《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Date


You wake up to see Lily enter the room. "I didn't know if you like Pancakes or waffle so I made both." laughed Lily as she set them down on the desk next to you. You sit up to see that Joji, Ian and Max were still asleep. "Last night... They had a hangover." laughed Lily. You join her. Lily wasn't so bad after getting to know her. You sit on the bed til Max wakes up. "Is that the smell of pancakes?" asked Max while sticking up his nose towards the air. You hide your pancakes behind you. "Lily brought some in..." you whisper. Max sits up. "Are you hiding them?" asked Max with dark eyes. "No..." you lie. Max gets up and walks towards you. "If you know what's best for you... You will share those pancakes with me." threaten Max. You show him the plate quickly. He takes one and laughs, "Thanks." you smile and him a thumbs up.

Ian wakes up next, "How do you not have a headache Max?" asked Ian while rubbing his forehead. You laugh, "Will Pancakes or waffles fix it?" you asked. Ian shook his head, "God... I just need a day off.." whispered Ian as he laid back down and closed his eyes. "Don't go to sleep!" shouted Max as he threw a pillow at Ian. "Today... We need to go get a video done." ordered Max. Ian groaned as he got up and out of the sleeping bag. "You are messed up man..." whispered Ian as he took some clothes.

"Can you guys not make to much noise..." ordered Joji as he covered his ears with a pillow. You laugh and slap his face with a pancake. "I hate you for doing that..." whispered Joji. "I am sorry... I just couldn't hold it." you smile. Joji gets up slowly. "I only had two drinks and here I am... With pain..." whined Joji. "Are you not doing a video with Max?" you asked. "Nope... He is letting us have a date today." smiled Joji. You smile. "But right now... Let me sleep..." whined Joji as he fell back and pulled you next to him. "Don't you dare even move..." ordered Joji. You start kicking and punching. "God damn it..." laughed Joji as he let you go. "Besides... I need to go edit..." you whisper as you get up and walk out of the room.


You see Max setting up the camera, "What are you guys doing?" you asked. "Well... If we told you... It wouldn't be a surprise... But! It will involve a game." smiled Max. "Lily is going to let you do that?" you asked. "Yup!" shouted Lily from the kitchen. You laugh, "Good luck." you pat Max on the back and walk to your backpack that is on the couch. "What are you going to do?" asked Max. "Blog.." you whisper as you take your backpack with you outside.

You sit out on the porch and tie your hair into a bun, "So... We are in Japan. Joji took us to his house. Where Lily and Carson, Joji's parents. Are really nice." you smile. "Today... Well... yesterday, Joji asked me out. So today we will be having our date!" you do a little celebration dance. Lily walks out, "What are you going to wear?" she asked all happy. You laugh and point the camera to her, "This is Lily mother of Joji." you smile. Lily waves hello and sits next to you. "Wear some jeans. Joji might take you out to a place where you have to run a lot." informed Lily. "God... Really?" you asked. Lily laughs and shakes her head, "When will the date be?" asked Lily. Joji points his head out, "At 1." explained Joji as he went back in. Lily smiles, "Wear something that is comfortable." smiled Lily as she went back into the house. "As you can see... This might not be good." you smile as you turn off the camera.

You walk in to see Max and Ian being surrounded by Cameras and Computers. Eating Pancakes and Waffles. "We are waiting for everyone to leave the house but Lily." explained Max. You laugh, "Where's Joji?" you asked. Lily meanwhile walks into the kitchen. "Talking with his father in the office." explained Lily. You nod and sit at the kitchen table.


Joji comes back and sits next to you, "Where would you like to go?" asked Joji. "I don't know any place in Japan." you laugh. Joji nods his head, "I have a few places in mind..." whispered Joji with an evil grin. "You can take her to your high school!" shouted Max from the living. "No!" shouted Joji back. "Why not?" you asked. "In the school, they have many pictures and videos of Joji in the talent show." smiled Lily. You look at Joji, "We are going to your school!" you shouted. Joji covered his face, "Go die Max!" shouted Joji. You can hear Max choking from the living room.

You walk back to the room and get a few clothes. Joji follows you, "Can we go somewhere else?" asked Joji. "Sure... After going to your school." you added. "This is not going to end well.." whispered Joji. You take out your camera and point it towards Joji, "So today we are going to go to Joji's high school!" you exclaim. Joji laughs as he looks into the camera, "The things you are about to see.... They will scare you... I was... Not a normal kid." laughed Joji as he walked out of the room. You turn off the camera and change into your new clothes quickly before anyone can come.

You walk out to see that it is 12:30, "You are ready." smiled Joji as he checked you out. "You aren't..." you noticed. Joji laughed, "We are going to he high school... Why would I dress up all nice." Joji takes your hand and leads you outside. You see a small car, "Sorry... It is not much... But Joji always wanted to drive in this car." smiled Lily. Joji frowned and got in the passengers seat while you sit in the driver's seat, "Why can you not drive?" you asked curious. "Seizures..." whispered Joji. You start the car, "Go to the left when you get to the stop sign." explained Joji.

You finally pull up in front of the school, "This is going to be a weird questions... Does everyone... Know you're here?" you asked. "If the teachers, I had didn't move away then yes." answered Joji as he got out of the car. You follow him the the front office. "Hello there." smiled a women. "WE are here just for a tour." explained Joji. She smiled, "Hello there George." smiled the women as she got up to hug him. "Her name is Mrs. Dzick." smiled Joji. You shake the women's hand, "George here, made The Talent Show fun." she informed you. "I heard he could dance." you laugh. She turns her computer so you can see it, That is him." she pointed to the far left of the line of boys. You see Joji move to the front and grab a belt and slap it to the floor and scream. "You are a weird kid..." you laughed. Joji thanks Mrs. Dzick. "Next stop... The nurses office." smiled Joji as he lead you to the nurse's office.

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