《Seasons (Taekook)》Chapter 1


Kim Taehyung's POV

It was two years ago when I met my current fiance, Jung Hoseok. A ball of sunshine, and today all I can tell you is that I am soon to be his husband.

The two of us have been dating for the past two years and he proposed to me a year ago proclaiming that he can not live without me. Truly speaking, I can not imagine my life without him.

I was so happy on the day he proposed, and my family and friends were thrilled also. I am currently preparing for my wedding with him, although I haven't seen him in a week.

The reason I haven't seen him was that he was working abroad this week, but he promised me that he will be back tomorrow, a day before our wedding.

Yes, you heard me right, I am getting married in two days and to be honest I am extremely excited and nervous.

The thought of being Jung Taehyung makes my whole body erupt in butterflies, it makes me happy.

"Stop daydreaming Tae, we have to go to the wedding venue to check if everything will be in order", my cousin Jennie said.

"Coming Cuz", I said running towards the car as we made our way to the venue of my wedding.

It was about an hour drive and we finally arrived, to find the receptionist waiting for us with a big smile.

We discussed everything and after 30 minutes or so, we left the wedding venue and went to fetch the wedding dress and suit.

Jennie said she couldn't sleep without making sure that we at least have the wedding dress and suit. Luckily for us, we found the wedding dress and suit already prepared for us.

At first, I didn't want to wear a wedding dress as I am not really into cross-dressing, however, Hoseok suggested that I wear it.


I didn't want to disappoint him, I agreed. You see as much as I wear feminine underwear when it came to outside clothes. I preferred men's clothes.

Most people find my dress style boring as I prefer wearing clothes that cover my arms and legs, and I also like loose clothes. Tight clothes make my skin very itchy, which is irritating.

However, Hoseok loves the way I dress. Many of you may wonder if Hoseok has seen my body yet and the answer is yes.

We have been dating for two years and after he proposed, that is when we started to sleep together.

The sex at first was painful, I remember I woke up feeling very sore and I think Hoseok couldn't help himself and that is why we were a little bit rough.

However, as the days went by, it became bearable. The thing about sex for me is that it is not enjoyable. I find it painful honestly speaking, but for Hoseok, I won't mind opening my legs just to see him happy.

Luckily for me, I haven't been pregnant yet. I want to have kids after marriage and that is why I never got pregnant yet and Hoseok was very much aware of it.

"Tae, can you stop daydreaming. You need to focus", Jennie said again and I couldn't help but blush. I was just so happy I couldn't help it.

"You will be in my shoes one day and you will understand why I am spacing out".

"Ewww, not me. I will be a bad bitc* for the rest of my life. I am not going to be tied to a man or woman. I will be a hoe forever and ever", she said as she singsonged making me laugh

Third Person POV

"Mr. Jung, I thought you have a wedding to attend in the next two days", Kim Namjoon said to Hoseok.


"Oh that, it is canceled", Hoseok said sitting on the couch in Jungkook's office, turned out the male was around but did not tell his fiance, or should I say ex?

"Oh my, what happened?", another lawyer in the company asked. The lawyer was Jackson Wang, a very bubbly person.

"I realized he is not my type and he is boring. Imagine sleeping with someone who lay on the bed like a chicken. On top of the bad sex, he dress like a nun all covered up. It's exhausting", the alpha said with no filter at all.

Everyone in the office looked at him shocked, while others laughed, Namjoon was not happy. That was just pure disrespect and the fact that Hoseok had the nerve to tell everyone that, can damage the Omegas reputation.

You see, as a male Omega or let me say a bottom in the relationship, people preferred virgins unlike those that have lost their virginity.

Hoseok's statement about the Omega in bed was already tainting his reputation. However, the fiance didn't care as long he is happy and got what he wanted.


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