《Percy Jackson x Reader-Sea of Monsters》Chapter 13
We were all at the front of the ship. In the distance, we saw an amusement park on an island.
"Polyphemus lives in an amusement park?" Percy asked.
"Yes, the goddess Circe thought building an amusement park on top of it was a good idea." Tyson said. "It really wasn't."
"Opening day. Long lines of savory half-bloods and one hungry Cyclops. Very bad for business." Tyson explained.
Reardon looked at Clarisse.
"I'll just turn the ship around then." Reardon said.
"Find us a place to dock." Clarisse ordered as she walks off.
"I was afraid she was gonna say that." Reardon said as he followed Clarisse.
Percy, (Y/N), Annabeth, Tyson, and Clarisse walked past an old sign that said, 'Welcome to Circeland'. All the rides looked wrecked.
"I guess the Cyclops was bad for business." Clarisse said. "Who knew?"
The half-bloods walk through the deserted park.
"We don't have time to search this whole place." Annabeth said.
Percy stopped walking when something caught his eyes.
"I don't think we have to."
They notice a ride that a huge hole in the structure.
(Y/N) said.
"It looks like something really big went through there."
"I don't know. It doesn't really scream 'Cyclops' to me." Clarisse said sarcastically.
Right when the words came out of her mouth there was a loud roar.
"At least there's no line." Tyson said optimistically.
Clarisse walks towards the ride, the others followed her.
Inside they found an old roller coaster car.
"Sweet ride." Clarisse said as she looked at the car.
"Might need a push." Percy said.
They rolled the car down the track. They climbed into the car as it started moving on it's own.
The car headed into a dark tunnel that had many strands of multicolor lights.
"Tyson let go of my hand." Clarisse demanded.
"Sorry." He apologized.
The car crosses a deep gorge that had water at the bottom, then crashes into a pile of rocks.
(Y/N) said sarcastically.
The half-bloods hop off the car to find multiple satyr skulls. Some were on the ground or on a stick.
"I think I get what Grover was so worried about." Percy said.
Clarisse notices a huge boulder being held by a post. Beside it was an entrance of a cave.
"This must be the boulder Polyphemus used to trap Odysseus when he was returning from the Trojan War."
Clarisse turned around to see the others staring at her.
"Yeah, that's right. I know stuff. I guess Annabeth isn't the only one who knows all the answers."
They continued forward into a narrow passage which opens up to a vast cavern with a high waterfall. They pass a few skeletons that were aganist an amusement park attraction sign with blinking lights.
I felt the power of the Golden Fleece nearby.
"Grover!" Percy whispered-shouted.
Suddenly a boulder and a wooden chest were thrown to a wall, shattering in front of us.
"Enough!" A booming voice said.
We heard loud footsteps coming so we took cover behind a park attraction.
"I can't take this anymore!"
We peeked out so we could see what's going on. I saw Grover in a wedding dress backing up from someone.
"Calm your temper! Calm your temper!" Grover said nervously but also in a high pitch voice.
A giant Cyclops, Polyphemus walked up to Grover. I saw the Golden Fleece on his shoulders.
"You said you would be done today!"
"No I didn't. I said I would be done with the dress tomorrow."
"Are you sure?" Polyphemus asked.
"Oh yes, completely sure."
Polyphemus grumbled. Then he took off the Golden Fleece from his shoulders.
"This stupid Fleece is broken. It's suppose to lure satyrs and I don't see any satyrs around here."
He looked at Grover, who was literally shaking with fear.
"This hunger is making my eyesight worse. I could just eat you." Polyphemus said as he stared at Grover. "If you weren't a Cyclops and my soon-to-be-wife."
Polyphemus walks away as Grover sighed in relief.
"Grover!" Percy whispered-shouted.
Grover looked around.
We waved our arms until he finally saw us.
"Percy?" Grover whispered.
He quickly but quietly ran towards us. He hugs Percy. While we stared at Grover who was in a wedding dress and had a plastic eye strapped on his forehead.
I said making Tyson giggle.
"When's the wedding?" Annabeth asked, amused.
"Oh gods, there's no way the others at Camp will believe this." Clarisse chuckled.
"Hey, I'm having a really bad day!" Grover defended.
"And this is a disguise. I'm showing mad survival skills, here." He gestures to the outfit. "The Cyclops half-blind. He thinks I'm a lady Cyclops and he wants to marry me."
