《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Nurse's office


Joji runs to the door, "Hello..." Joji frowns and goes inside. You walk behind him. "You are not Mrs. Lindsey..." whispered Joji. "No... She died last year..." whispered the Nurse. Joji sits down on a chair, "Why are you looking for Mrs. Lindsey?" asked the Nurse. "She always took care of me..." whispered Joji. You pat Joji in the back. "I am sorry, to have to tell you this new..." frowned the nurse. Joji shook his head, "No... It is okay..." whispered Joji as he walk out of the room and took your hand.

"Want to talk about it?" You asked. "She was a nice lady... I had a seizure once in this school and after helping me back to reality.... We would talk for hours about why I was stressed or something." explained Joji as a tear came down his cheek. You wipe it away, "I am sorry..." you whispered. "You know.. Saying sorry doesn't help." laughed Joji. "How about... The Talent Show?" you asked. "Mrs. Lindsey is what got me, to be in the Talent Show... She said I could make people laugh... That's what I did... Go up stage and say jokes and people would laugh.... It made me feel... Like I could concur everything." explained Joji. You shake your head, "I am just making you talk more and more about Mrs. Lindsey... I am sorry." you laugh. "It's okay... It is actually helping me feel... Happy again." smiled Joji as he took your hand.

You guys get out of the school and head towards the car. "Is everything okay?" you asked Joji. "Yup!" smiled Joji. "Anything you want to talk about... We can talk about it any time of the day." you informed. Joji laughed, "I am okay." You start the car, "Where are we going next?" you asked. "Let's go eat." smiled Joji.


Joji tells you to pull up at a strange store. "What are we going to eat?" you asked. Joji smiled, "Octopus Balls." laughed a weird boy. He hugged Joji. "Hello!" he shouted. Joji walk towards you with the weird guy, "This is (Y/N). She will be eating with us." Joji helps you out of the car and leads you inside.

A bunch of people are around you, "Welcome back to Japan!" each shouted. "All this people knew Joji and were his real friends. When I went back to Colorado, No one came to welcome me." You thought to yourself. Joji let's go of your hand and went to each person to say hello. "Most people who hanged out with me, don't even remember my name." you sit on a chair and look down at your fingers. A girl sits next to you, "So... Are you guys dating?" she asked. you shake your head yes. She frowns, "I thought he would do better.." she laughed to herself. "Rude..." you whisper under your breathe. A boy comes next, "Please... Tell me you aren't dating this weirdo." said the guy with a panic voice. "I actually am..." you whisper. "Ugh... Jake you win... They are dating!" shouted the guy but to his friends.

You sit alone for hours while Joji catches up with his friends, "Hey!" smiled a boy. "How did you meet Joji?" asked the boy. "He is my neighbor..." you whisper. "Nice, I met him back in high school... He was a weird kid back than... He still is." laughed the guy. You smile at him. "This people can be nice." you thought to yourself. "Why are you all alone?" you heard a voice say. "Because... Someone left me alone and I don't know anyone in this room." you laugh as you look back up at Joji. "Right... Sorry." laughed Joji as he sat next to you.


"Why are you here?" you asked. "Because you are all alone." smiled Joji. "I want to be alone... Go hang out with your friends." you point to the group of people. "I talked to everyone... What do you want to eat?" asked Joji as he grabbed a menu. "Why are all this people here?" you asked. "They all know me... Miss me and need me." he laughed as he pointed to the group of girls, "Is it okay if they get some of my kisses and hugs too." laughed Joji. You punch him and than push him off the chair. He falls off and everyone looks at you guys. "I am sorry..." you whisper. Joji gets back on the chair, "Well... That was a bad joke." you both laugh.

You get your food, "Thanks." you smile and start to eat. Joji does the same until the girl from before comes and sits between you and him. You roll your eyes, "Why her?" she asked. "She... She accepts me." smiled Joji. "I accepted you, like... Years ago." she laughed. "Than... She is the best and most beautiful girl, I have seen." smiled Joji. "But you saw me before her..." she whispered. You get annoyed, "It's because I am just as weird as him. Not a girl like you that judges people." you slam your hand on the table and go back to eating. Joji laughs and shows you a fist bump. In which you fist bump him, "I couldn't example better." smiled Joji. The girl rolls her eyes and walks away.

You guys finish up, "Sorry about this.. But I need to go. I need to go and continue this date." smiled Joji as he took your hand and went outside. "Now... We go and play paintball." smiled Joji. You laugh, "Show me the way..." you whisper and Joji point the route way to the paint ball area.

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