《Near x Reader- Collaboration》Family
It started as a rumor.
"Okay, she's in for half, and I'll match with her," Stephen stated, placing their money inside of an envelope. Anthony chuckled at his associates. He took it and placed his own money inside as well. After, he placed three slips of folded notebook paper along with the cash and tucked the tab into the envelope.
"In the name of sportsmanship, I can't wait for you both to lose," The blond smirked.
"I know I am right. Stephen has the sense to agree with me," Halle replied.
"I actually hope I'm wrong. Near would be devastated if it were true."
Anthony's following tangent was prematurely muted when the girl passed each of them. She snapped her head at them, and they directed their attention to the kitchen table where they sat, twiddling their thumbs in a poor attempt at being inconspicuous. Halle had the better composure of her colleagues, as she dared to make eye contact with the girl and strike a casual conversation.
"I'm glad to see you are feeling better," She sipped her coffee.
"Thank you. Three months of vomit got old, but I'm settled now. Besides, the doctor said it wasn't a virus, so I'll be fine."
Stephen looked to Halle with a cocky grin for a brief moment. His actions were caught by the girl's peripheral vision while she rummaged through the fridge. Her desired snack was in hand, but she found herself hungry for knowledge.
"What are you all acting so shady about?"
"It's nothing," Stephen stated as he stared at his hands in an absent-minded state.
"I'm not going to pry, but I still need to ask you guys something. I hate to be a burden, but he has to fly to Los Angeles tomorrow for the weekend, and I can't go with him. Could any of you guys go for me?"
"What?" The girl was only more perplexed.
"It's nothing," Stephen reiterated.
"I'll go with him, it's no trouble," Anthony stated, resting his elbows on the table, "but I have to ask, why can't you go?"
She stood and went back to the fridge, this time looking for a beverage, and she settled on chocolate milk. It had only contained about a glass worth or so. In that, she took the whole carton with her.
"The doctor said that my stomach would not deal well with flying or even highway driving. Crazy motion won't do me well."
Anthony raised his eyebrows and offered a nefarious grin to his associates briefly, reminding them that they had half of a chance to be wrong and he right. Any other teasing that transpired went unseen by the girl as she left for her corridor. The fashion remained loyal to its latest design change, so she had to maneuver through snaked paths before reaching her desired spot. She plopped onto the mattress, sighing aloud.
"Sit up," Nate ordered.
She complied with him. He sat directly behind her at the foot of the bed. The young man began kneading and rubbing his hands on her spine, moving up and down as she asked. The tension she had built from walking around their room and facility released while he worked his magic.
"Nate, I think they're onto us," she said, rubbing her abdomen.
"Really?" He continued massaging her back.
"As I walked down the hall, I heard them say 'I'm right, you're going to lose,' something around those lines. When I came out they got quiet. The real red flag was when I told them I couldn't fly. Halle and Stephen declared 'Yes!' while Anthony looked abysmal."
The tiniest hint of a glare graced Nate's face. He coaxed the girl to lay down on her side, which allowed him to ghost his hand along her curves back and forth. She began shedding tears in a pitiful attempt for silence. Though she dismissed her turmoil as ludicrosity, he validated her emotions. His repetitive strokes drained her of anxiety and energy. She was soon asleep under his gentle touch.
It turned into a game.
On that same night, the trio decided to stay a little late in order to play a friendly game of cards. Anthony swallowed the taunts that followed his defeat as Nate walked in undetected. He sat down at the table with them.
"We were just leaving," Halle stated, grabbing her jacket from her chair.
"No, please do stay. I'd like to participate in at least one game."
After he faced every card correctly, he mixed them. He did the run of the mill rifle shuffle but went on to impress his subordinates by doing an overhand followed by a Hindu.
"High Chicago," he stated as he drew cards for everybody.
Nate did not make assumptions from blindness. In that, he observed every minute detail of their body languages. To an unfamiliar populace, each player played with stellar detachment from their fortunate or poor hands. To the young detective, he easily deduced that not only did he have the highest ace, but the best suit as well. He already was aware of it, but the other spoilers were courtesy of Anthony's brow sweat, Stephen's shaking leg, and Halle's bitten tongue.
Ace of spades. Victory.
Nobody had expected a different outcome. The three expected his superior callous demeanor and deduction would have beaten them, and to a degree, it had. The only agenda Nate had was to see if he could isolate any incriminating actions or habits while under controlled pressure, and he was not left disappointed. The older adults offered their congratulations as they left for the door. They were called back to the table.
"I have overheard some interesting conversation earlier. Do correct me if I am wrong; you are engaged in a bet concerning _________."
"No," Anthony answered too quick.
"So, in other words, yes. I decided that instead of being upset, I'd actually join in on this bet."
"You don't gamble," Stephen claimed.
