《love in between -Khun x reader- Tower of god-》Ep. 24


I pushed the rock that held up down and threw it aside. Sitting up, I groaned and rubbed my temple. Thanks to Khun's armor inventory-


I looked to my side, seeing him unconscious, but not a single scratch on him.

Thank God.

From a distance, I heard shouting.

"lets blow it up!" it yelled.

A shinsu bomb flew at us in high speed. I caught it by surrounding the pokeball looking thing with water. It exploded inside, sending the splashes everywhere.

"there are people down there you moron!" a girl snarled, slapping sounds came after.

I thought for a moment. Trust worthy or enemy?

Either way, I have to get Khun healed up.

I picked him up bridal style. Ironic really. And carried him to them. "I... I need your help."


These people are so nice! A girl named miseng, who is lucky to make it here and get good teammates, placed a bowl of apples in front of me. "don't worry about your boyfriend! He's just unconscious!" she exclaimed happily. "oh...thanks. But he's not my-"

"AAAAAAA." I picked up an apple, and shoved it in my mouth and then ran to the door, opening it up calmly.

This has already happened 5 times in the span of two hours.

"where's (y/n)? Who are you?" Khun pointed a needle against the banana haired guy. "I'm right here." I grabbed the needle with my fingers and placed it aside.

He lunged out to hug me.

Let's pause. He's fucking topless.

"I'm glad you're okay." he breathed.


I pushed him by the shoulders, looking away to avoid his gaze.

Nah, the real reason is that I don't want to stare at his abs for too long.

"let's... Let's gather everyone else yeah?" I nervously said and walked out of the room. Feeling the heated gaze from the yeon girl.


Everyone was seated around in the living room. Khun walked out several minutes later, wearing a shirt this time. Whose is it? I don't know.

"so, you're the teammate of Jue Viole Grace?" He questioned. "yes, maybe not anymore." Miseng answered in a daze. I heard a camera snap from her phone.

Is she...?

Damn puberty.

I placed a hand on top of Khun's that was rested on the shelf, not looking at him in the eye.

"we followed Viole into the arlene's hand and saw you guys there with the rubbles and viole's pocket." Wangnan explained. "where's that pocket?"

"here." he handed the pocket to me. I pressed it and it a letter showed up. 'A'

Khun stared at it for a while, before standing up and grabbing the hand that was on top of his. "where are you going?" Wangnan shouted after us. "getting our teammates back."

The door opened up by itself as we got closer and a bald man walked up. "we're coming with you." he stepped up front. "we're his teammates and we deserve to know if he is safe or not not."

Khun sighs and complied with his request.

"you are qualified to go to the 29th floor right?"

They all nodded.


We reached the bunker we left not to long ago. Khun pressed his thumb on the fingerprint machine and the door opened up. "don't worry about your teammates. I saw them leave, alive." Khun walked into the dark hallway first, being the lead and I followed after him. "gyetang! Dann!" he called, his voice channeling through the hallways.

"hey! Someone is in here!" Wangnan shouted, pointing into a room.

We rushed in.

On the wall was 'F.U.G' written in blood. Gyetang laid still in the bed and Dann was face first lying on the floor, blood beneath him.


Khun stared at the wall wide eyed. He turned to me, and I met his gaze. "he's still breathing!" prince pointed towards Dann. They rushed to Dann's side.

Arkraptor lifted him up on his back and carried him carefully to the hospital.

We stared at him being taken away by the bald dad man.

Khun's face scrunched up in anger as he stared. I followed his gaze to Dann's feet.

A hole with blood oozing out of it.


I waited outside, leaning myself against the wall, playing with a small (f/c) colored needle. Twisting and turning it expertly between my fingers.

Khun came out a few minutes later with a sigh.

"how is he?" Wangnan asked. Khun breathed, "he'll survive. But his legs are severely injured."

Wang an stuttered out, "you...you know... I don't know about fug, but we have nothing-"

Khun sighed, "I know..." he looked at me in the eye.


"let me take a break. I want to clear my thoughts." Khun walked away without me, probably headed to the top floor.

We watched him leave in silence.

"so... Are you and him..." Wangnan pointed at me and then back again to where Khun was.


"but you act all kissy kissy and like-"

"I will stab you with this needle if you don't shut up."


Khun stared at the pocket in his hands. "you look troubled. As always." I leaned against the wall beside him. "at least you look decent with that style." I motioned to his plain white colored shirt.

Khun stayed silent. He didn't seem to be up for jokes right now.

"Jue viole grace is the 25th Bam." a sweet woman's voice said. We turned around to see a familiar red headed regular. "Hwaryun?"

"long time no see, you two. It seems to me that you guys are still sticking together." she stopped in front of us. "how can you be here!? I remember you failed at the floor of the test!"

Khun stood upright at the sight of her.


Khun went in to punch her, stopped by the Golden staff. His knuckles bled.

"where did you take Bam!?" he gritted his teeth.

"I don't know. This is done by the elder Fug."

"so basically, you got stabbed in the back?" I asked, stepping in. "yes, so I got a favor to ask of you two."

We looked up at her, meeting her gaze. "win the workshop battle with the teammates of Viole."

"what!? Why would we help you? You're taking advantage of Bam too!" I stepped closer to her. "then what can you do at the moment? You lost your team and your boyfriend is a target for Fug. It won't be long till you are one of their targets, (y/n) Daeyang."

Khun clenched his bloody fist.

I'll need to fix that later.

"hey blue! Your teammate is awake!" Wangnan slammed the door to the rooftop open.


"I see... Now I can't run as fast anymore."

Khun breathed, "I'm sorry. Because I forced you to join..."

Dann stopped him from continuing, "do you know why Rachel kept me alive?

It's because she wanted to see me in misery. She wanted to see me lose hope and give up everything."

"the truth is, when I was in the last exam, I lost my teammates. I... Ran out of the test myself."

He let out a weak sigh, "at that moment, my legs were so horrible, I couldn't stop myself from crying."

"so let's go to the workshop battle together and win it, Khun, (y/n). "

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