《Call Me Cute》Chapter Two


Frankie was currently in Literature class, she didn't hate the subject but it did bore her, all she read were overly complicated books worded in such a way that it made her head hurt; some of them even had the most basic plots.

Frankie glanced up to quickly jot down the resources the teacher wrote on the board.

"Now don't message me late at night asking where you can find a PDF copy of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet! You're young adults now, stop acting like babies."

A few kids laughed while others scratched at their heads awkwardly, more or likely guilty of what the teacher was referring to.

"Okay let's move on with what little time we have lef- "

The door to the classroom banged open. Everyone jumped shocked by the sudden disturbance.

At the door stood the three guys Frankie saw a few days ago. They were hunched over and breathing heavy. Their uniforms looked ruffled and scuffy, it looked like they either played around in dirt or fell down.

Frankie swallowed thickly the stench of their hurried sprint reaching her. She felt her stomach clench in protest.

Her symptoms were usually just raw anger, tense muscles or nausea. They didn't come in that order or came all at once. It all depended on the situation and for now....nausea seemed to be the winner.

The tallest quickly stood up, oddly looking bashful and embarrassed. The expression was so different from his usual cool and brooding look that Frankie blinked repeatedly in shock.

"Uh... Sorry we're...." She watched his face flush at the falsetto pitch that came from his lips.

"Ahem...I mean sorry we're late." He corrected his voice going deeper.

"You're more than late Mr. Song, Reid and Mr. Wright. Sit down."

The teacher spat calmly, she watched them make their way to the back.

"Ah. Not on my watch, Mr Song to the front?"

"What why me?" He yelled throwing his hands out in protest. He was a bit behind Frankie but his large movements were enough for her vision to blur a little from being overwhelmed with his presence. She felt extremely sick, to the point her entire body began to ache.

She has gotten used to handling men, she figured her symptoms were more extreme because of this guy's height. He towered over most people which meant he took up more room; room Frankie used to breathe and keep a safe distance.

Two feet was enough.

She inched down further into her seat being sure her uniform skirt didn't crinkle and leaned away from the male behind her.

"Sit in the front Mr. Song, no doubt you were the ring leader in whatever mishap you got yourself into this time."

"What? That's so unfair I-"





"Mr. Song!"

She could hear him grumble as he took a seat right by her.

Her eyes widened in fear.

Eh? Why...? The seat was empty?

She glanced around her and sure enough most seats at the front were empty, minus the girls who sat upfront with her. She always sat at the front of the class as she knew the boys would flock to the back in order to goof off without being seen. There were a few boys who would be up front too but even they didn't sit close by her. She glanced around to see there were two more seats free just by him


She knew he only took the seat as it was closest to him and he was probably embarrassed, wanting to just end the spotlight that was on him.

Still it pissed her off that he decided to sit by her.

She felt her breathing go shallow at the thought of a male being so close to her, she breathed deeply trying to relax and immediately regretted it. She felt her stomach go up in knots at his smell. It was a lot more potent as he was sweaty, probably from having to run here.


She covered her nose trying to steady herself, she could hear him talking to someone but she didn't dare move and just breathed through her mouth instead. She tensed as he moved in her peripheral vision but instead of an overwhelming musk smell it's was that sweet scent again. She removed her hand instinctively for confirmation and sure enough it was that chocolate, cinnamon aroma.


She glanced at him in confusion.

Didn't he just smell like a-

Her thoughts were cut short as he moved yet again and that wretched musk got to her. She swallowed thickly returning to her defensive position.

Ah. What the hell is up with this guy??!

She began to shake, and her fingers began to grow cold. She felt really really sick.

"Woah hey you okay?"

Her heart stopped.

She looked to the boy called Song, his dark brown eyes looking at her in worry.

She noted how his looks were definitely the type women would chase if they needed a lover, but while he had this obvious masculine charm there was a hidden feminine quality to his face.

That rare undefined beauty was captivating but it still wasn't enough to stop Frankie from puking straight into his lap.

Dakota stood outside the nurse's office, with a stoic expression.

His uniform now in a ziplock bag and having to wear his PE uniform.

Thankfully that was the class they had next but he'd need to wear this until he got home.

The silence of the hallway and the soft hum of noise from other classrooms left his mind wondering.

She puked on me.....

Was all he managed to muster up from the thirty minutes he'd been standing there, he's never had someone look at him like he was no better than a bug only to regurgitate.

He thought back to how annoyed and shocked she looked that he was talking to her, the way her eyes rolled back and everything came rushing forward like a power wash hose.

He was tasked with carrying her to the nurse's office, something he didn't get.