"You're right, I don't gamble. That being said, I'd like to join in. What are the grounds of our statements?"
The older men stepped a single foot backwards, signalling to Halle that she would once again be taking charge. She sighed.
"We're debating whether or not she may be pregnant. Stephen and I believe she is while Anthony says otherwise."
"And where did this suspicion originate?"
"Mostly the sudden sickness only she seemed to have. With that being said, she doesn't appear to be gaining weight, and as Rester stated, she doesn't seem to be the type to... Get herself into that situation. Things happen and it makes it seem one way or another. The winner needs undeniable proof for their claims."
"Have any of you any ideas as to who the father could be?"
They simultaneously shook their heads.
"It's anybody's guess. For all we know, it's me."
They laughed their way out. Before leaving he was able to write his own prediction. He didn't feel as satisfied as he imagined he would. The cards were before him in perfect calculation thanks to his ability to count them.
"Did you do it?" The girl asked, walking to the fridge.
"I did."
"I'm inpressed. You don't gamble," she sat beside him, revisiting the ice cream carton.
"I didn't gamble. I stated certainty."
The girl wrapped her arm around his while eating the frozen treat. She offered him a spoonful, which he ate.
"Halfway. We're halfway though."
"You're correct," he began twirling a few locks of her hair.
"Are you nervous?" She asked with a full mouth.
She inched even closer to him, taking his hand and placing it upon her stomach. The girl was not showing for being in the middle of her second trimester, but she knew too well that her abdomen wasn't hollow. And how happy it had made her.
"Well, in regards to the bet, I think I have a few unfair advantages. With that, what that implies... Only if they're like me. Then I'll be mortified."
She kissed his cheek, "I'll be glad to have a healthy baby. Our baby."
Oh, how things had become a non-hostile war zone.
Nate, regardless if he was aware (likely), was third-person omniscient. The priorities of his associates were their cases. The whole bet was the subliminal agenda through the end of winter and entire spring was the wagers to be won. Whatever subtlety the three believed they possessed was pitifully shallow in Nate's eyes. Everything that the girl did to allegedly prove or disprove their claims were respectively celebrated or lamented. The most memorable of incidents happened exactly one week prior to the change.
The warmth in the skies kissed the girl as she walked back from a convenience store. A long term craving for artificial sweets had overpowered Nate's orders for her to stay within earshot of him. She found no harm in grabbing a few things for herself and him. She entered the building, used the stairs, and was outside the door of her destination when her bag tore open. The water had busted and spilled around her feet. She could only release a small, disgruntled yell as she rested her hands on her knees and tried to catch her breath.
The door was opened, and rather than being greeted with a smile, she was met with a moment of silence followed by Anthony's declaration; "Shit!"
In a concise fashion of storytelling, he, Stephen and Halle rushed her to the elevator, only to be stopped by a mighty yell from Nate.
They all turned around to see him standing behind them, brooding, hands balled into fists, and his face lightly tinted red. He merely gestured with a curl of his finger and the girl was beside him. The young detective pointed to the spilled groceries adjacent to the door. Both sighs of relief and defeat were heard.
"Always read the context," He rested his hand on her shoulders and led her to their quarters.
Behind them, the older adults bickered at one another, vaguely stating that they would end up with the undeniable proof. Nate stopped briefly and offered them a quick glance.
"I think my proof will be profoundly superior."
He closed the door as they looked at him.
It was then a surprise.
For two whole days, Halle, Stephen, and Anthony had nothing to do and everything to ponder. Their boss and the girl were gone without any notice. All they could hope was that they were alright, whatever they were doing. In their absence, the older trio picked up the slack by doing laundry (even the linens), cleaning and even airing out the place by opening the windows. At noon, they sat at the table, actually bored.
"Maybe I am married to the job," Halle commented, lazily stirring her tea, "Should I start dating- nope, forget I said that. I don't need to hear your smart ass remarks."
Stephen smirked, "Come on, now, I was about to ask you to dinner tonight, but now my confidence is down."
"Poor you," she retorted, unaware that Nate and the girl quietly entered the living room.
The three went back and forth while the young duo walked closer to them in silence. Nate left the bags beside them on the floor, then held the girl's shoulders. She was about to ask how long they were going to wait, but a quick little wail beat her. The adults snapped their heads toward them, and found themselves speechless and dumbstruck.
"I'll kill your suspicions now: we have been sleeping together every night for almost a year. We had sex once," the girl stated.
The three of them were still too bewildered to relish in victory or defeat. Even though they had prepared for the outcome, it was nearly an abstract concept to them. But, right before them, the girl held the newborn swaddled in a white blanket and slumber. She enlightened them to the tried and true radiance of a new mother with her tender smile kissing her child at almost every given moment. Halle covered her mouth and tried to hold back tears, but one strayed despite her efforts. They stood and walked to their boss.
