《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Names


Thursday~ You go back to the 3rd floor. When you see Zoe, "Your appointment is here." she informs. You walk fast behind her to the room. "I don't want a tooth filling!" shouted the girl from yesterday. "Her name?" you ask. "Anne." answers Zoe.

You sit on the chair next to Anne. "What are you scared of?" you ask. "Nothing.... I just don't want to be here..." explains Anne. You smile, "If we don't give you this filling... Your teeth will hurt for a long time..." you explain. "Better then a filling..." muttered Zoe.

"Like me check your teeth... Maybe it's a baby tooth and all I need to do is take it out..." you smile. "Fine..." whispered Anne. She sits back on the chair and you check her teeth. "I stand corrected... Will your tooth being pulled out be better?" you ask. Anne's eyes widen. "No!" she starts to cry.

Zoe walks out of the room with Anne's mom. Zoe comes back with your tools. "Anne.... Please work with me..." you frown as she tries to bite your finger. "I won't!" she shouts. You roll your eyes. "This medicine will only numb your month.... And you have to do is do a wash mouth and spit it out..." you explain. "Why?" asked Anne.

"So, when I take your teeth out it won't hurt..." you add on. "You next appoint is in a few minutes...." whispered Zoe. "Open her mouth gently.." you order. Anne bites her lips. "Okay!" you shout. You stand up. "I will work on you another time. It failed." you shout. Anne starts to laugh.

"I will wait in my office. Don't schedule another meeting with her." you inform. You walk into the waiting room. "I won't work with your daughter, she doesn't follow anything I say." you frown. "She needs that tooth out!" Anne's mom shouts. "It can fall by itself. I suggest that she can pull on it." you shrug. "You can't give up on her!" shouts her mom. "I have other people to work with." you walk back to your office.

Zoe comes in, "The boy from yesterday is here...." whispered Zoe. "John is back?" you ask. Zoe shakes her head and leaves. You follow her to see that Anne and her mother have not left. John is in the room right next to Zoe. "Hey!" you smile.


"Hi..." whisper John. "I want to check your teeth..." you inform. John quickly open his month. You check around, "I can actually pull out your teeth... It's a baby." you smile. "Good..." whispered John.

You give John medicine to numb his mouth. "Give it a few minutes." you smile and get up. You walk to Anne's room. "Everything okay in here?" you ask. "Yes.... We got another dentist that can do it's job." muttered Anne's mom. A tall and scary man enters the room. "Wow..." you whisper.

Anne's eyes widen, "I want you to pull my teeth!" she shouts as she gets up and runs to you. But the man pushes you out the room and closes the door. "Get back in your seat." he orders. Your jaw drops to the floor, "What a jerk..." you whisper.

You go back to John's room. "My mouth.... Feel big." laughs John. You roll your eyes. "Two teeth only." you smile. You grab the tools and pull the first one out. Zoe puts stuffing to stop the blood. You pull on the second one. Zoe does the same. John only starts to laugh. "Are you OK kiddo?" you ask. John shakes his head. "Bring in the mom and tell her to wait a couple minutes until John... Feel better... Tell me when that happens so I can explains to his mom about what she should do... Also get the brace orthodontist to put the braces back on." you order.

You walk out and look into Anne's window. She is crying with blood in her mouth. You open the door, "What happened?!" you shout. "We don't use the numb medicine here!" laughs the mean dentist guy. You look into Anne's mouth. "You didn't even take out the right tooth!" you shout. "What?" asked the dentist guy. You grab gloves and try to stop the bleeding.

"It hurts!" shouts Anne over and over. "You took out her adult tooth!" you shout. "No!" shouts the dentist guy. You look at Anne's mom, "You should of had waited for the teeth to fall out on their own!" you shout. You stop the bleeding and put in the numb medicine which makes Anne's tears dry on her face.

"I will be right back...." you whisper. You turn to the other dentist, "You! You leave this room!" you shout. You go back to John's room her mom is waiting for you. The orthodontist putting the braces back on. You take out pills, "If the pain stays, take one every 4 hours..." you order. You give her the pill bottle.


