《Halloween Vault 2》#6 | FoodKart - Missing Gummy Bears


Halloween is the one occasion in which candy consumption isn't only enjoyed, it's almost a requirement. Chocolates, lollipops, every sweet confection that you can imagine is available, but what if a particular candy wasn't what it seems. As part of the multi-profile Halloween Vault events, is excited to present our writing contest: Missing Gummy Bears!

Not a writer? Scroll down for our scavenger hunt.


After a hard day of work, there isn't anything you enjoy better than coming home and eating a bag of gummy bears. On a morning, you find the new bag you brought home the evening before torn to pieces, but empty of sweets. You live alone and have no neighbours, yet you start finding a single gummy bear in different unexpected places.


► The contest will end on and winners will be announced the first week of December.

► Your text must be .

► All entries must follow the prompt above.

► The story must be new to Wattpad, either posted as a new book or a new chapter in an already existing book of yours.

► All entries must be in English. Pay attention to your grammar and spelling to make sure your story is understandable and accessible.

► All stories must adhere to .

► A limit of one entry per user can be entered by submitting it via this .


The best entries will be added to our on . The chapter will be dedicated to the writer and all copyright remains the ownership of the author. Entries will also get a Halloween Vault Hunter sticker for their book cover/chapter media, shout outs from the profile and a mention in our other stories.


Your clue:

A mysterious dimension opens for a group of chefs at a restaurant's freezer.

Go to the profile, look through our books (Back of the House excluded) for a chapter that fits and submit the title of the chapter via this .

We are waiting for you and make sure you don't lock yourself in the meat freezer...


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