《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 2


Third Person POV

It was a day Sunday morning, the day of the wedding when Taehyung woke up feeling excited.

The Omega woke up, went to shower, and then sat down waiting for Jennie to come and do all the makeup required.

"Morning husband to be", Jennie said with a big smile. Taehyung blushed hearing what his cousin said, "Morning Jen".

"I see you woke up in a good mood. Let me see how your face is before I start with the makeup".

The Omega smiled, as Jennie sat down inspecting the Omegas face. Once she finished. She started to apply makeup. Taehyung's grandparents, aunts, and uncles came to greet him with a big smile.

After two hours of styling the hair and applying make-up, Jennie was done and the Omega male looked ethereal.

"You look gorgeous my love", Jennie told Taehyung who blushed and everyone in the room agreed with Jennie.

"Thanks, Jen, stop making me blush". Everyone laughed. The Omega started to change as the time to the wedding was arriving. Once he finished dressing, he sat down looking at himself.

"Tae baby, we need to go. The wedding ceremony is in two hours and your grandparents are already at the venue", the Omega smiled.

He was about to leave when his phone rang. "Jen, can you please answer it and put it on speaker".

The alpha female answered the phone, "Hey baby, are you already at the venue?", the Omega said excitedly.

"Hi Taehyung, No I'm not and I will not becoming". That immediately made Taehyung, Jennie and some of their cousins stop walking out of the Omegas room confused.

"What do you mean love? did you forget that today is our wedding?". "No I didn't forget, but Taehyung I will not be coming. I don't want to marry you".


The Omega almost fell but Jennie was there to hold him. "Babe what is wrong, what are you saying?", the Omega voice was breaking.

" I am saying that I am not marrying you Taehyung. Honestly speaking, if I marry you, you will never satisfy me fully".

"You dress like it's winter, avoiding to show some skin from now and then, you are always wearing baggy clothes that are not even attractive".

"I can change that love, I can dress the way you want me to", the Omega was now crying his heart out.

"Oh Taehyung, you think that is the only problem. You are unemployed and you want to be a stay-at-home father. In this century who still do that".

"Hoseok I can find a job, remember I have a law degree, I can try something and find a job", he was crying wishing the alpha can hear him.

"Who is going to hire you, a male Omega on top of that. You think that is the only issue, the worst thing is that you are horrible in bed. You act like a chicken when we have sex and I'm tired of that. I want to enjoy sex Taehyung and you make sex become a burden to me".

Taehyung cried begging the male not to leave but Hoseok dropped the call telling the Omega to never call him again.

While everyone was shocked, some cousins snickered, happy because the Omega was not getting married and his chances of getting married got reduced, while others like Jennie were worried.

"All of you get to out", Jennie yelled and they all moved. "Jen, I need to go to him and beg him. He can not leave me like this, I love him Jen", the Omega was in a bad state.

His make up all ruined because of the tears, his face was also really red.


Jennie sends one of his siblings to tell the Omegas grandparents the news. While the grandparents didn't take the news well, they, however, immediately rushed home to check on the Omega.

The aunts and uncles were the ones telling the guest that the groom is not feeling well. They couldn't tell them that Taehyung was dumped.

Many people went back home still curious as they did not witness the wedding.

Most people came to witness the first wedding of the Kim family which never had a wedding since God knows when.

Even Taehyung's parents were not married, they were living together, also known as vat and sat.


Taehyung tried to call Hoseok but the male switched off his phone. He left with Jennie in his wedding dress to go to Hoseok's house. He knocked so many countless times until the alpha got angry and opened.

"I told you not to show your face in front of me didn't I?". Taehyung, Jennie, the Omegas grandparents witness the tone the alpha used.

"Babe, I'm sorry please don't do this to me. Teach me all those things you want me to do, I will do them for you. Please love don't do this to me".

"Please take this useless grandson of yours from my sight. He makes me want to vomit just seeing how pathetic he looks", that was Taehyung's last straw as he fainted.

"Make sure he never set foot in my apartment or I will call the police and report him as a stalker".

The Omegas grandparents were stunt to say the least, Hoseok was never like that. "You will regret it one day, watch and learn", Jennie said carrying the Omega like he was a feather while his grandparents followed.

The grandparents didn't say anything, they were hurting seeing their grandson in that condition, after all, all they wanted was for their baby to be safely, healthy and happy.


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