《Call Me Cute》Chapter Thirteen
Dakota groaned leaning to his side, holding his arm.
"You idiot!! I'm not lying, I like you!"
"Wh-What?" He looked up shocked to see Frankie was red from her ears to her neck.
"I can't like men....but... You... I like you." She whispered covering her mouth trying to hide her embarrassment.
Dakota stared in confusion.
Please standby while Frankie explains
Dakota buried his face in his pillow, while Frankie sat by him on the bed, still fuming from being accused of lying.
They managed to calm down and she just explained to him her condition.
He felt so dumb, all this time he thought she was just bitter and hated him but she just hated his presenting gender.
"So....you like me..?"
"Regrettably." Frankie mumbled looking annoyed.
He smiled feeling tears well up in his eyes.
"Are you crying?"
He sniffled quickly wiping his tears away.
He heard her sigh.
"Stop crying...." She mumbled gently making Dakota feel giddy.
"Wait.... But you liked Nathan..." He mumbled looking to her. She didn't meet his gaze as she explained.
"I hated him like I did you, but he was so angelic, nice and different from a typical male that I somehow ended up crushing on him."
Dakota nodded.
Her condition was primary psychological, and determined by factors she herself created in her head so if Nathan jumped over all those then by theory he'd be seen as less of a man which wouldn't trigger her hatred.
He smiled coming to realize how he jumped over those hurdles himself, besides being a nice person in general, he figured his crossdressing helped a lot more.
"I didn't know all this time..." He mused chuckling softly.
"It's not exactly something I'm broadcasting."
"I'm still a guy though, you know that right?"
Frankie finally turned to him and glanced down.
"Oh I'm aware."
Dakota went red and coughed trying to quickly change the subject.
"So um....I'm the second guy you've liked?"
"Have you ever dated anyone?"
"Then....would you like to...uh...d-date me...? Maybe...?" He stuttered still not able to be fully confident in himself.
Frankie blushed and looked down.
"Isn't that already decided!? Why'd you need to ask?" She shouted.
"I can't just say we are! I needed consent!"
She sighed falling back into his bed. She felt him come to hover over her, his wig falling to curtain his face. They stared at each other, silently taking in the details of each other's face, taking in the details of the person they liked....
"You're cute." Frankie suddenly said, she smirked watching Dakota turn red for like the one hundredth time today.
"Don't just say that without warning!!" he whined pulling back to cover his face.
"You're cute." She said again watching him become more red.
"Hahaha you're very cute." She smiled removing his hands to hold them.
"Don't look at me..." He groaned looking away.
"Ah. I can't believe I like you." She laughed falling back onto the bed to look at the ceiling. She still held onto Dakota's hand which made his chest swell with joy.
Dakota hovered over her again, to stare into her eyes. He pushed his hair behind his ear with his free hand and leaned down to gently kiss her on her forehead.
He pulled back satisfied and smiled seeing her blush.
"What was that for?"
"I'm happy."
He turned over to lay beside her, and squeezed her hand for a second, loving the idea of holding hands.
"This is my lucky outfit now."
"Because you liked me back. It's definitely the outfit."
Frankie laughed unable to control herself.
"I guess it is luck."
Frankie sighed finally reaching home.
She entered the kitchen, to see a note from her parents on the counter saying they'd be late due to work.
She hummed opening the fridge to retrieve something to eat.
Ah... My heart is still racing....
She was currently still on a high from having to confess to Dakota. She felt light headed, dizzy, and almost like she was floating. It was really an odd combination of all the happy emotions she could name all bundled into one.
She explained that she had no issues touching him but that she'd still need some time to get used to it all; he was very understanding as expected.
She smiled taking a drink and going to pour it when suddenly large hands snaked around her and her body immediately tensed, breaking out into a cold sweat her reaction telling her it was a man.
Her blood ran cold.
She immediately slammed her feet down on his, and elbowed them in their stomach her nausea rushing forward.
They groaned falling back, and Frankie turned rushing to grab something to send them to the afterlife when she saw who it was.
Her eyes opened wide.
"Hey....auugh. Still got superhuman strength I see.. damn. You hit hard." He groaned holding his stomach, while down on one knee.
She glared at her older brother.
"How many times must I tell you not to touch me?" He groaned in response. She turned around to take whatever else she wanted from the fridge before kicking him in his side for extra measure. He screamed and fell down flat.
She went up stairs to her room and slammed the door shut it annoyance, being sure to lock it.
Her brother was a college student and would come home occasionally without telling anyone.
He's the only one in her family who refuses to respect her boundaries thinking that if he forces her to accept physical contact from males she'd just be cured.
He was an idiot, and the embodiment of the idea of a stereotypical masculine man.
She hated him the most.
She sighed pulling out her phone to text her mom, telling her that her brother was here. She glared at her door hearing him knock.
