《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Instagram


You upload the video. "There." you smile. Katt comes back in with a tray filled with sandwiches and granola bars. "Oh... Do you have energy bars?" you asked. Katt thinks about it, "Yeah..." she whispers getting up. You stop her, "I will go get them. Where are they?" you asked. Katt smiles, "The first Kitchen cabinet you see when you enter the kitchen." explained Katt.

You walk out of the room, "Joji!" shouted Ian. You freak out and run down the stairs quicker, "Is he okay?!" you shout. Joji, Ian and Max are in Waldo suits and playing twister Joji is stepping on Rat Traps. You give the guys a cold stare, "Seriously..." you whisper.

Chad throws a John Cena doll at Joji. You roll your eyes and make your way to the kitchen. "Love you!" shouted Joji. You giggle and grab three energy bars, "Good luck!" You shout going back up the stairs.

You look back to see Chad dumping spaghetti all over Joji. You roll your eyes and go back into the room. "Crazy... Huh?" asked Katt with a giggle. You nod in agreement. "But it is funny." you explain.

Katt helps you make your Instagram profile on your laptop. "So.... I can just upload pictures?" you asked. "Yup... You can also link your videos on your bio." explained Katt. You nod your head.

"So... What will your first picture be?" asked Katt. You think about it. You take out your phone, "Selfie?" you asked. Katt smiles and makes a funny face. You laugh and take the picture. You check the picture to see Katt with a funny face while you are laughing. "Prefect..." you whisper as you upload it to the computer and than on to Instagram. You type, "With my New Best Friend." Katt reads it and hugs you again.


"Thanks for not choking me this time." you laughed. "No problem." smiled Katt. "Do you need help with anything else?" asked Katt. "Yes... Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr..." you whisper. Katt laughs and helps you crate each profile. You upload the picture of Katt and you. "Thanks..." you smile. Katt waves it off, "You could of had done it yourself." You roll your eyes.

Joji comes it covered in soup, blood and hugging a John Cena doll. "Oh! Max is done! See you tomorrow (Y/N)!" shouted Katt as she ran to Max's room. Joji stands in the middle of the room, "I am cold..." he whispers. You giggle and grab his towels, "Take a Shower.." you say in a serious tone. "God... I step on ten Rat Traps..." whined Joji as he cleans himself off. You giggle. "Than Coconutowl posted a video that I really want to see..." smiled Joji. You roll your eyes.

"I will be back!" shouted Joji as he walked out of the room. Chad passes by the door, "You okay?" you asked Chad. He comes back with no shirt but sprayed paint in black and white, "Hell YES! I finally got my revenge on those cunts." Smiled Chad as he went to his room. You smile and lay back onto your bed.

Joji comes down with regular clothes, "There..." whispered Joji as he laid on his bed and took out his phone, "Want to go, read?" you asked. "How was the book?" asked Joji. "I didn't read it..." you whisper. "Let me just check a few videos..." whispered Joji. You smile and take out an energy bar and start to eat it.

Your phone rings, "What the..." you check to see FilthyFrank. "oh... Look FilthyFrank is flirting with me again..." you joke around. "God... I just don't need to punch Calvin but FilthyFrank too..." followed Joji on to the joke. You laugh to read.


"FilthyFrank likes your picture from Twitter."

"Sushi Trash likes your picture from Twitter."

"Sushi Trash likes your picture from Instagram."

"Thanks." you smile. Joji smiles and winks at you.

"Hey... Ella is calling us down." informed Ian. You and Joji look at each other and back at Ian, "Did we clean right?" asked Joji. "I don't know!" shouted Ian as he went downstairs.

Joji and you finally go down, "Tomorrow morning we are going to go out and enjoy the wild. Make sure to pack the right things." informed Ella as she looked down at your jeans. "I'll make sure to wear shorts..." you smile.

you and Joji go back upstairs, "Why?" you ask falling onto the bed. "It is actually fun.. Last time I saw a kangaroo." laughed Joji. You throw a pillow at him. "Okay... But seriously, you don't want to be wearing jeans tomorrow." explained Joji. "But I want too!" you whine. "Wear a dress like Katt." explained Joji. You roll your eyes, "We're going out to the wild?" you ask. "Just wear something comfortable." explained Joji.

Katt runs in, "Oh my God! Get out of the room Joji!" shouted Katt as she pushed Joji out the room and closed the door on him. "I will just be out here!" you hear Joji shout. You giggle and look at Katt.

"Max asked me the most amazing question today!" shouted Katt as she jumped up and down on Ian's bed. "Ian won't like that.." you whispered. Katt jumps down, "He wants to go out on a date!" shouted Katt. "Max asked you out?!" you shout. Katt shakes her head up and down fast. "He saw the video you uploaded with me in it! And he said he liked the way I answered somethings." explained Katt. "That's amazing." you smile.

Katt opens the door to Joji, "Hey." smiled Joji. Katt just runs right pass him. "Bye..." whispered Joji with a confused face. Joji sits back down on his bed, "What happened?" whispered Joji. "Katt is dating Max now." You smiled. Joji and you high five, "Now... Only to get rid of Calvin." smiled Joji. You push Joji, "Calvin is just s friend. " you explain. "A friend does not handcuff you." added Joji. You just roll your eyes. You takes out shorts and a simply shirt, "I don't have hiking shoes..." you whisper. "Wear shoes, that you know you can walk in for a long time." informed Joji.

You nod your head. "Good Night." you smile as you roll into bed. "Good Night..." whispered Joji.

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