"I doubt it, especially after what happened between me and Hoseok. Plus he knows that I slept with Hoseok. A man like him looks like he prefers virgins".

Jennie rolled her eyes, "I doubt it, the man is not a virgin himself. I doubt he will prefer virgins. By the way do you like him? You never answered me".

"I answered you and I said no, I never saw him in that way. However, he is very attractive. I remember this other day Taehyun asked us how can we cope working with him and Soobin said he drink holy water before coming to work"

Jennie died laughing and Taehyung was laughing too. The way Soobin was so serious that day left the Omega crying due to laughter.

"That Soobin boy is wild, isn't he an alpha", Jennie asked.

"Well according to Soobin, Mr. Jeon is too hot that even an alpha will bend down for him. alphas will offer their whole bodies just for him and he said he is one of those alphas".

Jennie couldn't help but continued laughing, "That boy is really weird and Taehyun just rolled his eyes at him but he said he understand. He felt the same way".

"Your friends are weird", Jennie said making Taehyung nod in agreement. "Very weird".


An hour later Jennie decided to go to the restroom to relieve herself and left Taehyung to eat his cake in peace.

"Taehyung", the voice of a male he didn't think he will see. The Omega immediately raised his eyes surprised, "Mr. Jeon".

"Please call me Jungkook outside the office or when it's not working hours. It's too weird to be referred to Mr. Jeon when I'm not working".

"Oh Noted Sir, I mean Jungkook", the Omega said biting his lips. "What are you doing here alone?"

"Oh I'm here with my cousin, she went to the restroom". "Oh, by the way, congrats on winning your first case yesterday, you did an excellent job".

"Thank You, Si... Jungkook", the Trueblood alpha laughed softly. "See you around Taehyung-ah", he winked at the Omega and went to his table where an old man was sitting.

The Omega's heart accelerated. His boss winked at him, his boss. What the hell just happened.

A few minutes later Jennie came back. "Why is your face so red, are you suddenly sick?", she was worried.

"Oh it's nothing", he didn't want to tell her that Jungkook winked at him in a public space. And he knew that if he told Jennie, the alpha female will never let the Omega have inner peace.


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