"Hey Frankie? I'm sorry alright, I just wanted to scare you a little."
"Go touch grass you psychopath!"
She yelled back being dead serious in her suggestion. She ignored him and went to shower and change.
Frankie's frown soon turned into a smiled recalling what happened earlier, the disgusting feeling from her encounter with her brother disappearing as Dakota came to mind.
She had a boyfriend now.
She couldn't believe it. She had fully re-signed herself to a single life, and being a cat mama with no one in her life. To think she'd ever feel affection for a verm- a man.
She blushed thinking about Dakota's sensual display, it made her oddly excited. She bit her lip feeling her lower area become active.
Shaking her head she focused on getting clean.
Soon enough her parents were home, scolding their stubborn son.
"Why must you be so foolish?! We told you already not to get too close to your sister, even if it is a prank!"
Her mom yelled pulling his ear.
"Ah!! Ah! Mom! Gosh I'm sorry."
She gazed at them taking pleasure in his scolding to see her brother had put on more muscle again.
Mm... I'll need to hit him harder next time.....
She mused. If she wanted to cause him any pain she'd need to get past those muscles. Her brother was a useless jock, only knowing to play the game and work out. The guy had no other hobbies, he was typical.
"I'll be in my room." She whispered to her dad who watched his son getting man handled by his wife as if he was watching television. He nodded giving her a soft smile as she left.
She grabbed her phone and went on Nstagram, seeing a notification.
It was from Dakota.
They currently followed each other, Dakota had a page for his crossdressing, named 'Daisy' and one for Dakota the male. Dakota didn't want her following the Daisy account as he was too embarrassed; of course that didn't stop Frankie from liking the posts.
They also texted through the Daisy account regularly.
She smiled seeing that it was a meme he sent; her pulse quicken and she sent back a reaction before scrolling through her feed.
He didn't even say anything, just shared an image and it felt like her whole body felt jittery.
Is this what it's like to like a man?
She'd definitely needed to get used to this.
She looked at a few pictures of girls posing and showing off their wealth. One girl wore a large frilly maid like outfit, for some reason she could see Dakota in it.
Mm....but Dakota would look a lot cuter....
She thought smiling.
"Do you want to die?!" Frankie yelled glaring behind her at her brother who now had a death grip on her school's bag.
Her saviours -her parents- were already out the house so there was no one to stop the idiot.
"Wait hold on just let me drive you to school!" He pleaded refusing to let go.
Frankie gripped the front door's frame preventing him from pulling her back any further. They probably looked like fools struggling infront of the door at 8:00 AM in the morning.
"LET GO!!" Frankie roared taking a step forward.
"come on Frankie just let me-"
Frankie's eyes went wide as the threading of her bag began to separate.
They didn't have a second to spare as she suddenly fell face first onto the driveway.
Frankie managed to keep most of the damage from her face by using her hands but it still hurt..
"Oh my gosh!! Frankie? Are you okay?"
"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME.". She screamed sitting up to glare at him.
He froze having not seen this level of anger before. She stood up her crisp uniform now rugged and messy. She yanked her torn bag from his hand and stared at him with narrowed eyes.
Not saying a word she opened her car slamming the door shut and reversed into the road, her brother still standing there in shock.
She ignored him and sped off; the car screeching as she did.
She was pissed.
He always did this.
She understood he meant no harm but he was too reckless and that made her uncomfortable. He was unpredictable and didn't know boundaries.
She pulled into school and got out feeling miserable. She glanced down at her outfit feeling annoyed, she's always been clean and fresh in her attire. She sighed, her chest heavy.
She looked up and stopped mid way to see Dakota at the entrance a few girls, mostly freshmen and juniors flocking to him. She paused watching him smile politely at whatever they were trying to say to him a mile a minute.
This scene wasn't uncommon, she's seen it before they met and got to know each other but he wasn't special to her then so she minded her business.
Not today.
"Oi." She called marching over to break up the bees who kept buzzing.
"Don't you guys have anything better to do?"
They turned to her, and she smiled watching Dakota's eyes light up.
"And you are?"
Frankie raised a brow before stepping forward quickly, they flinched and she stepped back.
"His girlfriend. Now back up."
They gasped and turned to him for confirmation.
"Isn't that a rumor?"
"I thought I was!"
They began gossiping. Dakota grinned and went to coolly take Frankie's hand in his.
"Later girls." He smiled politely leading Frankie away, Frankie felt amused at the shocked expression they showed.
They stopped once they were at a safe distance.
"You don't mind people knowing?" Dakota asked looking concerned.
"Why the hell should I? You're mine now." Frankie stated seriously, not a single shame in her boldness. Dakota flushed red, taken aback.
"Besides weren't you waiting for me?"
Frankie smirked patting him on the shoulder.
"You're bad at lying..."
Dakota was waiting on her.
