《Halloween Vault 2》#5 | YASciFantasy - Beyond the Gates


It is that time of the year once again - where all things that go bump in the night let their reign be known. So, strap in your proton blasters and swords, for who knows what the night shall bring for the crew of .


The area 51 raid happened - and despite how many people told you how foolish it was, you went anyways. A few thousand people stood at the gates, chatting and holding signs. The few that tried to enter were promptly arrested.

But you had another approach.

You returned a few weeks after the event - somehow managing to sneak past the guards undetected, and into the base... and now, as you stand face to face with that... discovery... you only then realize that this may not have been the best decision.

For your fate now lays in the hands of whatever you just pissed off...


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► Only stories written in english will be accepted at this time, as unfortunately, we do not have other language capabilities at this time.


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