《Call Me Cute》Epilogue Finale
Frankie led Dakota inside the house.
He moved slowly, mindlessly.
He cried the entire ride back and Frankie couldn't say a word. She speculated that maybe she's the reason he was crying. She hadn't looked at the caller ID when she answered and regretted using that tone with him.
But....this amount of crying....
She frowned not liking how it looked.
Her instincts were hinting to a certain reason for his behavior, but she didn't want to assume the worst. She clenched her teeth in annoyance thinking about what Monica could've done. She's the cause of this! Be it her hatred speaking, it didn't matter, she was sure of it.
She sighed trying not to blow her top right now by thinking of that little hussy. Dakota needed her.
She could hear him sniffle, over the phone almost as of he was trying to not let her hear him, it immediately striked worry in her.
What the hell happened at the bar??
"Wait.... Frankie can you...wash my hair for me?"
She blinked and looked at him with wide eyes. He was staring at her expectantly looking a lot better than he did in the car.
"I don't think..."
"Please... I want you to."
She stared at him for a moment before nodding, planning to shower herself once he was done.
"Well strip." Frankie teased poking him lightly. Dakota's heart leapt in his chest and he looked down feeling shy.
"Why do you want to watch me?.... perv!" He chuckled trying to joke, Frankie gasp at him in shock. In spite of his teasing he did as told handing her his clothing. She smiled ruffling his hair, seeing him tease her made he feel less worried. The gesture was unexpected making Dakota blush.
"Wash up. I'll be back to do your hair."
He nodded mutely his face red.
Frankie left the bathroom, tossing his clothes in a washer.
She stared at them wondering again what happened at the bar. Dakota was crying so much that it was hard to not assume the most extreme things. She glared feeling her anger flare and the need to physically hurt a certain someone.
Let's hope it's not what I'm thinking....
A few minutes later she came back into the bathroom, Dakota resting in the tub. He looked up and smiled once he saw her. Her heart swelled at how adorable he looked and bent down to kiss him on the cheek.
"Oh! What's that for?"
"Shhhhhh. You ask too many questions." Frankie teased.
She collected his shampoo and a towel, directing him to lean his head back so she could wash his hair. She used the shower head to wet his hair, combing her fingers through it before applying shampoo. Their bathroom was styled like a Japanese onsen so the floor was actually still considered a part of the bath; getting it wet was of no concern.
She massaged his hair, being sure to touch the pressure points Dakota loved. He moaned softly loving what Frankie did. She blushed trying not to think of his sounds in a sexual way but her pulse became erratic with each soft sound that left his pink lips.
She continued this, Dakota's eyes closed in bliss, moaning ever so often when she applied pressure to a spot he liked.
She rinsed his hair, and smiled once she heard him giggling.
"You like that?"
"Yeah.. hahaha! the warm water is ticklish for some reason." He laughed looking up at her.
"Thank you." He whispered suddenly, a deep look in his eyes. She paused only to laugh not understanding him at all but liking that she didn't have to.
She gave him a towel, and another for his body. He left the bathroom allowing her to use it.
Once clean, Frankie gave Dakota a matching pair of pajamas knowing that would make him happy and from the large smile he wore, it did. It was a simple purple and white stripped set with a black bunny etched into the shirt's top pocket.
They cuddled together on the sofa, Frankie on Dakota's lap his head resting on her shoulder.
Frankie adjusted her bonnet and leaned into him.
The television was on and while she did try to watch the variety show that was currently on, her consciousness kept bothering her untill finally she spoke not being able to hold it in anymore.
"Hey.... Dakota?"
"I'll wait until you're ready to tell me....so don't feel pressured to... Well say anything okay?"
Frankie wanted him to know he didn't need to rush to tell her. Dakota tensed and looked down, closing his eyes to relish in Frankie's smell. Her scent was always a lot stronger around her neck.
"I-..... It's... Nothing really happened but it's probably what you think it is." He mumbled into her skin, Frankie tensed.
Is he saying that.....
She took a deep breath.
"Did she touch you?" She asked softly.
".....yes...." Dakota whispered his grip on her tightening.
Frankie sighed again, her heart racing from fury, adrenaline pumping through her.
That fucking bitch!!!
"Are you mad?"
"What kinda bullshit question is that??! Of course I'm fucking mad that giraffe looking son of a bitc-" Dakota busted out laughing throwing his head back. He chuckled coming to cuddle her and snuggle back into her neck.
"I thought you'd hate me."