"Get cottons to stop the bleeding or at least control it.... But since these are baby teeth it wouldn't be necessary." you add on. John's mom shakes her head. "See you in 6 months." you smile. John and his mom leave the room.

You walk back to Anne's room. "I don't want to hurt her mouth anymore... So wait for the other teeth to fall.... Come back for a check..." you frown. "I might never come back here..." her mom muttered as she left.

You walk out, "Your other two appointments are taking care of..." informs Zoe. "Good...." you whisper. "By the way, do you work on Saturday and Sunday?" you ask. "I only work the days you do..." informed Zoe. "My one of my bridesmaids?" you ask with a smile. Zoe's jaw drops. "Oh my! Yes!" she shouts. "I need you to wear a dress that is the color of gold." you order. "Yes!" shouts Zoe.

You grab your backpack and go to the elevator. You press the button to go down. Joji and Ian are waiting for you on the first floor. "How did it go?" asked Ian. "I saw so much blood today..." you whisper. Ian and Joji laugh while hugging you. "Want food?" asked Ian. "No!" you shout. "She obviously wants sleep..." muttered Joji. "Yes..." you whisper.

Friday~ You go to floor 2 to see a room filled with babies. "Oh, it begins..." you whisper and walk around to the desk with another caretaker. "(Y/F/N) I am new here..." you whisper. "You are going to take care of one little girl." smiles the women. "Her name is Teddy and she just came in on Monday.... Take good care of her." she informs.

You walk to the little baby, "This is like taking care of Frank..." you whisper. You look at her the baby and leave her there. "It is just a day...." you whisper. You watch the girl until her eyes open. "Don't cry..." you repeat over and over in your head. She yawns and looks but at you. She starts to cry. "Mother...." you whisper.

You pick her up and just sing to her in a whisper. She becomes quiet and you put her back down. The elevator door opens and Joji comes out with Lily. "No..." you whisper. They come into the room and walk to the desk. The other caretaker points at you and then tells them something.

They walk to you, "Nice to meet you Teddy..." smiles Lily as she rocks her bed a little. "What are you doing here?" you ask. "Being a caretaker is boring unless the kids are 4 or 5." frowns Lily. "So?" you ask. "Better have company that can keep you busy." smiles Lily. "My mom was a caretaker in the old days." adds Joji. You giggle.

"So... Let's take a picture." smiles Lily. Lily gives you Teddy to hold while Joji hugs you. "Soon to be parents." smiles Lily as she snaps the photo. Lily takes back Teddy and rocks her back into the bed.

You look at the photo Lily took, "Why?" you whisper. "It is cute." smiles Lily. Your phone rings and you check it to see that Joji posted something. "What did you do?" you ask and check the post to see a picture with Joji captioning it, "Soon to be parents: That isn't our baby BTW."

You put your phone away, "Stop..." you whisper. Joji shrugs, "How long do you have to be here?" asked Joji. "In one more hour, I can leave..." you whisper.

After an hour passes. "That was so Boring!" you shout once you are in the elevator.

You walk out the building to see anger fans, "Don't marry Joji!" they repeat over and over. "Look... We got a call from the doctor...." whispered Joji. "There baby sound wave wasn't working but you are about pregnant!" shouts Lily. "I am what?!" you shout.

"The Wave was messed up... They want to confirm it... Fans... Our fans don't want that...." whispered Joji. "I don't want that!" you shout. "You don't know what you want!" shouted Joji. "Shut up!" You shout. "Let's go and see what happens..." whispered Lily. "Fine!" you shout.

You are laying on a bed with an anger face, "I am sorry..." whispered Joji. "Shut it!" you shout. Lily frowns. The doctor comes back, "You have been pregnant...." whispered the doctor. "Look, I will have the baby..." you whispered. "But you won't say anything to my parents... Please..." you add on. "Deal!" shouts Joji. "Agreed!" smiles Lily. "Then.... Let's find a name for the boy or girl..." You smile.

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