《Joji X Reader-- Boy Next Door》Loud


You are sound asleep, just dreaming about money, having a mansion, with a lot of puppies and kittens when you start to hear noises and this wasn't just one time it was going on and on. "What the hell?" You think to yourself.

"Are...Are they listening to porn?" you ask yourself. Than all at once it stops. You wait to make sure that they don't make more noise again.

"God... It's only 3 in the morning! Go to sleep!" you yell to the wall separating you from your neighbors. You go back to sleep and this time you don't get your amazing dream back.

Beep! Beep! Beep! You can hear your alarm go off but you don't pay much attention to it, "Oh shut up..." You groan as you lift yourself from your bed. You turn around to turn off the alarm when you read, '8:30'.

"What the hell!? I am going to be late?!" You shout as you get out of bed, "No time for showering!" you shout as you throw on what you see and tie your hair into a ponytail. You rush to the kitchen and grab a energy bar. You than rush out the door.

You stop next door to neighbor's room "If it weren't for you keeping me up all night!" You shout as you kick on the door. You calm yourself and run to the stairs to get quicker downstairs.

You run all the way to your work just in time, "5 minutes to spare..." you whisper to yourself. Your boss walks up to you, "Nice to see that you aren't late for the third time." He laughed.

Boss aka Robert-- Bookstore keeper: Nice and caring.

"I know, sir." you smile.

"By the way (Y/N), how is the whole... neighbor thing going?" Robert asked.

"Honestly... Last night around 3... I think they were watching porn..." you whisper to him.


"They are that loud?" he laughed.

"It gets worst..." You added on.

"Hopefully, you get a better place to live in." he laughs as he walks away.

"Me too..." you whisper to yourself.

You sit behind the counter eating your energy bar while looking out the window, "I wish I lived in a mansion..." you whisper to yourself.

"I wish you could help me." came a voice. You turn around to see a guy with long hair yet it's short at the same time. You stand up straight,

"Sorry sir, what can I help you with?" you asked.

"I was wondering if new books came in?" he asked.

"Some arrived two days ago, they are in the far back of the store." You point at the far corner of the store.

"Thanks!" he smiled and waved good-bye.

While he is looking for a book, you can't help but look at him, "He is cute... Just not my type..." you whisper and laugh to your self. You turn back and look out the window, "Yet... What is my type?" you thought to yourself.

Another guy came in but this time he had glasses on. "Hello, how may I help you today?" you asked with a more cheerful voice.

"Hey, Ian over here!" the guy from before yells from the corner.

"Sorry, he is loud." the guy who is supposedly Ian says and he walks away. You look at them arguing back and forth to each other like an old married couple, "They are totally not my type." you laugh and go back to looking out the window.

Later, the two boys come up, "We will be buying these books." said the long haired guy.

You check the books, "That will be 20 dollars." you smile.

"Can you guys hurry up!" said another guy but this time he was... Cute.


"Sorry, Joji. We just need this books really bad." whined Ian.

"Max... You aren't even going to read those books." laughed the guy who's name is... Joji...

"I try my best!" shouted Max. Ian gives you the money and the three guys walk away when you hear one of them start making moaning sounds.

"That sounds like the voices from last night..." you whisper to yourself. "No, it can't be them. But yet... They could..."

Around 3 your shift is over, "I am going home Robert!" you shout as you start to leave.

"(Y/N)! Don't be late tomorrow!" shouted Robert. You laugh to yourself. You walk to the cafe for a quick snack.

When you arrive at the cafe, you see the three guys from before. "Hey." smiled Ian.

You wave shyly. "We never got your name...What is it?" asked Max.

"It's (Y/N)" you say shyly.

"That's a pretty name. My name's Ian." said the guy with the glasses.

"My name is Max." smiled the guy with long hair.

"And this here is our friend Joji." They point to the guy behind them. He had beautiful jet black hair and brown eyes that you could look at forever.

"Now... He is my type..." you whisper to yourself.

"What was that?" asked Ian. You snap back to reality.

"I said.. Is the ice coffee here... Good?" you lied.

"It's the best." smiled Max. "That's good... Well it was nice to meet you but I won't like to waste more of your time..." you smile and quickly walk around them to the line. You turn around to see Joji looking at you, "God... Even from here he has killer looks..." you laugh to yourself.

You ordered an ice coffee and two cookies, "This can keep me full untill I make dinner." you thought to yourself. You get your food and drink and walk home slowly, "Today was a good day. Met a few good people. Wasn't late to work. What can ruin my day?" you asked yourself as you walked into your apartment.

You sit on your couch and that's when your nightmares began again and you hear your neighbors again. "Ey Boss!"

You can hear him shout over and over again. "God! Shut up!" you shout as you use your pillow to cover your ears.

"This has to stop..." you start to wish. You hear a little knock on the door. You walk over to the door and open it.

"Yes?" That's when you see Joji from before.

"Were you the one yelling?" he asked.

"No... Those are the..." You began to explain but catch yourself mid-sentence. That when you notice the door next door to you is open. You look at Joji deep into his eyes, "Are you the one listening to porn at 3 in the morning?" you asked.

Joji starts to laugh, "Oh... Oh god no... Those are my videos." he laughs.

"You make porn videos?" you ask.

"No! No!... They... are... um... Videos... Just... No porn... I swear." he promises.

"Well... um... It would be great if you... Don't scream all of the time..." you laugh.

"Sorry about that... Well, sorry for making too much noise." he apologized and walks back to his apartment.

You close the door slowly. You run to the couch and jump on it, "Oh My God! I just... He talked to... We talked!" you shouted into your pillow so Joji couldn't hear you. Maybe... Today was a good day.

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