《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Last Single Day


Saturday~ You wake up to someone knocking on the door. "Joji, the guys are ready to leave!" shouted Lily. You open your eyes to see Joji on the edge of the bed looking at you. "Good morning...." he smiles. "Are you not leaving?" you ask. "We are going to the bar and then the strip club.... I am in no hurry." laughed Joji.

"What time is it?" you ask. "It's 4 in the after noon. This week must of had being crazy." laughs Joji. "You wouldn't know.." you smirk. "Get ready so you and the girls can leave. Zoe is really excited." winked Joji as he left the room.

You roll your eyes. "Let's wear something simple...." you whisper. You put on black leggings, black hoodie and a simple alien shirt. You walk downstairs to see every girl talking to each other, "Okay! Let's head to the van!" shouted Lily. You roll your eyes and follow them to the car.

You go into a bar with no one inside. Robert comes out of nowhere, "Hey... Welcome to my second job." he smiles. "Here?" you ask. "Yes. here." laughed Robert. You look around to see a mechanical bull in the corner and a dance floor in another far corner and a DJ station with a few spotlights around the room.

"Have fun..." smiles Robert. Your friends run pass you to get the beer, vodka and wine bottles. You pull Robert aside, "What if I get under control?! I can't even drink!" you explain. "I am going to be here.... I put flavored water, You can't drink while being pregnant." smiles Robert.

You walk over to your friends and grab a flavored water to drink with them. "I have a lovely game." gave Lily an evil grin. "Let's play the STFU song and for every time Joji says Shut the Fuck up... We drink." explains Lily.


"I will be the referee." you smile. "I can't drink. So I will help." smiles Hila. The first drink happens right away. Then another. Third one. Fourth one. Until they take their last drink. Hila and you are scared now. Robert is trying to control the women but none of them will listen.

"Let's go to the strip club!" yells Lily. You slap your forehead, "Let's just go home..." you whisper. "Look.... Today is your last day of being single.... Do something that will make you happy for the last day before having to take care of an old man." smiles Hila.

"I want to go home and enjoy my last day alone..." you smile. Hila smiles, "I can drive them home.... Robert has an extra car for you to use." informs Hila. You walk to Robert, "Do you have an extra car?" you ask. "Yes... Here are the keys." Robert gives you the keys and you walk out.

You see Joji walking towards you, "Hey..." you smile. "I got so bored..." whispered Joji. "In the strip club?" you start to laugh. "Yes!" Shouted Joji. "I am happy we didn't go." you smile. "You are!" shouted Joji.

You guys stand there in awkward silence, "I just want Chinese food and sit in a park..." whispered Joji. "The let's do it." you smile. You pull him to the car and take off to a Chinese place.

You order chicken, rice and a vegetable roll. Joji orders Chicken, Rice and potatoes. You guys walk to the park next. "Let's sit under a tree..." suggested Joji. "Even though there is no sun?" you ask. "Especially when there is no sun!" laughs Joji. You sit next to him and start to eat.


"You do want to get married?" asked Joji. "A million times yes." you smile. "Good... I don't want this relationship to take a U turn." smiles Joji. "It always will... But we can fix it.... Together." you encourage. "I just don't want you to be in the middle of our marriage and you regretting everything..." whispered Joji. "I would never regret anything.... I would only regret being without you." you explain.

"How's the food?" asked Joji. "Better the your face." you giggle. "What is that suppose to mean?!" shouted Joji. "I don't know." you smirk. Joji pulls you into a hug and starts to kiss you. "Is the food still better then my face?" asked Joji in between the kiss. "The food is better then your face any day." you laugh.

You look at the stars with Joji, "Robert is going to walk you down the alley like a boss..." whispered Joji. "Unless I fall... Then we start over." you laugh. "It's all going to be live from the fans..." whispered Joji. "Crap!" you shout. "Exactly." laughs Joji.

You close your eyes, "I want it to be a girl..." you whisper. "I want the baby to be a boy..." whispered Joji. You open your eyes and look at him, "Don't you dare ever say that again.." you whisper. "Boys are more calm..." informs Joji. "Girls are more mature..." you argue.

"Oh! Please!" shouted Joji. "Look at what you became and then me.... You are gay for Duck... I am not!" You laugh. "Oh! Shut up!" shouted Joji with a laugh.

You sit another couple of minutes and Joji speaks, "Would you take my last name away?" asked Joji. "I would steal it any day." you smile.

Joji's Point of View-- I hope we live and forever stay together and that Calvin wouldn't mess up anything for me and my future wife. Because we are about to have a baby. I don't just want a boy.... I want twins. One girl and one boy

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