"Your baby is so beautiful," She said, smiling with awe.
"Thank you so much," the girl gingerly said, still looking at her baby. Still smiling.
Stephen and Anthony caught on with the grinning, the latter taking Nate's shoulder and patting it. Their superior offered a quick smile in return, soon diverting his attention back to the child, who seemed to be the focus of everybody. The babe lazily opened their eyes. The girl was particularly happy about their irises, seeing hers, yet with Nate's essence. After blinking, the baby was lulled to sleep by their mother gently rocking her arms.
"Did you have a boy or girl? What's their name?"
The girl giggled, never faltering her grin, "Guys, meet Nora. Nora Elizabeth Adrienne River. This is our daughter."
Tears fell freely from both women and even a bit from the older men. Nora was held by the three of them, only fretting when Anthony cradled her. It felt a bit like poetic justice as the envelope was brought out and to everybody's attention. Nate tore it from the side, sliding out the money and the notes. After the cash was placed onto the table, the detective unfolded every note and placed them face down.
"As everybody is aware, whoever's statement is most accurate will win. I'll start by reading aloud Anthony's prediction:
"She isn't pregnant, she just got a little too comfortable with ice cream and deep-couch sitting.
"Stephen and Halle said:
"She is pregnant by a donor...
"Why did you assume that?" The girl questioned.
"Well, I don't know who else you talk to, and he doesn't do that kind of dirty work," Stephen stated, pointing to Nate.
"You're a responsible young woman who wouldn't get into that situation with a strange man. So, the only other logical choice was that..."
The baby made a noise as if she were about to begin crying, but she nestled into her mother's breast, continuing to ignore the others.
"My own:
"She will bare my child, and Halle, Stephen and will gladly accept when we ask them to be the child's godparents."
They barely articulated their confusion until the girl outright asked them to take on the roles. Humbled beyond amazement, they declared that they were unworthy of such an honor. They couldn't intrude on them.
"Please? You all have been family. All we did was bring someone new."
They cried more than the newborn in their acceptance.
It settled into a normalcy.
Nate clicked the monitor off for the evening. His robots were aligned to his right and dice stacked to the right. The darts were out of reach. The only unknown was the whereabouts of his bear.
"I should have known," he smiled at his daughter.
The baby held the bear close to her as he held her close to him. She had been situated nicely on his right leg as she leaned against his left. An uncommon fatigue inspired him to rise with her in his arms and walk to the bed.
"Let's visit your mother, Nora."
The girl was recently in the bed herself, and her smile grew when she saw Nate and the baby come her way. They laid upon the bed with her.
"Hi, Nora. Did you help daddy with work today?"
Her smile and giggle were response enough. The babe's hair had curled white with skin just as light. Along with a familiar eye shape, Nora was already observant only about five months into being on the planet. She was engaged in her environments and was quiet. The paternal similarities ended there, as she was a social and expressive baby. The company of her godparents was a mutual enjoyment. She brightened their darkest days while they spoiled her with attention. She was their child.
"I think it's everybody's bedtime," the girl said, poking her daughter's stomach.
Nate picked up the child and placed her in the crib not even three feet from their bed. Nora grabbed for the stuffed bear until her father gave it to her. One hand held the toy as the other formed a fist most efficient for her thumb sucking.
"I think she will need her own room soo-"
He looked at the girl only to find her already asleep. His daughter stole his attention by beginning her crying. He picked her up again.
"No, no. It's fine, Nora. I've got you. I always will," he cooed in the softest tone he could.
She was silenced as he gently rocked her in his arms. It still was surreal to him. He encountered gods of death, mass murderers, the loss of his virginity, and through it all, fathering Nora was the most abstract concept to him. He barely scratched five feet tall. He could barely lift fifty pounds. He never did his own laundry, flew on a plane alone, or driven a car. And yet, he was a father to a beautiful baby girl.
"Nora... I hope you're nothing like me. You should be able to cook meals, learn self-defense fighting, and take care of yourself. I hope you're like your mother. You'll always be beautiful and independent. Maybe you're fated for misery and a dark life. Perhaps I won't be the strong father you will need, and I'm sorry. If you find yourself awkward or misplaced, I'm sorry. But, do remember, anytime you're in doubt, your mother chose me. Anything can happen. I finally believe in miracles, Nora. That's because you are one. I love you."
He kissed her head before placing her back into her crib. She was fast asleep already, and, along with her mother, she inspired him to sleep as well. He crawled into the bed, and in no time, the girl wrapped her arms around him from behind.
"I love you both," She mumbled.
He held her hands as he slowly faded, his eyes never leaving Nora. He had a soft smile carry him to sleep.
It ended with a family.
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