"Huh?? Why would I? It's not your fault it's that-"
"No. Not that.... The picture."
"I tried to trust you. So I waited.... I should've went though!! I'd have broken my bat over her damn head!" Frankie yelled moving to stand but Dakota held her still.
"No don't leave." He grumbled cutely.
Frankie shivered and huffed staying put. She was fuming, she could see it already. She'd end up in jail for murder.
"Hey stop. I can feel you shaking with anger." Dakota chuckled softly. Frankie turned, so she straddled him and sat back down.
"Can you blame me??"
"I know that you're mad but...."
"And you're not! That's hussy! Degenerate! Toothpick shaped lil-"
Dakota laughed again Frankie's insults being more amusing than anything. Frankie stared at him feeling mixed emotions. She's glad he's able to laugh but she couldn't shake her own anger and laugh with him.
"Are you okay? Are you... Do you want me to do anything?? Anything at all?"
Dakota stared at her worried expression and smiled feeling vulnerable.
"I love that you worry over me."
He hugged her to him, enjoying her warmth and the feeling of her body ontop of his.
"Auggh. You're too sweet, literally! Just say the word and Instant death! She won't even see it coming! I'll be like the night-" Dakota silenced her, his lips moving slowly against hers. He's wanted to kiss her since the minute she came to get him, wanting to have her kisses wash away his bad memories and disgust.
He moaned feeling his entire body shiver and set a blaze. He gasped grabbing onto her and pulling her down further onto him.
Frankie moaned instinctively, taking control of the kiss. She ran her tongue over his bottom lip asking for permission to turn this kiss into something a bit hotter. Dakota whimpered doing as she wanted. Frankie took him in, exploring everything he had to offer. His lips and small sounds of pleasure being so familiar to her, a symphony that only she could hear.
He made these sounds only for her.
She hummed feeling something hard underneath her. Smiling she bit at his bottom lip loving how he tensed up, and hummed pulling back to kiss him softly again.
"Don't distract me from my ranting." She said not sounding bothered at all that he did.
Dakota smiled staring up at her with so much admiration that Frankie felt butterflies erupt in her stomach.
"Stop looking at me like that..." She mumbled covering his eyes as she went red.
He laughed, moving her so she now sat in his arms rather than straddling him.
"I won't but! Don't be mad anymore, just let me cuddle you."
"You're treating me like your personal teddy bear."
"You aren't?" He asked with all seriousness. Frankie laughed shaking her head. She ruffled his hair returning to their earlier position.
"I'll be whatever you want if it'll make you feel better."
"Thank you." He whispered going back to hide in the crook of her neck. She patted him on the head and mindlessly watched the variety show but Frankie wasn't satisfied; oh no. She was already plotting sweet revenge.
She smiled devilishly making herself comfortable having decided that she'd deal with Monica where Dakota wouldn't stop her.
Hahaha. I'll make you pay, you sleazy cocksucker!
Monica sat outside her school's open area. They had a few benches and tables around just for students to use, whether they wanted to eat or lounge around.
She winced talking a sip of her cola that she bought at the cafeteria, feeling her jaw ache from where Dakota had hit her.
She couldn't believe it.
Her sweet beautiful boy Dakota hit her.
She planned to punish him once she saw him again but they didn't have class until later. She grinned thinking to pull him into the Janitor's closet and have her way with him. Her mind went back to the obvious bite marks and hickeys he had come to school with the other day.
That bitch Fracky or whatever her name was!
She thought about marking him herself, she didn't know if she wanted to use her mouth or maybe force him to get her name tattooed?
Mm. We'll see once we get him.
She hummed to herself thinking about his recent outfit, those shorts he wore with the long black stockings killed her. She couldn't focus in class, his slim waist and fat ass just made her.....
She shivered feeling her body heat up thinking about touching him.
Mm. He's so sexy.
She chuckled to herself going to sip on her drink again when suddenly someone sat in front of her.
"Damn, that looks painful."
She looked up and frowned staring at the woman before her. She noted how the bantu knots she wore suited her until she recognized who it was.
She glared at Dakota's so called girlfriend. She was wearing blue ripped jeans, a white turtleneck neck covered with a deep green leather trench coat. She crossed her legs, casually leaning back as if she owned the place, adjusting her black shades, her black leather knee high boots shining under the sun.
Monica paled staring at the almost sinister smile Frankie had on her face.
"I wonder how you got it."
Monica instinctively reached up to touch at the square shaped bandage she had on her face and glared.