"Grover could make pretty lady Cyclops." Tyson said.
Grover looked at him.
"Thanks and you are?" Grover asked.
"Grover this is my half brother, Tyson." Percy introduced.
"Oookkk, anyways I was trying to stay uneaten long enough to figure out how to get the Fleece off of him."
"So, did you?" Annabeth asked.
"Do you think I'd still be dressed like this if I did?" Grover asked as he pointed to the plastic eye that was on his forehead.
The half-bloods started discussing a plan to get the Fleece from the Cyclops. Let's just say Grover had to be the distraction.
Grover walked over to the Cyclops. He looked back to the others, who encouraged him to go on with the plan.
"Oh um Clopsies, how about I cook you something to drink to calm your nerves?" Grover asked nervously.
While Polyphemus was looking away, Grover gestures the others to go.
"I don't know what to do anymore." Polyphemus said.
(Y/N), Annabeth, and Tyson sneak around the giant Cyclops while Percy and Clarisse went up a ledge.
"This fleece used to lure satyrs every day."
Polyphemus turned around just as Tyson took cover. The giant Cyclops started sniffing the air.
"Now things are so bad, I even had to eat my own sheep." Polyphemus said. "The whole flock! They were tender, though."
Grover meekly chuckles.
Percy and Clarisse found higher ground. They were right above Polyphemus's head. Clarisse grabbed a stick that had a hook in the end. The daughter of war looked at Percy.
"Drop me, and I promise you'll never hear the end of it." Clarisse sneered.
Percy holds Clarisse's hand as she went closer to the ledge.
(Y/N), Annabeth, and Tyson carefully watched them. (Y/N) already had her bow and arrow ready as well as Annabeth with her dagger.
Polyphemus started sniffing the air again.
"Do you smell something? It smells like half-bloods!" Polyphemus said, getting a little excited.
Clarisse nearly snagged the Fleece with the hook at the end of the pole's end but the Cyclops grabs it and turns around.
"Half-bloods! I was right!"
"Get up, quick!" Percy said as he pulled Clarisse up.
"You stay right there! Woman, get a fire going!" Polyphemus shouted at Grover
"That's not good!" Clarisse said as she and Percy started running away.
But then Polyphemus blocks their path.
"On second thought, I'll just eat you raw!" He growled.
(Y/N) aimed an arrow at Polyphemus but right before she let go Tyson steps out.
"Hey!" Tyson shouted making Polyphemus turn around. "Hiya! My name's Tyson. How are you? These guys are my friends, so I was hoping, maybe, we could talk. You know, Cyclops to Cyclops."
Polyphemus walked closer towards Tyson.
"You pissant with one eye!" Polyphemus said.
"Hey, not nice!" Tyson said.
"You're no Cyclops! You're a traitor to your own kind!" Polyphemus yelled at Tyson.
Percy looked at Tyson, wonder what the heck was he doing. Then he realized Tyson is giving him a chance to get the Fleece.
Percy looked at the Fleece that was on the Cyclops's shoulders right in front of him.
"To be honest..." Tyson said as he looked at Percy giving him a signal.
Percy then flipped over Polyphemus, grabbing the Fleece in the process, and landing on the other side.
"Huh? What" Polyphemus said as he felt the Fleece wasn't on his shoulder.
"He's my kind." Tyson finished.
Polyphemus looked back at Tyson.
"You disgust me." Polyphemus said as he slapped Tyson, launching him across the cave.
Percy tries to run but then got hit by the giant Cyclops.
"Going somewhere?" The Cyclops asked.
Percy hits a table on his way to the floor. Polyphemus walks up to him.
"I think you've got something of mine." Polyphemus said as he reached for the Fleece.
"(Y/N)!" Percy yelled as he threw the Fleece to her.
She caught it and ran. Polyphemus started going after her. Percy rolls over to avoid getting stepped on. (Y/N) looked over her shoulder to see the Cyclops right behind her.
(Y/N) yelled as she threw the Fleece to her.
Annabeth caught it. Polyphemus turned around to the daughter of Athena.
"Clarisse!" Annabeth shouted as she threw the Fleece above her.
Clarisse caught it but then Polyphemus grabbed her and throwed her to a rock wall as if she was a rag doll. Percy scrambles to his feet. Clarisse got up and put the Fleece behind her back as the Cyclops went up to her and roared in front of her face, spraying spit on her. Clarisse throws the Fleece to Percy. Percy caught it.
