《Call Me Cute》Chapter Eight


It was finally the weekend, it was time for Frankie to chill and enjoy her free time.

Of course that was all just her personal expectation and she was now in hell for the sins she committed.

Oh how she regrets going off the deep end.

She sighed watching Dakota run about in the store. She was in a simple graphic Tee, knee length jeans shorts and some cute flats. Her natural curly hair was cornrowed into two; while her large hoop earrings swung around, from her having to follow Dakota.

"Frankie look! Isn't this cute?"

She ignored her cheeks going red from how Dakota called out to her and nodded mutely.

Ever since that moment near the gym, and his room she's made an effort to test a theory of hers.

She's able to touch Dakota Song the girl without any disgust or anger, she can also touch Dakota Song the boy without much disgust or anger but unlike his girl persona there's a limit to how long she can stomach touching the boy.

She has tested touching other men as well but only ended up bitch slapping them or feeling sick.

Her Step-dad was a willing guinea pig.

She didn't like that Dakota seemed special to her and so she kept this a secret from him, of course he doesn't know about her condition and she planned to keep it that way.

"Frankie, come here!"

She cleared her throat not used to Dakota's falsetto that really made her heart race for some reason. He sounded a lot softer and dare she say sexy, his falsetto had a boyish tone mixed in with it, that was somehow very sensual to Frankie's ear. She sighed wondering what was going on with her.

"They're cherry earrings, do you think I should buy them?"

"They'd look good on you yea."

"Ah. They have bunny ones too...." He pouted looking over his options.

"Uh then...." Frankie casually grabbed him by the face to hold the earrings up to his ear for her to see. Her skin touching his.

The cherry really popped with his creamy skin but then the bunny; that was just the outline of a bunny's head, was really cute.

She stared at both trying to see which is better.

Dakota stared back, his mind empty but his eyes filled with only her.

He could feel his cheeks going red and hoped Frankie didn't see, and with her oblivious nature she thankfully didn't.

"Cherry works best right?"

"Huh? What?"

"You're not even paying attention you swine!"

He smirked the usual sting from her insults reaching him, he might be feeling something new right now but this was the Frankie he knew.

"I'll get the cherry then." He smiled taking it from her and handing it to the cashier.

They went around to a few more stores and even Frankie bought something.

They were now in the cafeteria munching away at junk food, Frankie watched Dakota sip on his drink and eat a handful of fries.

He was wearing a long straight black wig, a large knitted blue crop top sweater with clouds on the front, waist high jeans and bulky pastel sneakers. He wore beautiful dangling silver earrings and a cute warm makeup look. He carried a small white clutch bag with a strap. She figured with going out in public, he'd wear a bra but to her surprise he didn't fake having boobs.


She still didn't get how a guy like Dakota could turn into such a cute, graceful, beautiful, amazon of a woman.

She glanced behind him to see a few guys were staring and smiling with each other as they looked at them. She's come to understand that this was a normal thing for Dakota, with his long legs, cute face and feminine like movements, he was a heart stopper.

Poor guys, too bad he's not a real girl, they'd probably flip their tops if they knew.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Mmm.... That's on a need to know basis. Know your place." She glared at him watching him pout and she could already hear him whining before he started.

"Ugh come on! Can't you be nice to me, is that so hard?"

Frankie gasped leaning forward to harshly whisper:

"You're blackmailing me right now! Why should I be nice??"

Dakota grinned sheepishly, she had a point but he still wanted special treatment, call him shameless but he couldn't help wanting that from Frankie.


He questioned one last time, deciding to just give up if she refused. He watched her move to say no only to stop and hold his gaze.

They stared at each other, the noise around them seeming to get louder.

"Ugh fine! Stup- ugh......"

"Ah! you just said my name!" He gasped, of course she spat it past her lips like it was hurting every fiber of her being to do so but she said it!

Frankie grunted while Dakota celebrated his mini win.

"So when's your birthday?" Dakota asked as they got up, packing their things. They had only a few shopping bags.

"Twenty questions really?"

"Hey I'm trying to get to know you, so when is it?"

"That's on a need- sigh... Mmh. I mean it's June 9, you?"

"Oh next week Friday." He grinned watching Frankie as they left the cafeteria.

"You were born in November.... interesting." She mused, he watched her eyes cloud over with thoughts she wouldn't voice and took this moment to watch her. It's a habit he's developed at this point.

"Do I have something on my face?"

"Opp- no...sorry."

"Why are you always staring at-"

Frankie stopped as a few guys; the ones from the cafeteria, came to block their path. She felt her anger begin to rise already guessing what this was about. There were only three of them, thankfully.

"Hey ladies, mind if we join you?"

"Yes." Frankie answered almost immediately

"Uh....ahem... I mean, wait really?" The same guy asked probably caught off guard by her honest answer.

"Yeah now move." She spat reaching to grab Dakota's sleeve and pull him away when one guy grabbed onto Dakota's hand, the shopping bags he held shaking from the force the guy used to hold him in place.