"Why are you here?"
"Ehhhh??? Isn't that a dumb question. I think you know why."
Monica tensed watching her sip on coffee she bought herself, she didn't even see that she had it with her.
Whatever. Doesn't matter why she's here, Dakota's too much of a bitch to say anything...he's a whimp.
Monica thought trying to calm her nerves.
"Look I don't have time to mess around yeah? I gotta go to my class-"
"Sit down, I'm not done talking to you future convict!" Frankie yelled loud enough for those around to hear.
The air left Monica's body, she stilled in her advance to leave the table and looked down hearing people gossip and whispered. She immediately sat down hiding her face with her hands.
"Haha! Hahaha!!" Frankie laughed
"What are you being all shy for?? Shouldn't you be more proud?"
Monica turned to her and glared with all her might.
"You dumb bitch!! What are trying to pull?"
"Me? Oh dear sweetie, I'm not trying to pull anything. You're the sick fuck who thought it was okay to touch another person in the bathroom."
He told her!!?
Monica leaned forward in shock, she opened her mouth to say something but didn't know what to say.
Didn't Dakota care about her?? Why would he tell this jackass??
"Along with that you didn't just touch anyone, you touched what's mine. Do you have a death wish?" Frankie spoke calmly, it took everything in her to not reach across and slap Monica into a coma.
Monica laughed nervously the vibe Frankie was giving off made her nervous.
She was taller and bigger but something about her blatantly talking about what she did made her shaky.
Frankie watched behind her shades as Monica's eyes darted around her in panic. She looked like a caged animal.
Frankie sighed deciding to just give her a warning, leave her to the police and go about her business when suddenly she spoke.
"It's not my damn fault! He shouldn't be wearing those types of clothes, he's a guy for fucks sake!! He was literally asking-"
"...Ah...." Was the only sound that left Monica's lips.
Frankie stared at Monica her hand stinging, she frowned coming back to her senses to see her head was turned to the side.
She had slapped her.
Frankie huffed sitting back down, shaking her hand to get the many needles out. She had used quite a bit of force there, her anger getting the best of her. She didn't even recall moving, just the fact that Monica's words made her blood boil.
"Dakota can wear whatever the hell he wants! It's not for your pleasure. I'd think being a woman you'd understand this concept yourself."
Monica slowly looked up at Frankie as she pulled her shades off to glare at her. The sting from the hit bringing tears to her eyes.
She couldn't feel her cheek.
What the fuck?
"How could you hit me!?"
"And I'll do it again!! You think you deserve any sort of respect??"
"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'D COME HERE AND ASSAULT ME!!" She roared standing up to gather the attention of those around.
Frankie sighed now fed up and wanting to leave.
Monica gagged the coffee Frankie just threw at her flying down her throat, she gasped going into a coughing fit, hunching over to get everything out.
"Stop shrieking like a banshee, weren't you the one trying to hide?" Frankie got up putting her now empty coffee cup down and patting Monica's back as she continued to cough and gag.
"The police should be here by now, but I just wanted to give you a little warning."
Monica looked up wincing, the pain in her throat not seeming to die down. Frankie smiled sweetly the expression unsettling for Monica.
"If you come near Dakota again I'll see to it that you lose the ability to walk, metal bats can be pretty useful besides playing sports."
Monica shivered her coughing fit long forgotten as fear lodged into her throat.
"Catch yah later alligator...better yet, let's hope I don't see you." Frankie winked, collecting her empty cup to throw away, and walking off. She chuckled watching the police rush into the open area.
She made sure to go to the bar this morning and thankfully they had a camera directly outside the bathroom, and as Monica couldn't wait to get her filthy hands on Dakota she was caught on tape.
It was disgusting for Frankie to see but now served as evidence.
Dakota sadly had to recount the experience to make a case.
Monica will probably be fined and issued community service, she'll also be put on the sex offenders list. Frankie would've preferred mutilation since she liked using her hands so much but she'll take what little justice and pain she can cause her. They applied for a restraining order as well just to be safe.
Her phone vibrated and Frankie smiled seeing Dakota's message.
"Frankie!!" He yelled waving her over through the crowd. They were currently meeting up at the park for a small mini date in town. Dakota having been there minutes earlier.
"Ah!" Dakota gasped looking at their outfits. After going to the police station Frankie had told him to take the day off and that she has a surprise for him.
