《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Trouble


You stand up, "Where's Max and Ian?" you asked putting the bowl of popcorn away. "Airport." explained Joji. "Why?" you asked. "They are getting out tickets to go somewhere else." smiled Joji. You fake smile. "Joji... I must tell you something..." you whisper. "Yeah... What's up?" asked Joji. But a knock comes from the door before you speak, "Hold on..." whispered Joji as he ran to open the door.

You follow Joji into the living room, "Who there?!" shouted Joji but no one answers. You get a confused face but Joji still opens the door. Four girl are at the door. You hit your head against the door frame and put on another fake smile.

One by one each of the girls walk in, without being invited, "Yeah.. Come in..." whispered Joji. "You pushed me into the river!" whined one of them. You look at Joji for help but remember, that he is pretending to be on their side. "I am sorry..." you whisper. Joji walks in front of you.

"She didn't mean too." smiled Joji. "Joji don't protect her! She doesn't deserve it!" shouted another one. "Look, my friend Sam is sorry and also (Y/N). Let's just put it in the past." smiled Joji. You shake your head fast in agreement. "No!" shouted the one you pushed. "Her name is Julie..." whispered Joji. You nod your head.

You get out from behind Joji and get closer to Julie, "I am sorry about the other day. I have no make-up so I can't repay you with that. But... I am saying sorry..." you explain proudly. Julie pushes you but Joji catches you before you fall, "Thanks..." you whisper. "This isn't the end..." whispered Joji into your ear. "Help..." you whisper but Joji doesn't reply.


Each of the girls sit on the couch. "This is going to be a long night..." whispered Joji. You try to go back to the kitchen but one of the girls stops you, "Sit..." she ordered. You look at Joji, who smiles. You roll your eyes and sit, "Where is Lily when you need her..." you whisper.

Max and Ian come in through the door, "What the heck...?" asked Max who looks at you. "Help....Me...." you whisper. Ian grabs you, "We are sorry but for the next hours you will have Joji while we have (Y/N)." smiled Ian as he pulls you out, "But Joji!" you shout but he looks away. "No!" you shout. Everyone looks at you.

"You had a chance!" you shout. Ian, let's go of you so you can walk to the girls, "You had your chance with Joji! You had many years and I mean many years! I only had a few weeks! I am not going to let some regretful girls who want Joji back just for his money and looks! I fell in love with this guy even if he watched porn at night and in the morning! I fell in love with this guy when he was a weird kid rapping along to beat boxers! Joji isn't an object to be thrown around with! So... SO just leave us four alone!" you shout into Julie's face.

Joji, Max and Ian stand behind you with smirks while pointing at the door. "This is stupid..." Julie said rolling her eyes. "No... Your mouth is..." you whisper. Joji grabs both your shoulders, "Don't beat her up!" Joji said fast.

Julie smiled. Joji backs up with you but Julie's friends gets you and drags you out of the house. Max tries to help you but the strongest one stays with the boys, "We are going to have a lovely chat." she said when closing the door.


You look around to see if there are cameras around, "This is a prank right?" you try to laugh it off. Julie laughs, "I would never joke about trying to beat up someone." Your eyes widen, "Joji!" you start to scream. Joji opens the window, "I am coming!" he shouts.

You are thrown into a car, and Julie hops in, "This ride is just going to be you and me." smiled Julie and she slammed the petal. "Crap..." you whisper as you look out the back of the car to see Joji on the ground jumping up and down. "No! Stop the car! He is having a seizure!" you shout trying to unlock the car door but Julie slaps you across the face.

"I said stop the car..." you repeat. "I said stay in the car..." muttered Julie. You look at her, "Joji needs me.... Stop the car..." you order again. "He doesn't need someone like you... He needs someone better. Even if it means someone that isn't me... He still deserves better." muttered Julie as she started to drive faster. You look out the window deciding to either jump out or not, "Must... Must I die now..." you whisper to yourself. Julie doesn't stop the car and that's when you see a group of boys and girls. "Nope... Today is not the day I should die.." you whisper to yourself.

Two boys grab you and pull you gentle to the middle of the group of people. "We are sorry..." each other them whisper. You remember some of the people's faces. They are all friends of Joji from the first day. "Do they all hate me that much?" you asked.

You sit on the ground waiting for further information but Joji and the seizure won't get out of your head, "Joji! He had a seizure!" you shout but the people around you don't care or didn't hear you. "Please! Let me see him!" you shout but they all try to ignore you.

"You don't have a voice here!" shouted Julie as she takes off her hoodie and throws it to her friends, "Here... We are going to fight... I will not let you go anywhere till you get beat up." smiled Julie as she kicked off her heels and puts up her fist. You stand up slowly, "God... I should of had stayed in Colorado..." you whisper to yourself.

Joji's Point of View-- "Where could she be?" I thought to myself while running through the streets of Japan. "Joji... Think about a place where people will fight!" I heard Ian shout behind me. "I remember! Follow me" I shouted and started to run faster.

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