He's been waiting since the night before, he was excited to see her again that he could barely sleep, it was so pathetic how excited he was that he'd die before admitting it to her.
He followed behind her as she led the way to the school's garden. They had about thirsty minutes before school officially started.
He felt his stomach tingle at the thought of Frankie boldly claiming him as her own. He knew she was unapologetic in her words and actions but due to her condition he figured she'd be disgusted to say she's dating a man. He was prepared to keep it all a secret.
Ahh... She's so cool.
He glanced down at her only to frown seeing her uniform. Grabbing her to stop just as they reached the garden, he turned her around.
"Oh? What happened?"
Frankie looked confused for a moment until she realized what he was referring to.
"Another parasite appeared." She stated looking ticked.
She sighed leaving his hold to sit in the garden. She brushed off what she could as she answered.
"My brother. He's visiting."
"You have a brother?"
"Yeah... He's a college goer so he's not around much."
"Wait but then how did- gasp!! Don't tell me." Dakota's lip quivered as the thought crossed his mind, be covered his mouth shaking him head. Frankie looked up and gawked at him.
"You idiot! Gross!!! It's not like that! Ew ew ew!! Why would you think that!?" She yelled hitting him on the arm. He smiled sheepishly and shrugged.
"My bad my bad."
"My main people!" Cammy cheered skipping up to them.
"Hey you're early." Frankie mumbled glancing at Swan who came up behind Cammy.
"Why are you so messy?"
Frankie huffed fixing herself to look more appropriate.
"Lewis is back."
"Woah really?" Cammy looked to Swan to see her face was red.
"Wow. Still not over that crush I see." She remarked, Frankie glanced up at this to pull a face in disgust.
"Swan come on! You can do better."
"I can't help it!! He's hawt!" She defended guiltily. Cammy laughed patting her on the back.
"The heart wants what it wants."
Dakota smiled watching their interaction. He turned to see Frankie had a few specs of grass in her hair.
"Oh Frankie, let me..."
She paused turning to him to let him removed them. He brushed a few strands of her locs back, feeling the thickness of her hair.
They smiled at each other.
"Holy fucking shit." Cammy gasped pointing a shaky finger.
"Are you two dating?!"
Swan whisper yelled looking between them.
Dakota's eyes went wide and he turned to Frankie in worry. Telling strangers was one thing but maybe telling friends was going to be harder for-
"Yes that's right. He's my man now."
She admitted with a straight face.
Dakota immediately hid behind his hands his face burning at how she phrased it.
Why am I the only one embarrassed??!!
Cammy and Swan stared at a blank faced Frankie in silence, other students going about their business.
Cammy held her hand out for a hand shake and Frankie gladly accepted a big smile on her face.
"GLORY TO ALL! Welcome to womanhood."
"A pleasure my great comrade"
They joked lowering their voices to mock the sound of business men, and busted out laughing. Swan rolled her eyes before turning to Dakota and smiling, while the other two continued to goof off from the announcement.
"Congrats Song."
Dakota chuckled looking down, his hands no longer blocking his face.
They soon separated to go to their own classes, and continued the day like any other.
Dakota and Frankie agreed to try and keep their relationship on the down low so as to avoid anyone causing troubles as they did last time. It was just a rumor but Frankie ended up being mobbed.
She figured the lower-class students she spoke to earlier still didn't believe her; even if they did, she was prepared to handle it.
Throughout the day however she'd find herself following him with her eyes and expecting to see him. He looked to be doing the same. They didn't move to have a conversation but just seeing the other was enough.
It was just the last period and people were already on their way out.
"How'd you even get a boyfriend before me?" Cammy mumbled looking puzzled as she leaned over Frankie's desk.
"You've had many men before." Frankie mumbled referring to Cammy's healthy sex life.
"Yeaaa but those are flings. Not a lover." Frankie shrugged standing up.
She didn't fully get it either, but all she knew was the Dakota didn't disgust her and he made her giddy just being around him or seeing him. She explained this to Cammy and Swan who tried their best to understand.
"I dunno he just.... doesn't piss me off as much and I don't dream of him dying a horrible death." She admitted truthfully.
"Your hatred runs deep I see.... Still! Where's my sexy hunk?"
"Don't be all jelly now." Swan teased as they walked out of the classroom to the exit.
"Who's jelly? You sure you aren't?"
"Oh please! I've had too many boyfriends and girlfriends if anything."
"True. You're like the walking Human magnet. You have too much power."
"It's called charm darling" she grinned winking, Cammy flushed red and glared.
"You trying to say I don't have charm?"
Frankie laughed at Cammy's offended expression.
"You said it, not-" Swan stopped staring wide eyed infront of her. Frankie followed her gaze and groaned loudly.
"Frankie!! Hey!!" Lewis yelled from the parking lot waving enthusiastically.
Why is he here???
~Dakota's OOTC~
(Outfit Of The Chapter)
Nstagram message:
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