He went home only to find notes all over the place giving him compliments and even telling him to meet her here, after putting on the outfit she choose. He wore a white hoody jacket, with a large deep green shirt over it, blue jeans that stopped at his ankles and black bulky sneakers. He had a few white clips in his hair and wore a simple black eyeliner look.
"We match!" He cheered feeling excited.
"Oh my gosh stop being so cute!" Frankie cried burying her face in his chest.
He laughed hugging her.
"I saw the notes you left me... Thank you."
Frankie pulled back to smile up at him.
"You were so dazed this morning I wondered how you didn't see them yet."
It's true.
While he did feel better about the whole thing his mind was still trying to process it.
"How'd you even plan all..."
"I didn't sleep." Frankie admitted chuckling.
Dakota stared at her.
"I love you." He whispered not knowing how else to express his feelings in that moment, he wanted to say thank you as well but that didn't capture how grateful he was.
"I love you too." She reached up to kiss him on the cheek, he blushed smiling.
"Shall we my lady?"
"We shall!"
They laughed making there way into the park.
"I'm actually kinda hungry. I didn't have an appetite since yesterday." Dakota mumbled holding onto Frankie's hand.
"Oh? Should we go to a cafe?"
"You love those huh?"
"It's technically your fault, it's so bad I even follow Nstagram pages just to find the rare ones."
Dakota laughed watching her playful horrified expression. He squeezed her hand getting her attention, she turned to him and he smiled kissing her forehead.
"Then let's go eat!"
It hurt to lose someone he thought was his friend, but as long as he had someone who loved and accepted him for who he was then the empty relationships he lost wouldn't matter to him.
He was finally stepping into himself, with great support; he'd be a fool to refuse the opportunities ahead and for that reason, he was happy.
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ကံကြမ္မာစေရာ [OC] (Completed)
"အမေ အခုကျွန်တော့်ကို ၁၉နှစ်အရွယ် ကလေးသာသာကောင်မလေးနဲ့ လက်ထပ်ခိုင်းနေတာလား""ဘုန်းမြတ်မင်းသွေး""အကိုက မှူးကို သနားလို့ လက်ထပ်မယ် ပြောတာလား ဒါမှမဟုတ်အကို့ကို သစ္စာဖောက်ခဲ့တဲ့ မိန်းမကို စိတ်နာလို့ သူ့ကိုရွဲ့ပြီး မှူးကိုလက်ထပ်မှာလား""မြမှူးသော်တာ""ကိုဘုန်းက ငါ့အတွက်တော့ ၀ှက်ဖဲတစ်ခုပဲ ငါအပြင်မှာရှုပ်ပွေလို့၀ရင် ကိုဘုန်းရဲ့ မိဘတွေကိုဆန့်ကျင်ပြီး ကိုဘုန်းကိုရအောင်လက်ထပ်မှာ ပြီးရင်တော့ ကျန်တဲ့ဘ၀ကို ဆရာ၀န်ကတော် ဆိုပြီး သိက္ခာရှိရှိနဲ့ ဖြတ်သန်းတော့မှာ""ရွန်းလဲ့ယမုံ"သူတို့သုံးဦးရဲ့ စိတ်၀င်စားဖွယ်ဇာတ်လမ်းက ဘာတွေဆက်ဖြစ်မှာလဲ.............?Zawgyi"အေမ အခုကြၽန္ေတာ့္ကို ၁၉ႏွစ္အရြယ္ ကေလးသာသာေကာင္မေလးနဲ႔ လက္ထပ္ခိုင္းေနတာလား""ဘုန္းျမတ္မင္းေသြး""အကိုက မွဴးကို သနားလို႔ လက္ထပ္မယ္ ေျပာတာလား ဒါမွမဟုတ္အကို႔ကို သစၥာေဖာက္ခဲ့
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I pulled on my beige puff jacket as I opened the door. Just as I turn to the door, Elijah is standing right in front of me. "I've missed you so much." He tilted his head towards me, yearning for one of my kisses. I placed my hand against his face and pulled away. "Don't you have to go skiing?"He removed my hand. "And didn't you just see me this morning?" I asked, tilting my head and placing my hands on my hips. He bites his lips and pulls me closer. "I wanted to see you before we leave." He quickly pecked my lips and gripped my bottom. I lightly pushed him off and giggled. ✘✘✘✘✘𝘑𝘢𝘥𝘢 𝘊𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘌𝘭𝘪𝘫𝘢𝘩 𝘒𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘯. 𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘺𝘭𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘻𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴?(The pictures within this book aren't mine. I edit details and change a few things.)
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Dil Diyan Gallan
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