《Call Me Cute》Epilogue 2
※Warning: Scenes of Sexual Assault※
"I hate his ass!! But his ass is also very cuuuute!" Cammy whined rolling around in her bed.
Swan chuckled turning a shot glass to her head while Frankie stuffed her face with pizza.
"He'll be demoted to booty call 2!"
"Oh no. He lost his rank." Frankie mocked not caring.
Swan laughed at the way she said it so innocently and turned to Cammy just as she sat up to glare at them.
"Why don't you ask him why he left?"
"No way! Well I mean I know!"
"You do?" Swan asked getting more curious.
So far, all they got from her was that booty call #1 was currently lying about cheating, and hounding Cammy about it. He doesn't know that she knows he's lying and has been making up ludicrous storys to somehow make her jealous and won't stop annoying her until she gives into his demands.
To top it off booty call #2 has *actually* been cheating but said he wouldn't stop until Cammy did something for him. What that something is that both these men want; Cammy refused to say.
So now she's stuck between two petty men who think cyber bullying was okay.
"I mean he sent my naked pictures to my mom! How sick do you need to be??"
"Don't change the subject!" Swan warned.
"You're lucky your mom's open about sex." Frankie mumbled recalling how she actually learned about sex first through Cammy's mom and later the internet. She was a retired sex guru if she remembered clearly.
"Come on spill. I'm curious too. What do they want?"
"Yea not like they want your hand in marriage or something." Swan joked.
Cammy blushed her entire face going red.
Swan and Frankie stilled staring at their now tomato red friend.
"HOLY SHIT!!" They yelled simultaneously causing Cammy to scream in embarrassment and hide under her covers.
"You're joking! They both want your ass?!"
"Damn, Cammy. Some people can barely find one and you got two." Frankie teased, laughing as Cammy swore from under the sheet for them to shut up.
Frankie glanced at her phone, seeing the screen light up. She picked it up to see it's a picture from Dakota.
It was him and his friends in a booth at the bar, a few empty bottles already on the table; his face flushed. She frowned spotting Monica but didn't let that bother her.
He's drinking pretty hard.
She stared at it feeling worried.
Should I suggest picking him up? Or will he think I'm too much....
She tensed Monica's words coming to mind, and glared closing her phone, tossing it from her. She stared at the floor feeling annoyed that she remembered them so clearly.
"Hey you okay?"
She blinked coming back to see Swan was staring at her in worry.
"I'm not sure." She stated honestly.
"Oh? What's wrong?"
"I'm uncomfortable with one of Dakota's friends."
Cammy came from under her hiding place at this.
"Huh? Why?" She asked sitting up with the blanket around her.
Frankie thought about it for a moment to gather her thoughts.
"You remember the big fight we had?"
"Yea the strip club incident." Swan supplied
"What? That's what we're calling it?"
"It's not?"
"Anyway! Haha, he only went because of this girl called Monica." Frankie chuckled cutting them off.
"And that girl is currently taking him out again. To a bar this time."
"Mmmm. And you are uncomfortable because...?" Cammy urged her to continue.
"I met her Wednesday. She doesn't like me and she kept trying to almost make me look bad infront of Dakota."
"Which is virtually impossible." Swan piped up.
"Yeah. He's literally in love, in love with you. Like crazy see a hospital in love."
Frankie blushed coughing to hide her embarrassment.
"Dakota doesn't think she's doing anything...but I'm getting a vibe."
Cammy and Swan nodded.
"Which bar?"
"Mm? Uh...Yellow bird."
"Aite Cammy let's go."
"Roger doger!" Cammy cheered standing up.
"Finally something exciting to distract me!"
"Woah hey wait! What are you guys-"
"We gonna go collect your man!"
"What no! Guys stop we can't barge into his get together with friends like that!"
They stilled and looked at her in confusion.
"You got a vibe."
"Yeah that could just be in my head."
"But it's a vibe." Cammy stated repeating Swan.
Frankie laughed sadly at their willingness to help her but she didn't want to indirectly prove Monica right. If she went there, she'd just be seen as the crazy girlfriend who's a control freak.
"Let's just chill and help Cammy feel better. I'm fine. Really."
They shared a look trying to see if what she said was true. Sighing the two sat down pulling a new bottle of wine. Swan filled the biggest glass and gave it to Frankie.
