《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》It Was Always You


You sit down on the kitchen table while Sam and Joji talk in the living room. Sam's mother and Lily sit with you. "My name is Rose." smiled Sam's mother as she shook your hand. "How did you come up with that cure?" Rose asked. "I have been studying it for... About 4 years now... So about 1 or 2 years ago... People could of been cured but the doctors from Colorado won't accept me.." you explained. Rose nodded, "That's rude of them... What college did you go too?" Rose asked. "Harvard... Just like Joji." smiled Lily. Rose's jaw dropped, "Really?" asked Rose. You nod your head slowly.

Lily, Rose and you talk for a while when Joji and Sam come in, "How?" asked Sam. "Honestly.. I don't know... But it doesn't cure you right away tomorrow I will have to give you another shot." you explained. Rose smiled, "Thanks once again. It was nice meeting you." Rose takes Sam's arm and gets him out of the house.

Joji sits where Rose was sitting, "What did Harvard do to you?" laughed Joji. "Oh... It wasn't Harvard it was years of just staying home looking up information about any type of Cancer and the programs they were doing." you corrected. Joji and Lily look at you, "Did... You have any... Friends?" asked Lily. You laugh and shake your head no. "Who was your first friend?" asked Lily. "Jane... But she was a nightmare." you laughed. "I would rather see it as... Joji was my first real friend." you explained.

You follow Joji back into the living, "So... What happened at the river?" asked Joji as he grabbed a disc. "Oh... That... Well... They called you a bad guy... So I just didn't like how they were disrespecting you...." you explain in a whisper. Joji giggles and puts in the movie, "Sam told me the same thing... The two girls told me another thing... Who do I believe?" asked Joji. You punch him when he sits down next to you, "Ow! That hurt!" shouted Joji. "You should believe me and Sam..." You smirk.


You lean back waiting for the movie to begin, The movie was Timer. "What happens?" you asked. "Well... This women gets this... Thing we can call it a watch. But hers says zero for everything. Year, month, days, hours, minutes. That watch tells her when she will meet her true love. She just has faith that she will find her true love even if it says zero for everything." explained Joji.

The movie hasn't started yet so you giggle, "If I was in that movie and able to get those watches. My would say zero too." you smiled trying to hold in your laughter. "Yeah... Because you already met me." said Joji all proud. "I don't have a true love." you laughed out loud when Joji gives you a weird face, "Fudge off..." whispered Joji as he pushed you away but you lean back towards him.

The movie starts so Joji doesn't say anything. "Actually... Max might be my true love..." you whisper. Joji pushes himself away from you. "I can't stand you..." Joji says while rolling his eyes. You giggle and get your attention back to the movie.

After getting through half of the movie, Joji stops it and goes into the kitchen. "You okay!?" you shout so Joji can hear you. Joji comes back with a bowl, "I don't understand what goes through that head of yours sometimes." laughed Joji as he leaned against the door frame. "What do you mean?" you ask. "It was Max then me then Calvin then me again.... Now Max again?" laughed Joji. You nod your head, "It was always you..." you whisper. Joji looks up from the floor, "What?" asked Joji. You shake your head, "Nothing..." you get the remote and press play.


Joji sits next to you with the popcorn between you both.

Joji's point of View-- "What did she say?" All I could think about was what she said. I didn't hear her and I regret it. I look at her but all she does is try to always look somewhere else. It is as if she is still shy around me. Please look at me... Please just look at me...

Your Point of View-- "Why is he looking? Look at the T.V..." you think to yourself trying to only look at the T.V but Joji is looking at you, that it is so uncomfortable. You turn to face the other way but that's when Joji speaks, "What did you say before?" You sigh and look at Joji, "I said.... It was always you." you say more clear this time. "What do you mean?" asked Joji.

You look at your hands, "It was you... It was you in college... It was you in the book store... It was you in the apartment... It was you in the cafe... It was you in the park.... It was you in the swam boat.... It was you my whole life... You think I liked Max? I don't.... Calvin, I almost liked him... But nothing could ever take your spot in my heart.... Not even FilthyFrank..." you smiled. Joji looks at his hands but you know he is blushing. "In college... The guy that listen to porn all day was my crush," You cover your face and laugh, "You think that was easy to tell people?"

Joji laughs, "You told people... That I was your crush?" asked Joji. "Yes! and I didn't know your name back then... So the only way to describe you was by saying, I like the guy who apparently listens to porn all night." you explain. Joji laughs, "That must of had been embarrassing." laughed Joji. "Not really... It should be to you... Because people thought you were listening to porn all night." you explained. "But I never was!" shouted Joji. You shrug. "But... Why me?" asked Joji.

You smile. "Because... I never look out for people who have looks... I always looked out for people who made me laugh... Because they were able to keep me happy." you smiled as you pressed play and looked at the T.V.

Joji's Point of View-- "She always finds a way... To surprise me..." I thought to myself.

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