《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Library


You finish eating at the same time as Joji, "Does... Robin hate us?" you ask Joji. "No! He just loves to make people suffer." smiled Joji as he took your hand. "Now... Time for a small date." smiled Joji. You smile, "I love when we have little dates!" you get excited.

Joji takes you into a big room filled with books. "Wow..." you whisper to yourself. "Love it?" asked a voice. You look up to see a staircase and Robin is walking down the staircase, "It took me a while to collect all this books." smiled Robin. You shake your head, "Hopefully... You have fun in here." smiled Robin as he walked pass you and Joji and out the door.

"Ella told me and Ian that it took him one year.." informed Joji as he walked to a series of books. "There are so many..." you whisper as you pick up a book, 'Alex Cross, Run' You read. "That's a good book you have there." smiled Joji. "It was the first book, I was able to read when I came. Back then Robin only had about 20 books." added Joji. You nod your head and open the book.

You sit next to Joji on the couch and lean on to him, "What are you reading?" you asked. "Beach House... James Patterson was always my favorite author." explained Joji. You nod and go back to reading your book.

You sit up when getting to the good part, "No!" you scream. Joji laughs, "His plot twist always get me too." smiled Joji. You throw the book at Joji, "That's messed up!" you shout. "Ow!... God.." whispered Joji in pain. "It can't end like that!" you shout. Joji nods his head, "It actually can... You should read 'By the Time You Read This I'll Be Dead." laughed Joji.


You get up and roll your head. "I am going to read that book... If it disappoints me, I am going to cry." you smile. You go and look for the book. "Found it!" you shout pointing up high to a place you can't reach. "Women... I am short myself! How do you expect me to reach up there!" laughed Joji as he got up and walked next to you.

You frown, "Look for a ladder..." you order looking around. Joji laughs, "You just don't give up..." whispered Joji as he walks to a ladder, "If I fall, it will be all your fault." laughed Joji as he sets the ladder. You push him away, "I will do it." You frown. Joji helps you on.

"See, was it that hard?" you said grabbing the book. Joji lets go of the ladder, "Well sorry for being safe..." muttered Joji. You laugh and slip, "Joji!" you shout falling off. Joji catches you, "I didn't jinx this..." said Joji fast. You roll your eyes, "I know but you did let go of the ladder." you mutter. Joji giggles,"Sorry..."

Joji let's you down, "God..." whispered Joji as he checked the time. "What?" you asked. "I am late.... Ian wants me to be part of this video...I see you later... At 8.." explained Joji as he kisses your cheek and leaves. You frown and sit on the couch. "I feel so alone without him..." you whisper.

Katt comes in running in, "Max left me for a video!" she cried. You freak out but try not to show it, "What?" you asked. "Max... Needs to do a video with his friends... So he left me all alone." cried Katt into your shoulder. You get uncomfortable but don't say anything, "Want to make a video?" you asked. Katt looks up, "What?" asked Katt. You smile and help Katt up. You drag her to your room.


You enter your room, "Okay... So... I guess we can make it in here.." you whisper. You take out your camera. "Wait... You make videos too?" asked Katt. You nod your head. Katt laughs, "Do I look good?" she asked whipping away her tears. "Your makeup is... a little messed up." you inform. "Can you help me?" asked Katt. You shake your head no, "I have no idea how to work with makeup." you laugh. Katt joins you. "Can you give me a towel?" asked Katt. You nod your head and walk to the bathroom.

You come back with a wet towel and a dry towel. "Here." you give Katt the two towels. "Thanks." smiled Katt as she took off the makeup. "You look better without make-up." you smile as you turn on the camera.

"Hello there Owls! This is my friend Katt. Today I guess we will answer some of your questions." you smile opening your laptop. "Like to introduce yourself?" you asked Katt. Katt smiles, "Hey, my name is Katt, I like to meet new people and This girl right here is my new best friend." smiled Katt as she hugged you from your neck. You giggle and ask the first question, "Who is your most favorite to least favorite from the Cancer squad?" you asked.

Katt and you look at each other weird. "Cancer... Squad?" you asked. Katt shrugged. "What does that mean?" you asked. "Oh! Wait... Max, than Ian, than Chad and Joji." said Katt. You look at her weird. "Cancer Squad is Joji and the guys." explained Katt. "Oh... I can't answer that... The guys will get mad if I answer that questions... BUT Joji, Ian, Chad than Max." you wink.

You and Katt finally finish the video answering about 15 questions. "That was fun!" shouted Katt as she laid back onto the bed. You laugh, "Right? I thought it was going to be pure torture." you explain. "I wish I could be able to make videos..." whispered Katt. "It's easy." you smiled. "No... I will stick to Instagram." smiled Katt. Your head shots up, "Can you help me make an Instagram profile?" you asked.

Katt nods fast, "Of course!" shouted Katt. You smiled. You take out your laptop and quickly edit. "I'll go make some snacks." smiled Katt as she walked out of the room.

Joji's Point of View-- "Can we not use Rat Traps..." I whine to Max. "NO! We need more Rat Traps! And John Cena dolls!" shouted Max. "Today is going to be a long day..." I whisper to myself.

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