"Let's forget Dakota, booty call 1 and 2 tonight. Yeah?"
She laughed taking the drink from her. They poured themselves a glass and smiled holding them up.
"To temporary amnesia!" They cheered
Frankie groaned standing in Cammy's dorm kitchen, she felt sick. Drinking wasn't her thing.
None of the students were awake right now it was.... She pulled her phone out to check the time only to frown seeing a message from an unknown number.
Its 3:44 AM, so who would be....
Her train of thought stopped.
She stared at the image sent to her.
It felt like every fiber of her being was coated in ice, her body going tense and her heart immediately aching.
It was a picture of Dakota in the rather ample bosom of Monica. From the angle it was taken, most of his face hidden in her cleavage while his hands held onto her waist. Monica herself had her tongue out, her hands in Dakota's hair.
The number wasn't Dakota's, no doubt this was Monica's doing.
Frankie stared at it blankly not sure how to react, it's almost as if she wasn't seeing it properly or her brain couldn't register what it was seeing.
Her hands went limp by her side and she looked ahead at the darkness surrounding her.
"Hahahaha....haha.... HAHAHAHA!!"
She laughed not knowing what else to do, the picture was so shocking to see that her hangover quickly left her.
"Hahahaaaaa..... Mmm. Hilarious." She smiled rubbing at her cornrowed hair, her anger slowly coming to a dangerous level.
Mmm. Very hilarious.
She turned going back into Cammy's room. quietly she collected her things and took up her car keys. She went downstairs, pulled her phone out again and took a screenshot just in case Monica wanted to play dumb and delete it.
She got into her car but instead of going straight to Dakota she instead went to a local 24/7 sports center that thankful had a sport she loved to play whenever she's stressed or frustrated.
Frankie walked in, doing all she needed at the front desk and went into a section she rented. She was fuming. She didn't want to jump to conclusions just yet as Dakota isn't the type to fool around like that. She breathed deeply moving into position her mind running; she swung as the first ball came flying from the machine.
She twisted the wooden bat in hand preparing for the next one. The image sent to her was burned into her memory.
From the picture he looked drunk, she swung again the sound echoing.
To top it off Monica was the one to send it, who's to say she didn't stage the whole thing? Or was Dakota playing some sick prank?
She swing again hitting the ball with full force.
She didn't know what to think, so she swung mindlessly, her mind going back and forth between what is and isn't.
Dakota groaned blinking as something bright flashed in his face. He blinked, frowning as he felt something soft.
The flash happened again and he opened his eyes to see a phone hovering over him.
He tensed and quickly pulled back realizing just what, or rather who he was laying on.
"Did you just take a picture?" He asked feeling drowsy the alcohol getting to him.
"Yes! Keepsake!" Monica grinned smiling. He frowned feeling her heat still on his body and wondered how he even got attached to her. He's not the touchy type when drunk.
He grumbled getting up to go wash his face.
"Oh let me help!" Monica stood up tapping away at something on her phone before standing to hold him steady. He didn't object appreciating the help. She led him to the male's bathroom which was in a dark corner of the bar and he expected her to stay outside and wait for him but when she pushed to follow him instead, he looked to her in alarm.
"Hey wait Mon this is... "
"Oh don't worry I'll help you then leave."
He frowned going to ask help him with what, when suddenly she grabbed him by the waist and flushed their bodies together pushing him up against the door frame.
Dakota went rigid her uncharacteristic movements. catching him off guard. His body ran cold and his limbs went numb.
"Let me help you with this." She whispered reaching down to hold him fully in her hands. He currently wore some form fitting jeans, platform boots and tight long sleeve top. He paled feeling bile rise in his stomach as she fondled him trying to get him hard.
"I always found you so cute Dakota!" She gushed pushing her breasts into his back and using her other hand to snake up his shirt, touching his nipples.
He couldn't move, he couldn't even hear what she was saying, it sounded muffled.
"Don't worry. I took care of your girlfriend too." She whispered, licking and nibbling at his ear lobe trying to sound seductive. Hearing this he finally managed to snap from his fright and spun around his elbow raised. It hit her square on the jaw.
She screamed falling down, holding her face. She looked up at him in shock and betrayal.
"Don't touch me!!!" He yelled his voice breaking. He stepped back from her, the numbness in his body leaving him and stumbled the alcohol still in his system.