He was a victim too, shouldn't they worry about him as well?

He shivered the warmth of her stomach fluids still leaving a sensation on his lap.

The door to the office opened and he watched her walk out looking tired. He didn't really care about whether or not she was okay but he figured he'd be nice, incase she said anything to their teacher, who would probably give him another earful again.


"Hey are you-"

He stopped dead in his sentence, watching the very girl he just practically save jerk away from him and hold up her fists in defense. She glared at him with so much hate that his jaw fell slack in shock.

His annoyance spiked and he glared back at her.

"Don't you think you're being a little rude."

"Aren't you the rude one?"

She replied calmly looking even more annoyed than him if that was even possible.

"What the hell is your problem?!" He yelled stepping towards her, he watched her eyes go wide as she fully pulled back, the distance he closed before widened considerably.

He stood there baffled by her behavior before turning around to pull at his hair in frustration.

Ahhh what the hell is up with this weirdo?

He sighed before turning around

"Listen I get that you..... don't...huh? Where'd she-?"

He gawked at the empty space infront of him, his anger reaching a new high.

What the hell?!

"Ah! Dakota, why don't you watch Bennett as she isn't feeling well? We already paired up so you can sit this one out."

He stared at the retreating back of his teacher, the reassuring pat he just gave him stinging his shoulder.

He glanced at the annoying girl he was tasked to baby sit. She sat on the benches in the gym a relaxed expression on her face. It was as if she didn't just assault him with her stomach acid and insult him by avoiding his touch, while he was trying to be nice to her. He sighed and took a deep breath.

It was just for now.....

He just needed to care for her for this class and he'd be done. He went over to sit by her, watching as she seemed to tense. He blinked at this, feeling he wasn't seeing correctly.

Do I make her that uncomfortable?

"You're persistent aren't you?"

He glared at her comment suggesting he was chasing her.

"Blind aren't you? You're not exactly my type." He smiled, a fake smile that barely reached his eyes.

"Says the stalker."

"Listen here you little brat-" he spat turning to her ready to give her a piece of his mind.

"Stop right there. I don't talk to vermin." She replied coolly holding up a hand for extra measure.

Ver- VERMIN??!

"You're something else aren't you? The confidence you have with such a bird nest on your head!"

He glared watching as she turned to him obviously insulted by what he said.

"You're one to talk! You look like a porcelain doll! Why is a guy's skin so pretty?"

"Oh yeah?? Who the- huh? Wait what?"

He watched her as realization hit from what she said.

"It's an insult!" She spat before turning away from him.

They sat in silence, each watching their peers go about the usual class routine. He glanced at her to see she was a bit further away from him, he didn't bother to question why she moved and instead took in her appearance.

She had spiralling thick hair, dark skin and light brown eyes. She had many moles on her face, two by her left eyes, one on her right cheek, on her chin, by her eyebrow and on her nose. Her lips were also big and a dark pink color, she was small too with a healthy body weight, she wasn't too fat or too thin, would chubby be the right word? She looked pretty normal overall, just average. She's the type that looked cute and friendly, having a warm vibe to them.

Too bad she seemed to be the opposite.

Rude, annoying, ungrateful and weird.

He sighed looking away from her, his energy draining.

Frankie could feel him staring.

She wasn't close to him anymore so thankfully her body wasn't reacting too much.

She ignored his piercing gaze and thought back to why she was even sitting out one of her favorite classes. She knew what happened, she might've momentarily passed out but she remembered.

It was his fault.

She couldn't handle him talking to her and his confusing smell. He smiled like a girl at one point but then a boy the next, it left Frankie's mind running between the two in confusion.

"Dakota! Come help me with this one second!"

"Sure thing coach!"

Ah....his name's Dakota? Dakota...Song....

She watched him stand up to do as asked. He was tall but he had a very slender, lean build that didn't carry much muscle, but he was strong.

He had natural wavy neck length dark hair, that curled around his ear and the nape of his neck. His skin was creamy brown, giving him a soft tan look, he was also fair, not a single blemish on him.

His monolid eyes gave him a cat look; the corner of his lips that naturally curved upward even when he wasn't smiling added to that vibe.

She wondered if that's what gave him this underlying feminine look to him.

She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but everything he had worked so well together that it granted him a beauty only he could pull off.

Frankie felt bile rise in her stomach again.

No doubt he used his beauty to backstab someone or scam an innocent soul.

Frankie has seen the type, she knew that he was definitely up to no good in his free time especially from what the teacher said. A ring leader.... Yeah he was probably some mob gangster.

Let's avoid him.

Was what Frankie thought as their class came to an end.

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