"Hey now don't you think you're being rude?"

Frankie turned to see where he was holding and before Dakota himself could pull away from the guy, she slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch hi- her, don't touch her."

She glared watching them get ticked off.


"What the fuck is your problem you lil bitch?"

Frankie tensed, watching the guy step towards her but before he could do anything Dakota pushed her behind him. Completely hiding her from their gazes.

"Why don't you guys go find other things to occupy your time? We're obviously busy so we can't entertain you right now."

"Do I look like I fucking care? This lil bitc-"

Dakota grabbed him by the collar yanking him towards him, the shopping bags on his wrist preventing their chests from touching to whisper in his ear. He could hear a few people in the mall gasp and become anxious from his sudden movements.

"I said we're busy, now take thing one and two with you, before I make you swallow your teeth."

He tightened his hold on the guys collar to show he was serious before throwing him down on the ground.

"Have a nice day!" He giggled; grabbing Frankie by the hand to give her a reassuring squeeze, he turned and left.

Frankie glanced behind her to see the boy was still sitting on the ground looking positively terrified, as if he saw his life flash before his eyes. He was rubbing at his throat where Frankie could see a bruise forming quite quickly.

Just how much pressure did Dakota just use?

She looked down at their connected hands, feeling her skin crawl but in an unusual way... it didn't feel bad. She frowned in confusion.

He continued to lead her out of the mall, not seeming to realize he still held onto her.

His hand were a lot bigger than she thought they were.

It's warm....

She stared at his swaying hair that fell like ink across his back and went to stand by him, not letting go of his hand just yet. She watched the furious expression he had and chuckled.

"How chivalrous..... for a male."

Dakota turned to her wanting to voice how annoyed he was with them calling her a bitch, only to pause seeing a genuine smile on her face.

He didn't think it was something he'd ever see in his presence, he was so used to her frowning that this was new to him. He was honestly in awe.

"So my hand?"


He flinched back feeling like he was burned, he didn't even realize he was still holding onto her.

"You sound like a dying whale" Frankie shook her head getting her keys from her pocket.

Dakota felt the need to die on the spot and just disappear. He begrudgingly entered the car and covered his face, not wanting to see Frankie or have her see how red he was.

Frankie pulled into his driveway and turned the car off and watched him collect his many bags from the backseat.

She knew his parents weren't here so he could easily go in to change rather than do it before hand. According to Dakota they weren't usually present, going on business trips or to visit family.

"Thanks I had fun today, even though those guys ruined it... partially." he mumbled glaring ahead of him, Frankie smirked recalling the event.

"You were actually...kinda cool out there."

She admitted. Dakota turned to her so quickly his hair slapped Frankie in her face.

"Ow! Watch it!"



"You thought I was cool?"

Ah. I shouldn't have said that....

She thought watching Dakota's eyes sparkle, her first instinct was to lie and play it off until she remembered his plea for her to be nice. A part of her dark man hating soul wanted to honor that small plea, even if it was for a pathetic man.

Swallowing her pride and ignoring her embarrassment she answered.

"Ugh fine yes! You were cool!"

Dakota smiled, his cheeks hurting from how wide it was but....

"I'd prefer you call me something else though..." He pursed his lips, and glanced at her through his lashes. Frankie's grip tightened on the steering wheel, the sudden shift in his behavior catching her off guard.

"What...?" She asked her mind empty and hyper focused on his movements.

She watched him lean over so they were a lot closer than they needed to be.

"You haven't complimented my outfit at all today."

Frankie glared but didn't dare move.

"That's it?"


"Why do I need to?"

"Cause I want you to."

"Wha- why?"

"I like when you compliment me."


She felt her heart skip a beat at that and her eyes widened.


She met Dakota's stare, his dark eyes unlike the first time she gazed into them. He had on eyeliner and nude sparking eye shadow. His pink lips looked fuller and pulled her attention the most out of everything on his face.


"....looks so cute."


"You look cute....you looked cute today." She whispered so softly, Dakota almost forgot all the traumatizing things she's ever said to him.

He felt his chest tighten, and the urge to get closer washed over him, he watched her for a moment knowing she'd probably sock him in the face if he did but he couldn't help it. Taking that split second of courage he leaned forward and pecked her on the cheek.


"Girl friends can kiss too." He stated confidently.

Frankie gasped watching Dakota pull back with a red face and quickly scramble from the car.

"Bye!" He yelled as he ran into his house leaving Frankie frozen in her seat.

She reached up to touch her cheek and blushed both from embarrassment and anger.

"That little...." She cursed turning to glance in the mirror and sure enough there was pink lipstick mark on her cheek.



She yelled hitting her chest, annoyed that her body was betraying her for some washed up subhuman maggot!

While she pulled from his driveway and cursed till her throat went dry, she couldn't help feeling the warmth on her cheek that Dakota left behind.

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