"Wha- What did you do to Frankie?!" He spat feeling tears in his eyes, he felt shaky and uncomfortable. He could still feel her hands, her body heat all over him.
He felt sick. He felt filthy.
He wanted to wash his body.
"Dakota what the fuck you just hit me?!"
She yelled looking petrified. He glared coming to stand over her and bent down ignoring his nausea, his desperation taking control of his body. He pulled her to him by her collar.
"And I'll do it again you asshole!! What did you do?!"
She gawked at him, this being her first time hearing him swear, plus Dakota isn't the type to get angry. He tightened his hold on her collar.
"I'm a girl are you insane?!"
"You're a molester! Gender doesn't matter!" He yelled yanking her collar again.
"Now unless you want to end up on the news start talking." He growled out lowly.
Dakota huffed puking up his guts; he didn't even drink that much but Monica was sickening.
She was long gone, tears in her eyes as she ran out of the bathroom leaving him alone but he didn't care. He groaned coming from the bathroom to look at himself. His makeup was a bit messy, it still looked great but his eyes were shaking. Having not recovered from the shock of being touched by someone he trusted.
He felt tears well up in his eyes.
Frankie. I need to find Frankie.
He felt his heart slam in his chest remembering the picture Monica showed him. She apparently went through his phone to find Frankie's phone number and sent it with no context, something that can be easily misunderstood. To his horror the message was read minutes ago.
He went back to the booth to see Monica was thankfully gone.
"Hey did something happen between-"
"Not now. Sorry!" He yelled to Allen grabbing his phone and large trench coat.
He quickly dialed Frankie's number, it rang and rang and rang...no answer.
He growled trying again, feeling fear settling in his chest.
Please no. Frankie..... Please..
He called again, and again but nothing. She wasn't picking up. He went out front and paced around trying to figure out where she could be.
Ah! She said she was hanging out with Swan and Cammy.
He quickly dialed Swan and she answered sounding tired.
"Swan! Is Frankie there?"
"Mmm? Uh... Dakota? Mmm... No... I don't see her actually yeah where the hell is-" her voice died down and he could hear her talking to someone in the background.
"Nah. She left. I have no idea where she is, hey are you oka-"
"Okay thank you." He whispered cutting her off, his voice breaking as he got more anxious.
He was still trying to wrap his head around what happened in the bathroom and now his safe heaven, the one person he cared for was probably alone crying, thinking he was unfaithful.
His tears fell then. The idea of Frankie being in pain and hating him being too much. He sniffled trying to call again. It rang, and rang and ra-
He opened his mouth to say anything but nothing came out. She sounded so cold, so distant, angry.
He covered his mouth as more tears fell. He sniffled the sound muffled.
He wanted to say her name to tell her to it wasn't true, to shout how he'd never betray her like that but he couldn't say a word.
"Dakota....." she whispered his name so softly that
his voice hitched hearing his name.
"Where are you?"
He stilled, his heart falling.
He cried no longer able to be quiet. Between his tears he managed to tell her he was still at the bar, he couldn't hear himself anymore. His voice drowning in his own cries of sorrow, his heart pounding violently in his ears. He felt hot and fragile, if the wind ever tried to kiss his skin he'd just crumble to pieces.
He sat outside wiping his tears furiously, he couldn't stop crying. He dreaded the look he'd face from Frankie. The possible look of distain, disgust. It hurt to think about it.
Moments later Frankie pulled up to the bar. She slammed the car door shut, the sound causing Dakota to flinch. He looked up at her to see she had a blank look on her face until her eyes met his. He expected her to look at him with contempt but when her expression turned to anger he felt an odd relief wash over him.
"Why are you crying?!"
She asked coming closer to lower herself infront on him. Her anger being mixed with worry. He could see that she was sweaty and wondered absentmindedly why.
"Dakota, I asked you a question-"
She stilled looking at him to see he had an expression of relief with a smile of joy on his face. She closed her eyes pulling him to her to hug him.
"Don't cry...." She whispered softly.
"At least don't cry so much....it sucks when you cry."
Dakota chuckled bitterly pulling her to him, her warmth and smell giving him so much comfort it was insane. He relaxed completely, what happened to him seeming to be a nightmare easily chased away by light.
"Let's go." She whispered taking his hand and standing to lead him to the car. He sniffled standing with her help.
They got in and made their way back home.
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