"Get back here, you punk!" Polyphemus yelled after Percy, giving Clarisse the opportunity to climb down.
"Yo, Clopsies!"
Polyphemus stopped and looked at Grover.
"Huh?" He said.
Grover rips off the dress and plastic eye, revealing his true identity.
"I quit!" Grover shouted.
Polyphemus looked closer at the satyr.
"Wait, you're a dude? Well, that explains a lot." The Cyclops said.
(Y/N) went up to Grover.
(Y/N) said.
"Ok. Goodbye!" Grover said as they ran towards the entrance.
"You deceitful little brats! I'll tear off your flesh!" Polphemus shouted as he ran after them.
Percy helped Annabeth get up.
"Come on! Let's go!" He said.
The half-bloods ran towards the entrance of the cave.
"Give me that Fleece!" Polyphemus shouted.
Grover scales a wall and kicked the end of a rope, causing a chandelier to fall in front of Polyphemus. The half-bloods run out through the narrow passage.
"You're dead!" The giant Cyclops shouted. "I'm gonna kill all of you! Do you hear me?"
Tyson grabbed the post and pulled it, making the giant boulder roll in front of the entrance.
"NOO!" Polyphemus yelled as he pounded on the boulder.
The half-bloods were panting for air.
"I didn't know you guys had it in you!" Clarisse said.
Suddenly the boulder started to move. Little cracks were forming. Polyphemus kept pounding on the boulder.
"The boulder won't hold him for long. We need to go!" Annabeth said.
The half-bloods ran towards the ship. The boulder soon broke into pieces. Polyphemus chased after them by using their scents.
We quickly got on the ship. I handed the Fleece to (Y/N) since she could keep it safer than me.
"Reardon we need to go now!" Clarisse yelled.
"Aye, aye Captain." The zombie said.
Slowly but surely the iron ship started moving away from the island. Then we saw Polyphemus at the edge of the island. He started to throw huge rocks at different direction, since he's half blind.
(Y/N) said desperately.
She's right. If we don't go any faster we'll get crushed. I willed the water to make the ship go faster.
"In your face, Cyclops!" Clarisse shouted.
Big mistake. Now Polyphemus knows where we are. He threw a boulder towards the sound of Clarisse's voice. The boulder splashed to the right of us, barely missing the ship.
"You throw like a wimp!" Clarisse taunted.
"Clarisse!" I yelled, unable to stand it. "Shut up!"
Too late. Polyphemus threw another boulder and this time it hit the back of the ship. The ship started sinking fast. We ran towards the front of the ship but the ship was already underwater. Me and Tyson had no problem with it but my friends and girlfriend were sinking fast, trying to swim, without luck, in the bubbly trail of the ship's wreckage.
Clarisse was a strong swimmer, but even she wasn't making any progress. Neither did Annabeth or Grover. (Y/N) was still hanging on to the Fleece. I swam towards them but I knew I didn't have the strength to pull them out. Pieces of iron from the ship were swirling around them. My power with water wouldn't help.
'We need help.'
It was Tyson's voice. Loud and clear in my head. We could communicate with each other.
'Rainbow,' Tyson said.
I nodded and then closed my eyes and concentrated, adding my voice to Tyson's:
'RAINBOW! We need you!'
Immediately, three hippocampus swam towards us. I went up to (Y/N). I wrapped my arms around her waist and then swam towards a hippocampus. I helped her get on. Tyson helped Clarisse get on Rainbow, while the other hippocampus had Annabeth and Grover. They swam towards the surface and raced away from Polyphemus's island. I could still here Polyphemus's yelling in victory.
"I did it! They're dead!" He yelled.
I hoped he never found out he was wrong.
I watched as the island dissapeared in the distance. I looked back at (Y/N). She still had the Fleece in her hands. Her wet (H/C) hair sticked to her face. She had a few cuts on her face and arms.
"We did it." I whispered to her.
She nodded. Her eyes were only half opened.
(Y/N) muttered tiredly.
She slumped against the neck of the hippocampus and instantly fell asleep. I smiled at her. I grabbed the Fleece and covered her. The Fleece started to glow. The cuts on (Y/N) got smaller and smaller until it looked like she never been cut before.
"Gods, I love you." I said as I put my head on her shoulder and wrapped my arms around her, so she wouldn't fall off, and before I knew it, I fell asleep too.
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